Kick Drum Heart

Twenty below
9 March 2009, 4:38 pm
Filed under: Writing

I. Am. So. Cold.

I didn’t have time to grab my hoodie for track, and now I can’t seem to get warm. I’ll be hitting the hot shower in mere minutes, but God I am freezing.

I’m a little sick to my stomach too, but I ran over one and a half miles today. Whoo hoooo.

And for dinner we are having potatoes (baked in olive oil, mmm, if I make them), salad, and hamsteak. God, I’m hungry too. I say God a lot when I’m feeling like shit, I guess.

I can barely type, my hands are numb. And all day I’ve felt a little uninteresting and a lot boring because I can’t seem to capture someone’s attention long enough to have a conversation. Maybe he just has some sort of set image of me in his mind and can’t replace it with a better one. Whatever. I’m so exhausted (and it’s a good exhausted, so take note: I’m not complaining). But I’m just not in the mood to think and over-analyze and stress myself out over a guy who is normal around everyone else but me.

I probably shouldn’t talk, though, because I’m normal around everyone else but him. God damn it, but that does not mean we are in the same situation. I’ve taken the initiative so many times, without any kind of reaction except one dance. And that was probably on a dare or something.

Oh well. I’m boring. I’ll get over it.

I feel like I’m going to puke. But I am so hungry. I suppose I’ll get over that too. God.

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