Kick Drum Heart

Yet another day
21 April 2009, 9:29 pm
Filed under: Events, My Day, Random Thoughts, Ranting, Writing

I should be in bed trying to catch some z’s right now. Or any letters, really.
I felt like writing, though, and a few minutes of reeling off some thoughts can’t hurt.

Europe people got back last night. Some were back in school today, and we got to hear all about their trip. Some will be back tomorrow, and whether we want to or not, we will get to hear all about their trip.

Today was my first official track meet. It was at home, and I have a feeling we lost, but that honestly doesn’t matter to me. I mean, it’s important that we do well, but since I personally did my best, the rest fills in as a new experience. Whether we won or lost is uncontroversial. I have to say, I love the feeling of this kind of team. Before, I’ve been in a group of people where you have to depend on and work off of the other people in it (i.e. band, or musicals, or summer league softball), but I’m finding myself enjoying the comraderie of an actual, dedicated sports team. A school sport.

On another sports note, Sowa is pissing me off. Facebook is not the place to debate how ferociously the Capitols will vanquish the Rangers, however, so I’ll save it for tomorrow during AP.

I guess I just felt like writing or typing stuff out, but none of the important stuff that’s sifting through my mind feels like oozing into words, so no oozing for tonight. I’m signing off and attempting to get my eight hours of sleep. Even though by the time I get into bed it will be impossible, given when I’m forced into the world of the living. Mmpf, well. Good night.

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