Kick Drum Heart

This may not be the moment, to tell you face-to-face
14 December 2009, 10:25 pm
Filed under: Writing

I know, I know. I’ve been blogging up a storm lately. It’s just because there’s a lot on my mind that I can’t preoccupy myself thinking about, so I have to schedule a time to get it all out of there.

I want to go to school tomorrow and have something cute happen to me.

And from that one statement, I just realized that I’m being completely superficial and retarded and I feel like I’m not thinking about anyone else at all, except in regard to how they relate to me.

This needs to stop. Right now.

I know I haven’t liked a boy in a long time so it’s weird for me to think about someone so much. But I’m not thinking about how I can be wonderful to him, I’m thinking about how much fun I could derive from hanging out with him.

So I’m being selfish.

And like I said, this needs to stop.

Okay, so I made Robby a hat. Big deal. I felt bad for his cold bald head. But that was one kind act in a cesspool of self-absorbed ones. I need to get a grip and get it together.

And this was so not where I planned on having this blog go, hah. I wanted to rant and rave about my problems and think about that boy some more. (Not Robby, the other one. Although Robby is damn cute and so so funny! :])

I’m waiting on his answer and I don’t really have anything else to do but sit here and think about myself, so what do you expect?

I need to stop being such a– I don’t know, such a self-obsessed idiot. I need to tug my head back from the clouds of dreamy dazed romanticism and try to be nicer. And less egocentric.

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You have a lovely writing style, and if this were a story I’d say it has the makings of being one of the greatest YA novels of all time. I do wonder if perhaps you’re a bit too hard on yourself though. Self-obsessed because you’re thinking about a boy? Because you want a little romance? Because (My God! How could you!) You want a little special attention?

This is not selfish. It is healthy, natural behavior. Why don’t you pay attention to yourself a little? Even God himself said, “Love your neighbor as much as yourself” (not more!)

Treat yourself. You’re obviously a nice person. You deserve it.

Comment by Uninvoked

Thanks so much for reading! And I do tend to be a little over-dramatic while blogging, haha, but it’d be sweet if somehow my life could translate to a story.

And I really don’t have time for boys, that’s why I’m so critical. There’s just not enough time to live, if you know what I mean, haha. There’s too much to do! : )

Comment by kickdrumheart

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