Kick Drum Heart

5:13 PM 18 April 2010

The Porch/Verandah/Whatever You Want to Call It
Cancun, Mexico

The climate is gorgeous here. The incessant roar/slap/sigh of the waves is like a lullaby. People watching thus far has proven really bizarre but I’m not too upset over the weirdness of seeing every Tom, Dick & Jose in their speedos. There’s a cute boy to our right, and eh might be a smidgeon young but as far as I can tell, possesses lovely bone structure.

It hasn’t been all peachy-keen so far, though. We arrived at our hotel at around, oh, 12:30 (Central time). We had to wait until 3 until our “rooms” were ready, and even then, only ours was. We went in the salt water and splashed around for a while, but Karen lost her $400 glasses in the waves and sliced her knee on some sharp object in the water.

Okay, we’re going to the “VIP Lounge” (whatever); we’ll see what that is.