Kick Drum Heart

Well, it’s another day

Today was a day of thinking. I got a postcard from Michael! So I went to the woods and sat and wrote him a six-page letter that took me an hour and a half and three minutes. While writing, my mind was whirring with possibilities. What can I tell Michael?

Lots, it turns out :)

As I wrote, I also thought about the little, stressful details twining around my days lately. Just small things that grate away at my good mood until I can’t do anything but dwell on them. I told Michael some of my problems, and I internalized the others. I’ll get rid of them by singing, either opera or belting it out improperly.

It’s just irksome to know that after such a decent stretch of time feeling peaceful and happy, I find myself stressing over insignificant things.

And then come the what-ifs that flutter in to join the other stuff.

But the way I figure, I can spend my whole life thinking, “What if it’s this? What if it’s that?”

Well what if I never find out? That would be worse, I would think.

So hopefully over the next few days I’ll stop thinking so much again. I’ll stop fretting. Hopefully.