Kick Drum Heart

Little widgety calendar thing

Okay, I decided this last night as I was laying in bed attempting to sleep. Between tossing and turning I thought, if Brendan can give up the computer for a month, then I should have absolutely no problem writing for a month.

It doesn’t exactly correlate but in my sleepy-minded logic yestereve it totally made sense. So, beginning yesterday, I will be blogging at least once a day for the entire month of June. Even if they’re just little short blogs or poems, I will post something. Hopefully soon I’ll be able to come up with a sweet banner and theme I like, as well. It’s been like toenail polish lately: I can’t decide which one to do it in and am stuck with an in between that I’m not so fond of.

Anyway, that’s my plan. I usually end up trying to write, though, and ending up with double my normal output of words. Prose, haiku, what the hell ever, it usually just gets going when I try to be constant at it.

So it might end up, say, two or three posts a day. Not that it really matters.

I want to see that little widgety calendar full of links by July 1.