Kick Drum Heart


Now that I feel like Buddha, I’m going to share my wisdom. And elaborate.

I have encountered a number of life’s lessons this year (a tiny portion, I’m sure), and in doing so have discovered that not everything should be taken at face value. Not everything one comes across should be accepted as the truth.

That could be taken a number of different ways, depending on who is looking at it. If you’re a mellow fellow, you could just assume that I’m talking about the mysteries of life, and how they are just that– mysteries. And how we don’t really know anything.

To an opinionated soul, it might come across as vague, or it could be a direct reference to something. For example, I could be talking about religion or politics, and the facades and shrouds of half-truths that surround those shaky topics.

To the cynic, I’m probably wrong and misguided and what is the point of this blog again?

I’m agreeing with the three separate personas: I don’t really have a point in writing this, I’ve uncovered the wobbly fact that I think I’m agnostic and a conservative liberal, and I definitely agree that people don’t know anything. Myself included, most days.

Besides that, I’ve figured out that what the modern world takes for concrete fact, we should be questioning, and what people so eagerly attack should simply be accepted.

So… okay. I’m going to just jump right into it.

A concept I’ve observed is taken as fact: if you’re thin it’s okay to eat, but if you’re built differently, you’d be considered a plus size. Better stick to salad.

The actual truth: that’s just bull shit. Since when is it fashionable to look like you volunteered for a concentration camp? Get real, be real. Stick-thin only happens naturally to a handful of girls. So thanks but no thanks, I’ll eat my french fries, go for a swim, and enjoy the fact that I’ve got curves.

A completely unrelated concept: The government’s leading us to success and change.

Some food for thought: Why aren’t we criticizing Obama even half as much as America critiqued Bush? He can fuck us over as easily as Bush could.

And I could go on, but that’s enough opinion for me today. I’m going to go work on my book/story/whatever you want to call it. I’ve just been thinking lately, kind of deeply, that as a whole, society just sits back and accepts ideas that could really do us harm. Such as the projected images of skin-and-bones being “in” and adored, and the belief that just because we have a new president who can talk a good game, everything’s going to be peachy keen. I wish him luck, honestly, he’s got quite a lot to live up to if he wants to meet America’s expectations.

Society bashes a lot of age-old beliefs as well, when in the here and now there are people suffering, everywhere. Instead of harping on how outdated and wrong the Bible is, it might be a good idea to take a look at the main thoughts it preaches. To love everybody and help out your neighbot aren’t such bad actions, are they?

The most I can do, personally, is try to think of others before myself, and that’s tough for me. But when it works, when I do, it brings such a peaceful feeling. Satisfaction.

I really feel like Buddha now, ha. Enough with the deep thoughts. I’m going to go write some more and listen to the Avett Brothers and Scott and Seth’s kick drum hearts.