Kick Drum Heart

Pretty much all I am

I love my new wordpress layout :)

I liked the kickdrumheart one, too, don’t get me wrong. But this? It’s black and red, which I normally cringe at together. The white gives it a lacing of class, and the fogginess of it all illustrates the lack of clarity that envelopes my life most of the time.

The coolest part is, naturally, the Avett Brothers lyrics in the banner and side images.

They’re from the song “Gimmeakiss”– which is cute to begin with– but also seems to coalesce with my current agenda. Ironic, isn’t it, that when I need to focus on important things I start wanting to flirt with boys.

I’m silly, I know. I just won’t think about that, and hope it goes away.

But my all-time favorite lyric from the Avetts right now is in the image header:

“You hear my voice right now, well that’s pretty much all I am”

… that pretty much sums up my life.

Or how I want my life to be, anyway. That’s in the plan: my plan. My plan for success, for life.

To sing.

That’s all I want right now.

Xylophone, musical, choir, writing, yearbook…

As much as I love them all, they can fade into silence. My family and friends speak to me, and I’ll sing for them as well as myself.

My road leads me toward music. I want to hear it, breathe it. Feelitsingitliveit. I want that to be my life.

My voice? It’s pretty much all I am.