Kick Drum Heart

What makes you think that you

What makes you think that you could
Try it once again
Your heart says, it can’t hurt
Your head says, you’re really stupid

What makes you think that you might
Find that once again
Not that you had It before, but
It’s never a low goal, so

What makes you think that you can
Sashay into his world
Pale hair, hips swinging, smile
And it’s usually the opposite reaction

What makes you think that you should
Attempt to snag a heart
It’s too late for this new start, and
It’s so foolish but your pulse races on

What makes you think that you are
Worthy of his life
It’s sad but his is so different, it’s not
Like you’ve known each other long

What makes you think that you will
Connect with him and his
There’s not so much time to
Act and still it tugs at you, it calls

What makes you think that you may
Ever see tomorrow
Ever get the chance, since none of
Us have time left

What makes you think that you are
Entitled to waste a moment
Dwelling on your flaws when
He could be admiring them

What makes you think that you are
Unworthy of his time
When girl, you’re strong and vibrant
And he’ll know it if you let him

What makes you think that you are
Any less amazing than those other
Girls who look his way
Why you, why you, why you

What makes you think that you can’t
Sing out and greet your lifetime
The seconds that you’re wasting
Could be spent more happily

What makes you think that you won’t
Succeed when it’s been done before
What makes you think that you’re wrong
For wishing at something more?