Kick Drum Heart

Missing, my heart

I’ve decided I miss summer.

I miss the light-hearted freedom that accompanies every inhalation.

I miss the endless, constant green. I miss the breezes that seem to blow cool air straight from the beach (and not the part with dead fish sweating on the shoreline, either).

I miss the time when the Avett Brothers could make me happy with one light stroke of a pick across nickel wire.

I miss talking to people instead of hearing talk about them. I miss sleep. I miss “Hello, Dolly” and Emily and Kevin and I freaking miss Mr. Lerew.

I miss the changes I thought were going to happen that didn’t. I miss the opportunities I’ve wasted so far because I can’t function on so little sleep and am not focused.

I miss the comfort I once had, that placated the cynicism that keeps trying to corrode my mind. I miss the soothing calm of peace. I miss early mornings filled with sunrise and the laid-back mindset that accompanies not having to do anything.

I miss these things and people so damn much my heart hurts. Just feels like it’s aching and throbbing and is just going to jump out of my chest. It’s so miserable, it wants out.

I miss summer.


 I believe I’m going to go skating today.

It’s a gorgeous, clear day in January with no snow. Unusual, but pretty sweet altogether. So, if Doc Boy isn’t over at grandma’s, I might take my roller blades/skates/whatever you want to call them over there, blast my iPod and get in some exercise while making good use of a previously abandoned blacktop driveway.

Maybe I’ll take the Grizz with me. I’ve been meaning to do something with the dogs. Hmm.

As long as he doesn’t try to gallivant off into the road, the woods, the garden, or grandma’s front room, I think I will bring him along. This means I really won’t have my iPod on very loudly, but who cares? Quality time with the Beast; I haven’t had any of that since summertime, and I’ve neglected him. I feel awful… I’ll make it up to him.

So, skating. I’m going today.

Snowflakes are all on the ground

It’s 2:35, and clear as a bell.

Yeah, it stormed like the dickens from eight until one. But guess what? The school day starts at seven-twenty-one and ends at two o’ seven.

Oh, well, though. I’m not so crazy-negative like I was earlier, but I have had a pretty pointless day. I ate Christmas cookies, my sister beat me at Monopoly, and I crocheted a little bit. Now I’m going to go clean (gag) and then work on NHS papers or read. Later tonight we’re going to Doc Boy’s for Christmas with Grandma. No West Point to keep me entertained this time, though, so I might bring NHS papers there. I highly doubt there will be any great deal of stimulating activity.

I wish there would have been school, but whatever. The “Ball” was postponed until after break, and I’m sitting here will an unworn dress and sick heels I’m saving for then.

And it’s time to clean now, which is probably why the tone of this post stayed so negative. Sorry.