Kick Drum Heart

So, about those posts with the Spanish

I just updated all of my writing from Mexico; I’d dragged a notebook down there with me and penned away during free time or down time. The one entry I never finished, ha.

Here’s a silly tidbit that I’d scribbled in a margin, from day two or three. I was probably laying in the fishnet-woven hammock on the verandah at the time:

“She wouldn’t give up her seat on the Underground Railroad” — talking about Rosa Parks. Some drunk gay guy

Cute, huh? I know I cracked up. And he said it in such an obviously queer tone of voice, it was hysterical. Nothing against gays or anything: it was just a quirky little detail to an outrageously inebriated comment.

Well, that’s all for tonight. 

There’s more I could write, about cousins, and lives and fear and confessions. But I won’t, because. Just because I don’t know if I’m ready to. But there we are, all of my thoughts from Cancun, just read below. Have a great night/evening/day/whatever time it is that whoever reads this, reads this.

And and here I am

It’s lately seeming that, the more I work and plan, the more I want to work and plan. The more I actually attempt to work and plan.

The more I work and plan, the more I feel the need to read, to escape the incessant working and planning. But the more I read, the more I crave words, and knowledge. The more I want to write.

It’s nice being driven like this. I’m thirsty.

I found this pretty quote in Frankenstein and decided it fit my mood. That’s why I came upstairs to blog, anyway. I wanted to post this quote:

“…I feel my heart glow with an enthusiasm which elevates me to heaven, for nothing contributes so much to tranquillize the mind as a steady purpose– a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye” (Shelley 2).

See, it’s pretty and fitting (and pretty fitting), if I do say so myself.