Kick Drum Heart

O tannenbaum

Whoo! Merry Christmas!

What a day! I’ve gotten the least amount of presents numerically, but the most in value. I have a new (YELLOW) iPod nano, and a flash drive. And adorable boots, and a new Sabres bag (!) and an iPod home/alarm clock/thing, and a new skirt, and a shirt that advises onlookers to ditch their boyfriends for a musician. This is not including various stocking stuffers (mostly daily hygienic products… shampoo, lotion, etc., although I did get some sick Mary Kay eyeliner, and six new pens! I can’t help it, I love new pens… and some of these are purple :] ).

It’s awesome. Just fricken awesome.

And, for the first time, I had my own money to spend on other people. It feels phenomenal. I bought mom new (square) dishes, and Michelle now has a rubber duck, some stuffed sheep, two new sets of pajamas, and socks. All from moi. I love having money, as shallow as that sounds. That means I can be somewhat independent, and buy whatever quirky item catches my eye for my friends and family, and I love it.

Today has been a great day so far. I need to download iTunes v. 8.0 or something, though, which means my dial-up connection to the internet should be humming for, ahh, four hours plus. Oh, well. It will give me time to scan pictures for yearbook and load them onto my new flash drive! :D