Kick Drum Heart


So, I have not been blogging lately, but never fear. I have been writing up a storm.

It’s always been my dream to write a book. For as long as I can remember I’ve been making up stories left and right.

Now is the time where I get to feeling like my hypothetical biological clock is ticking. NOT for children… for a book.

There are already published authors who are my age or younger. I have a great deal to contribute to the literary world and am so eager to share it!

So for the past few weeks I’ve been carrying around a simple-but-perfect black composition notebook. It’s a lot like a journal, because the story is going to be narrated by me, for the most part. It’s easier telling a story that way; reading one written by someone else always makes me feel like I am in that character’s shoes at that particular place in time. What I write is always in story form, though; I have a setting and a cast of characters and I’m trying to go crazy with it every chance I get. I think it’s working :] As soon as I fill up the notebook, I’m typing and revising the little excerpts I have, then putting them in order. And then filling in the gaps with more story. Maybe I’ll even fill a second notebook, depending on how much material I feel like I’m lacking.

Ha, but anyway. There you have it, the reason why I have neglected my blog.