Kick Drum Heart

Arrivederci, il mio amore

I’m done.

I’m through.

It’s over.

I’m finished trying to run, finished trying to control, and finished trying to be independent. Trying to be a grown-up. Let fate fall where it may, and I guess I’m leaning against the old fallback of “if God wills it.”

But seriously. At this point, if God wills it, I’ll be one intensely blessed grateful dumb shit.

I’m done.

I’m done with pretending that I’m an adult. I’m not, okay? So get over it and leave me alone. I’m struggling to get into a college that I know I’m not prepared for in a competitive world that’s waiting with eager, dripping jaws to eat me alive. I’m not ready.

I’m through.

I’m through sitting back and letting my hundreds of responsibilities run amok over me. It’s partially my fault through disorganization, partially my fault through neglect. I’m doing so much I can’t focus on the important things. If something doesn’t go, I will. I’ll go insane. So I’m through being trampled by my own many loves and passions, and I’m through being choked and hung by the dramas of my friends and school life. I’ve got to distance myself from it, before it gets me. If I don’t focus, and work my ass off on the thing that is most important, I won’t get anywhere. Ever.

It’s over.

So it’s over, kids, and here I am typing as a shakily resolute and keenly terrified individual who’s not grown up and who’s ready to practice and who really just wants to stay home and love her life and her family in peace.

But Time and Nature won’t allow it. So ready or not, I’m out in less than a year. If I go to a shitty school, well hey, that’s my own fault. Goodbye, Eastman. Nice looking at your name on the website, C.I.M. I wish I would have been good enough. I’m sorry for wasting your time, Heather. I’m deeply sorry, Mrs. Ripley.

What happens, happens. If I can’t contact anyone and have them be my savior with my transcript and SAT score report today, then I am fucked. And who can or will help me, the irresponsible procrastinator who is falsely deluding herself that she can make it in the vicious world of music?

I just want to sing. And that will probably never happen now, because I’m a fucking retard.

So guess what.

I’m done.

Let’s trade in blood

So my roundtable project for Government used to be on human trafficking. Then, since I realized you can’t really pick sides (unless you want to be the insensitive and heartless dick who says that human trafficking should be legal), I edited the topic a little. I’m onto talking about prostitution.

It’s called the “victimless crime”– a business that’s been operating for thousands of years is a punishable offense. Although research has shown that prostitutes are raped 8-10 times annually and that 86% of sex workers have been attacked with a weapon, it’s dismissed as NHI: no humans involved.

But, of course, women who work as prostitutes must have chosen their profession because they like sex, right? They like it kinky or violent or just anywhere, anytime. And they get paid. So it’s a pretty good deal. They must enjoy what they do, despite the abuse, the violence, the subsequent drug dependencies pushed onto them by their pimps, are all consequences sex workers decided were worth it. Oh, and the jail time for being caught and convicted of selling oneself? Just a little extra added bonus.

The sex trade in the United States is thriving. So should we legalize it? Nevada did. In Nevada, sex workers are required to have health checkups and johns must use protection. The brothels are deemed to be “safe.”

Does that make it right? Do all prostitutes choose to peddle their bodies and their lives for the perverted satisfaction of horny men? No, and that’s why there needs to be more done, by the government, to help them escape, and leave that life if they choose to. Prostitution cannot be legalized. If we define human rights violations as sexual harassment, physical assault, rape, captivity, economic coercion, or emotionally damaging verbal abuse, then we cannot in good conscience legalize prostitution anywhere, because that’s what prostitution involves.

America is supposed to be the land of opportunities, so why are we letting women who were forced into the dark and dangerous world of prostitution suffer? Most prostitutes enter the profession at the age of thirteen– and please don’t dare insinuate that a thirteen-year-old girl decided she wanted a load of creep-asses to fuck her on a daily basis. Don’t you dare.

There are also the women who believe they don’t have any alternatives. That there’s no other way to make quick, easy money that they need to support themselves, or their child(ren). They sell themselves a few times, and are quickly swept into a deadly cycle of abuse, rape, and trauma.

Nearly all prostitutes suffer from symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

I guess prostitution isn’t as fun as it seems, is it? Can you see victims yet?

Just one big headache

Seriously, college is all I think about now. College and life and death and dying and Goddamn I’m sick of it. I’m ready to be done with college and I haven’t even started it yet. I’m hoping that’s a good omen in the long run, though, because that’s the way I felt about prom exactly and I ended up having a blast.

But there’s just so much stress involved. If KT tells me one more time “you need to relax” I’m going to punch Colton in the face, because if it weren’t for him she’d be the same as before.

But life is life and it changes and so do people so I’d better suck it up and move on. God.

At least I’m talking to boys, though. That might help me relax (Jesus Christ).

Relaxing isn’t what I’m supposed to be doing, though. I’m supposed to be working, supposed to be doing everything I can to beat my way into a great school.

My mom told me today that I’m going to end up pumping gas. She told me to go to JCC for free. And meant it.

I’m just not even going to think about that. There’s no way. Just no fucking way I could go there. After all of my dreaming, all of my hard work, to throw it away, for that place?! I know I probably don’t know what I’m saying when I say this, but I’d rather be in debt for the rest of my life and do what I love than go somewhere to learn how to do a nine to five job and get plastered every weekend for free.

God. And there’s just no way I could throw away everything I’ve hoped for and thought of and wished for with all of my heart. Just because of money.

I know money’s important, and my mom would say I’m stupid and have no concept of it because I’ve never had to get a job, never had to make the money to support myself.

Well I guess I’ll figure that all out next year, won’t I? I haven’t gotten any experience with it so far, huh?

The way I figure it, I’ll either sink or float next year. I’ll either succeed or suck and come back home to pump gas.

But I’ll be damned if I don’t try to be all that I can. It’ll be like the dream where I died and watched everyone standing around, shaking their heads and mourning, “What a waste of potential.”

Well, here’s news. I’m not dead.

And I have all the potential in the world. I plan to put it to use.

Suck onnnnn that.

The Wiz: in three parts

I emailed Mrs. Ripley each night of my senior show, because she was in China. I’m posting the three emails here because I feel like I should have documented my last musical at Gowanda somehow. So here they are.


We had fun tonight. Well, this afternoon. We did the energy circle thing (Taylor and I didn’t really explain it that well, though– we will tomorrow, since we instigated it). Bobby and Kris didn’t participate, but they’re losers. (Not really, but they’re lame boys and I’m sure that with the proper friendly persuasion they’ll do it tomorrow…ha).

The whole thing went pretty smoothly: there were a few instances where mics cut out; Glenn wasn’t there, either. I don’t know why.

I, um, may have gotten my only laughs from the crowd as soon as I walked on. Phoebe didn’t walk in a straight line and I had to try to scoot her out on stage twice-ish before she actually went, and even then it was kind of in a circle. So I picked her up and bopped across the stage, scrambling for the appropriate lines (obviously I couldn’t say “Come back here, Toto” if I was holding her) and I may have rammed into the house on accident with my shoulder.

Yes, I have a bruise.

Yes, the house off-kiltered a foot or so.

But it was funny, and even though I cracked up when I got off stage it ran nicely.

The makeup all looked really good; Zach and Kruszka and Taylor all got a lot of laughs; Chelsea and Dakota did too. Obviously my character isn’t funny, so they didn’t cheer so much for me, but that’s ok. I got home to Kansas and remembered to click my heels and it was all good.

I saw Kiener and Emma and Hannah, and that was pretty weird considering that in a year it’ll be me coming back to watch my friends. I don’t know if I’m okay with that yet. Stephen told me, “Well, this is it, this is your last show.”

And I could only smirk at him and reply that no, I had two more.

I just can’t think about this being “My Last.” It doesn’t sit well with me at all, so I think if I just don’t spend any time dwelling on it, it won’t affect me as much. I don’t want to get all watery and miserable on Tuesday.

But! All in all it was a good show and so far that’s what I’ve been hearing in reviews. “Great job,” “Good show,” “GREAT show,” keep being repeated. Some kids came back to us after and we (leads) talked to them and even got a picture or two with them (at parents’ insistence). The Lion, mostly, and (surprisingly) me were approached individually and greeted by toddlers and their parents, so that was cute. Mrs. Propp’s nine-year-old daughter Morgan had us all sign her program.

I think that tomorrow and Tuesday I’ll have more energy. I was thinking, by “Y’all Got It,” that I just wanted it to be done with so I could go home. I know that’s awful, but I was so so tired. The “easing on down the road” part of my job is straight up exhausting. I can’t dance anyway, so put singing and dancing together and I’m almost out by the time the Kalidahs get us.

Oh! And “Be a Lion” was good. Pretty darn good (the best time we’ve done it). I talked to Ms. Fried at intermission and she was really happy with it. Ms. Stoffel and her mom were really excited at the end, and so was Mrs. Hales. I think Mr. Wesley disappeared– we didn’t have notes and I didn’t see him at all after the production.

…and that’s all I know. It went really well. Tomorrow and Tuesday will be good also, I hope.


The show tonight was fabulous. Standing ovation (again), whoo hoooo! I left my makeup and contact case at school though, and that’s not so cool. Oh well. It’ll still be there in the morning (I hope).
Soo: there were so many outtakes tonight it was ridiculous. Hilarious.
And Aaron and Gabby were sick: Mr. Bett filled in for Aaron with a massively stuffed stomach and these outrageous overalls.
Then Chelsea starts it all off with: “Now I’m all axe… I mean, tin. I’m all… tin.” I just about died.
Then, during the funky monkey scene, Bethany played Aaron’s monkey so it was all a little off. It didn’t really help that the Friends had been sitting backstage making dirty jokes before we went on. (Haha.) So we were a little giggly. And whilst Bobby was chasing me, I screamed, aaaand– my shoe flew off.
I grabbed it and raced back to Zach/My Lion and quivered with laughter there while clutching my shoe. Then I had to hobble off one-footed and rush backstage to reshoe myself before entering on again.
Oh! And “Be a Lion” simply soared. It took off and zoomed around the aud amazingly and for the first time I really, really felt like I nailed it. I got offstage and started jumping around with glee because hey, my senior show won’t completely fall flat on its face there! I’ll get it tomorrow, too, I hope.
Also, Zachary gave Bobby a bloody nose during the Kalidahs (on accident). But I gave him drugs (Tylonol) so it was all good.
What else happened? Hmm. Well, there was a schizofrenic curtain at the end; it closed halfway, the light turned blue and then it opened partly– and then closed again. By then we were all cracking up and feeling really good. I hope it seriously rocks tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it soooo so much. Mr. Wesley talked to us last night about a “second show slump”– after Be a Lion, Chelsea, Dakota and I were walking to the side door and Chelsea goes, “Second show slump? What is that?” and from there it simply lifted and showered the audience with clarity and a good story. Zig/Christian kicked butt, too. And Kruszka really took charge with guiding the monkeys about Aaron’s absence. He came back and was talking to us too about the timing of the monkey scene and how we could fix it so it wasn’t awkward. That was cool.
Oh, and during “Y’all Got It” my skirt flew up. Like, way up. Soooo, the audience pretty much knows that I had the little polka-dotted bloomers on. Hahahah.
So, it was great. We really missed you, and were thinking of you the whole time. It was a great show, though.
I’ll send you another email tomorrow! After the last finale!



The Wiz has spoken, and it’s over.
Man oh man. An evening of emotional upheaval, that’s for sure. I was told that I gave my best performance of the three nights (by none other than our own Kevin Brown) but I’m not so sure. The audience was all small children, running inandout inandout the whole time; but by the second act they had settled down and we were rolling again.
The outtakes were slightly more hysterical tonight. Chelsea said, “An old witch put a spell on my axe!”
Me: “Your AXE?!”
Chels: “Nooo, a SPELL?”
Me: “A SPELL!”    
And then she “chopped” her other leg off and in the excitement Dakota’s hat flew off.
Later: the Lion and I greeted each other at Evillene’s. Zachary reached out to pat my back. His glove, ah, got stuck on the back of my dress. So we adlibbed for a while until he managed to get his glove off. Apparently it sounded like I asked him, “So what’s that old b*tch got you doin’?” instead of witch because Zach and I were a smidgeon preoccupied.
And then while Taylor was yelling her spiel at us I managed to reach behind me and rip the glove off of my dress. But when I tried to throw the water the glitter didn’t quite shake out right. So I chucked the bucket at her. In retaliation, my best friend Taylor whips the chair in my direction. Fun times all around!
Hmm, what else?
The ending song was almost unbearable. On the last note (“home”) I could feel the mixed emotions of the cast just whipping and swirling around me: especially Taylor’s, Chelsea’s and Tara’s. We’ve been singing and performing together since we were little kids– what will we do now? I guess we still have the play, but it’s not the same.
It’s over. I’m just about to head over to Taylor’s right now for a cast slumber party with pizza– I just can’t wrap my head around the idea that it’s finished. There are so many more things to look forward to, especially musically, for me– but nothing will ever replace the endless hours and effort poured into that group: you know the one I’m talking about. It’s molded and mingled through the years but essentially, like you’ve said all along, it’s made us all conjoined at the hip. Now that the conjoination (is that a word?) is splitting, it feels like we’re all splitting too, inside. I imagine tonight at Taylor’s it will be an emotional wreck. A fun emotional wreck, but a wreck nonetheless.
Oh well. We’ll all just have to come to terms with it. And I suppose we will get over it and remember the fun we’ve all had. We missed you tonight, that’s for sure. We were all thinking about you and wishing you were there, but in the same breath glad that you were having fun, too. It’s been an awesome time.

Long ago, today
15 November 2009, 7:16 pm
Filed under: college, music, My Day, Random Thoughts

My room’s a mess. An utter disaster. As I was attempting to clean it just now, an Avett’s song came upon my iTunes: “Living of Love.” I remember months and months ago when that song was my code to life. Is it now? I don’t know. I wish I had endless summer’s peace of mind to decide on it.

But I don’t, and that’s the point. As I was listening to Seth and Scott croon about living for love, and how it’s the only thing worth fighting or living for, I broke a clock. I broke my little electric purple alarm clock that glows different colors. I’ve had it for so long, I don’t even remember receiving it. I dropped it and it fell and the little plastic top piece came off. Popped right off in my hands.

Since it’s in my nature to try to fix things, that’s what I set about doing. But the neat impenetrable marvel that had been my clock was shattered. I knew what the inside looked like now. It might be childish, but ignorance of what lay inside and how it worked had kept me fascinated with this tiny clock for many a sleepless night.
And now it was spoiled. And all the while I held it I was suffocated with thoughts about college– as I have been all day– and what it’s going to be like. Am I going to have friends, will they make fun of me? Will they hate me, will I fail?

Will I succeed?

As if a sign, Anna Netrebko’s “Sempre Libera” just began playing. So who knows what it means, but there you go, another occurrence that just makes me think of the future.

Anyway. I fixed the clock’s top, but it looks a little worse for wear. I feel a little miserable about it. Okay, it’s an inanimate object. But it’s an inanimate object from my past that had value to me at one point in time and now it’s not the same. Nothing will ever be the same. Each day, something changes irrevocably that can never be undone. We’re always all propelled, moving forward without a backward gaze.

So when my neck turns of its own accord and I find myself straining back, heart reaching toward the past, it hurts all the more.

The happy kick in my heart’s dimmed a little today. I don’t know if it’s because I’m not in good health right now, or if it’s because I’ve been dealing with college papers for a fair chunk of the day, but I’m sad. And I’ve realized that time passes and things change.

And they break. Shatter. They can be fixed again, if they’re judged to be worth the effort, but they’ll be different.

Sometimes I like the different. I have to remind myself that sometimes the different is for the better.

How do I know what’s better or not?

Uhg. Damn this dark sky at seven for making me think of dreary things.

6 November 2009, 2:11 pm
Filed under: Writing

I’ve been having some unusual dreams lately.

It’s really not unlike me to encounter some weird ones. I’ve chilled with a werewolf who was actually my cousin’s buddy, broken Caitlin out of a whorehouse and waltzed with Nick Jonas.

And I have to say, I’ve had some really bad dreams. I’ve fought off a cannibal banshee who used my bathtub as her fortress (the bleeding strips of entrails dripping from the curtain rod didn’t really entice me into showering the next morning, let me tell you). I have catapulted off of a cliff with a girl I hated.

I have seen my dead dog, alive, and pleaded with her not to burn alive. I’ve raced into similar fiery infernos to save my sister (who ended up a blackened, crispy husk). I’ve been pregnant and alone in a Chinese stable, for God’s sake.

But the past two nights I’ve been haunted.

The night before last, my mom was sick. I watched her seize and convulse viciously until the pain in her head killed her. I kept telling myself, as she became unrecognizable (similar to an orange rind, oddly), that she wasn’t dead, she wasn’t dead. She was fine, she would get better. A little Mexican man kept trying to tell me that, too. Then he told me my dad had cut himself. I raced to the back porch and expected to see his wrists slashed.

No. He slumped against the pool with his throat slit in two places.

For some reason I was talking to him about Doc and Grandma, though. Reassuring him that she never meant to destroy the illusion he’d held of his mother and father and fidelity. I discovered then he’d been cutting himself for years because of them.

Then last night, I dreamed for the second time in my life that I died.

The first time was two or three years ago. Jaws’ sister bit me in half. It was a sweet death, calming and walm and dark and peaceful. I didn’t feel a thing but a pleasant crushing sensation and waiting, warm blue.

Last night, I dreamed that a boy I know– a boy I know that has liked me and been a creeper so I ignore him– brought a gun to school. A small pistol. The light was bright and crayon yellow, crayola orange. Desks were smooth and gray and he simply swung the pistol around the room. Angry at us. Angry at existence. My heart hammered as a glint off the muzzle– silvery, spark– shone as he pulled the gun in a swift arc until it faced me.

All along I’d been terrified, immobile with horror, thinking that my friends were going to die. Thinking that this abhorrent tragedy had really arrived at Gowanda and landing with both murky, mucky feet.

But no. The words that came out of his mouth were, “I was going to kill them all. But I won’t. Instead I’ll kill you.” And the last thing I saw was the hate blaze in his eyes. Any hurt remaining was seared away by the anger.

The last thing I felt was the crack-crack! of my ribs and the puncture of my lung as the blast of two shots ripped through my chest.

This death wasn’t a peaceful one. Not in the least. I remained a ghost, transparent and lonely, listening to the aftermath.

I was the only one who’d been murdered. Just me.

And I heard the wrenching sorrow that flooded my mother’s heart. The abandonment of my sister’s. The confused and regretful pulse of my dad’s. I experienced the hurt that me, leaving, would wreck upon my family. I watched, helpless, as acquaintances of my family told my parents at my wake about what a talent, what a potential I had had. What they had hoped for me.

Then I think my mom wailed, and I woke up, crying. My mom never wails.

God, I wish I was an insomniac.

November blue

It’s off to Maria’s for a first-ever family dinner that’s not at Grandma’s. It should be nice; I’ve never seen her house so I’m curious.

On another note, I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do when it starts snowing hardcore. I’ve barely just come to terms with the fact that it’s fall. I’m just not ready for winter. I’m simply unprepared for life to go by this quickly.

So I’ll wear my red knit hat and brace myself for snowflakes, and I’ll sing “holiday” carols and agree with bonhomie with the people who bitch about winter. But inside, I’ll be bawling, because ultimately even though it’s just November it will be December, then January, FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune before I know it and there I go: years and years of school at Gowanda flung away in favor of a big school where everyone’s further along than I am and I know No One.

I guess that’s life, but I’m not ready.

…I suppose I have to start with the change that is dinner at Maria’s and roll with the snow and the graduating and the swiftly-moving life that wings my way.