Kick Drum Heart

Always running in time

Well, I’m graduated. I still keep thinking about little silly details, though, in a weird sense. When I graduate, I’m straightening my hair. I’m wearing the gold shoes, I’m having people over after.

It’s really bizarre to think that such a supposed-to-be momentous occasion is over already.

Then again, there’s still the grad party, so I’ll have more closure then, I hope. More closure for this part of my life. High school was jam-packed with years that molded me into who I am. And it’s done with. Hardly any pomp and circumstance (except when the band played it), and now those years are flung behind me.

Ahead of me lies an array of choices. So, so many things to do, to try, to try for. I can’t envision much of it, but the possibilities are endless and I’ll leave them up to my imagination. I’ve got plans to achieve everything I can and everything I crave.

Right now I’m listening to the Avetts’ “Kick Drum Heart” (heavy irony here) and thinking that you can hear it said hundreds of times, but it’s still meaningful when it hits you. The realization that so many things change, but just as many others stay the same.

In five years I might still love The Avett Brothers and sit at my computer blogging. In five years my little sister will have graduated from Gowanda. In five years I will have graduated for a second time, but from Eastman School of Music (I hope). But I’ll be so different. I will have learned and experienced so, so much more.

I’ve learned and experienced so much in just the past two years. And I’ve changed, for the better (again, I hope). So has this little blog. From Amneris Blue to &a yellow xylophone, to a red bandana tribute. And finally to Kick Drum Heart.

I hate to mirror graduating and just fling the past away, but despite the fact that I adore this little blog, I’ve outgrown it a little. I’m starting a new blog from which I will share the memories I make this summer and (free time pending) throughout college.

You can find my new blogging home at this new site, although it won’t be up and running officially until Grandma and I rendezvous and pick out my laptop (so, a week and a half from now, ish).

And since this is the last post on this blog of over two years, I’ll close with an Avett Brothers’ quote that, I guess, is pretty fitting.

“There’s nothing like finding gold
Within the rocks hard and cold
I’m so surprised to find more
Always surprised to find more

I won’t look back anymore
I left the people that do
It’s not the chase that I love
It’s me following you.”

Last morning at Gowanda
14 June 2010, 12:19 am
Filed under: Writing

So I am sitting at the school right now. A bunch of people are on the roof but I am sitting here with Gus and Danielle and Jess, watching Aaron and Brendan play footsie with the soccer ball. I thought more people would be here, but this is just fine. More later for sure :)

Straw, please
13 June 2010, 4:19 am
Filed under: Writing

Well this sucks. That’s really all I have to say right now, and I’m sure that naturally it could be worse, but to be honest the next crappy situation I can think of off the top of my head would involve cannibals and people breaking into my house.

Right now I suffer from severe insomnia for the second night in a row due to vicious blisters from my previously beloved sunshine. The burn runs from my ankles up the backs of my legs, then from my lower back to my neck. And let me tell you, it freaking effing Sucks. I’ve been aloe-ing with the blue crap Doc suggested and as of fifteen minutes ago have discovered that walking is best left to those without swollen red skin hideously inflaming the backs of their knees.

I almost wish I could fall asleep and just zonk out. Seriously. The rain outside my cracked window and the soothing acoustic that is Jack Johnson are a pleasant lullaby amidst the sounds that quilt my little room. But I’ve got goosebumps all along my back and legs that are bizarrely offset by swamping heat.

And my mom signed us all up for grunt work at the Theatre tomorrow, which I would normally enjoy, but in my present state will find exquisite torture on so many levels.

Yepo. This Sucks.

What to take with you if you want to survive the apocalypse
30 May 2010, 5:16 am
Filed under: Writing

 Brendan: “Oh, it’s all hypothetical.” Nix sarcasm. He had warned, done all he could to try to help. No one’d listened.

 Teachers: all over the place, they’d tried to do a pre-escape. Thinking themselves a brilliant team, or brilliant individuals. Instead of waiting ’til the official end, they battered themselves against what was to come until they fell to the ground. Bruised corpses flung by waves against the boat they’d tried to vacate.

 Mom: talking to Michelle while I get dressed. Might as well have been me talking to my own child. I would have said the same words. But it seems weird she’s giving up.

 “Michelle Leigh Merrill, I love you. I want you to promise me, if you ever get back to normal, that you will never stop going to school. It’s going to be important you’re learning.”

 Michelle cries, shakes her head. Huge sobs, alligator tears. She won’t leave her mother.

 I get ready while she does this. One part of me clinically stuffs dad’s thick, long socks onto my feet, yanking them up constantly as they droop. Another part of me is shattering slowly, soundlessly.

 My heart.

 I grab literally everything I can think might be useful. I hear Mark and Nickolas exchanging goodbyes behind me. Their voices are dry and reedy. Bloodless and removed. Then it’s Nick and my dad, see ya and take care, kid. I hear Nick sit down heavily to my left, Mark and Karen having just moved farther away. To tell each other goodbye, or something. Or maybe to be each other’s rock.

 Nick’s already wearing a dark cap, but I hard him black gloves from the bureau drawer. They don’t fit him. He hands them back wordlessly, and I give him a different pair. Our eyes meet once. In his I see deep scars rending, the long-ago wounds there tearing at the tissue. Welling. Bleeding out into long streams of tears that begin to pour down his face. Silently.

 In the background I hear Michelle, telling Mom; “It’ll be silly, ‘Michelle Merrill, MD.'” Mom laughs. Brokenly, although she makes it sound horribly normal. “You can take breaks,” she insists. “You don’t have to go all the time, full-time. But you can never stop learning. Never stop reading. Always keep raking in new knowledge.” Her voice cracks.

 I pause in the act of wrapping a long scarf around my neck and turn to my father, who sits on the edgs of his chair like a corn stalk man. Fragile and quiet and pale and not quite all there right now.

 I jar his complacency.
 “Do you have a knife?”
 He blinks a few times. Stirs. “Sure I do, Kimmie.” He hands me his expensive excellent switchblade from his shorts pocket. I wrap it to the inside of my ankle using a length of tight, sheer orangey fabric. It goes under the layers of socks. Idon’t know what it’s going to be like Out There, but I don’t want to be a threat until someone else announces themselves as one. The attention will be on them, not me. I won’t be a target. Protecting my sister and hopefully Nickolas will be coming all too important. But to do that adequately, I need a knife.

 And my father won’t need one, where he’s at.
 He turns to me, opens his arms for our farewell.
 It’s literally like every other nightly routine. I hug him. He folds his long arms around me. But instead of “goodnight, Pea” it’s goodbye. He pecks my cheek and we move apart. For the final time.

 Somehow the regularity of it snaps off one more grieving chunk of my soul. Soemhow my eyes are dry as bone and my body stays calm. Cooperative. Optimal for survival.

 I turn back to the bureau. I rack my brains once more. What I take with us now will keep us alive.

 I hear people scampering like mad sheep around us. I keep raiding the bureau. Another scarf in my hair. One more pair of tall woolen socks. I wish Nick would help– or Michelle.

 But I refuse to take my sister away from our mother, who is stroking her golden hair and talking to her sweetly, soothingly in her low, calm strong voice.

 It’s almost time to leave. The heightening tension makes my veins scream. I should say goodbye to my mother. As I thikn about doing this, what remains of my child’s heart, my caredfor-love, detaches and falls away. With it fall my tears. I have a sister and a Nickolas to keep alive. I move, a little turn, toward my mother. There’s a blank black space in my chest where I should cry. But there’s no pain. There’s only vacancy.

 You know the worst part. It’s most people fully believe they will be able to live.

An unimpressive post if you want me to be respectful

So, must be I need to practice some more. At class night tonight, the United States Marines could recognize me publically for my musical accomplishments, but not my own band or choir directors.

Not that I’m complaining. I guess I should practice once in a while.

It's not as if I play this constantly, or anything

It’s not as if I don’t constantly, oh, I don’t know, live in the band room or anything.

But no. Okay, that’s totally fine. I don’t need anything from an institution that I love, that has taught me so much, if it’s going to be given grudgingly. Truthfully, I don’t need anything from Jill Fried, either. Or any member of  the music department.

I know that I want to perform, teach, and breathe music. I am completely aware of this fact. And given that I have already taken and am currently taking huge steps to ensure that that’s what I’ll do, I don’t really give a damn.

And you know, it just gives me more incentive to go and kick ass in the music world. Just like Fredonia denying me: it’s an even more powerful motivator to try and learn and listen and do all that I can to be the musician I know I am capable of being.

And it might be really petty of me, but it gives me more incentive to practice tomorrow. And hope that my fricking marimba/Italian will reach the ears of those so-called “teachers” and shove the fact that I love it and will succeed at it down their throats.

Thoughts at 6:37
25 May 2010, 5:41 am
Filed under: Writing

I’ve come to the conclusion that dream interpretation is shaky at best. It was interesting when I found actual relatable material that could potentially make sense. But when I dream about weird shit and the site full of definitions doesn’t make any sense, I feel a little sketched out. Dreams are weird.


It’s like, my subconscious telling me what I’m really thinking, really feeling. Because I don’t know, or have too much control, during waking hours. When I’m sleeping,

my mind’s power over my thoughts practically evaporates, and I’m left defenseless. (Well, except for the turquoise dreamcatcher that I’ve kept since I was three.)

Anyway, we’re leaving, so see ya. Thank goodness my subconscious is functioning properly now.

Lucky me, I hear the moon
24 May 2010, 8:44 pm
Filed under: Dreams, My Day, My Explanations, Random Thoughts, Writing

The Woods                                                       8:32 PM
                                                                              24 May 2010


I know it’s going to get darker and that’s why I haven’t gone very far.

I’m sittin ghere in the active peace of the woods and wondering how I ever got to be so lucky.

The view from my backyard.

Seriously, how the hell did that happen?

I’m well-fed, well-clothed. I go to a great school (contrary to popular belief) and I have an amazing family that loves me. And absolutely vice versa. I’m one of six or so sopranos attending the Eastman School of Music next year. That’s pretty much akin to Hogwarts in my book.

And somehow, astonishingly, I can come home to a woods full of living things, removed from the crazy-ass world I see on a day to day basis. I can slip easily, comfortably back to the world I loved and lived in blissfully as a child. With God surrounding me and trees honorably guarding the lively spirits of the creatures that inhabit them. I feel so blessed it’s not even ridiculable.

I would almost make a joke out of feeling so wonderfully at peace with everything, but I can’t. Every littl ething pulls together into this tremendous circle of life, vitality, death, and renewal. It’s fantastic.

If you sit still long enough, the larger animals begin to move around. As if you’ve been adopted, and therefore they can be on their merry way. Squirrels start to take off, bounding branch-to-branch. I know there’s at least one toad chilling near here (eww, they hate me); and I’m pretty sure that rustling thing to my left is either a rabbit, squirrel, or fox. I’m betting squirrel, they’re bravest.

And it’s interesting, too, how I come to notice these things after only a few minutes. I start to sense and listen, and feel. If you relax and rely on instinct, detach yourself a little, you react almost as intuitively as a creature of the woods yourself.

There is a bird who sounds like a bell. Like a ringing chime, metallic clang. Along with many other birds, this one’s providing the melodic backdrop of sound right now. They get louder and more excited as the light fades. 

I’ve been thinking a great deal lately (that was a crappy segwey). But I had this dream Saturday night that’s been lingering in my mind. It was so out of the ordinary from my usual weird dreams that as soon as I woke up, I researched elements of it.

Regardless of my dream or its intentions, I ende dup reading a lot of Seneca folklore as a result. I’m not explaining how my dream correlates, because that’s so irrelevant. But I will say that some of the stories they have a mad cool.

I’ll be honoest. I get jealous sometimes, realizing that however many different places my ancestors came from, I will always be without a solid culture. I’m a mutt. The best I can do is sing and learn from other cultures, and tell their stories through my music. I will never have that intrinsic sense of community that most of my Native friends seem to have possessed since birth. And that mass of awesome stories? They’ll never be told to me at bedtime or declaimed during a gathering of my closest friends and family. It might have been a painful one, but Native culture is a rock-steady foundation of pride and family that can be built from. They never need to wonder where they come from or why.

I also found some ideas regarding Seneca spiritualism and history.

They put some heavy significance of dreaming and the women have serious power. Peace was essential. Stories and singing happened often. And their very lifestyles were shaped by the sun, water, moon, land, and Creator, and due tribute was paid to all of the above.

After accomplishing all of this research (that was my Sunday, after doing stalls and cleaning the barn), I have developed a hearty respect for a culture I’ve resided literally right next to for all of my life. I’d barely known a things about it. That’s crazy.

Anyway, enough of my bad segweys (it’s been a while since I’ve blogged). I’m inside now. It’s the dark where the air’s turned blue and everything’s in shadow. It’s so beautiful.

God, how did I get so lucky.

Thoughts for a speech video
15 May 2010, 8:12 pm
Filed under: Writing

If you try to live someone else’s life… won’t you lose what you love about your own?

Wasting it all
8 May 2010, 8:53 pm
Filed under: Writing

So here I sit, typing from my phone in the dark. Josh is here, so that’s sweet, but essentially I’m lazing here wasting my phone battery as we wait for the return of power.

I can smell the change coming. With the sweeping push of battle-garbed clouds comes life-altering differences that are very nearly palpable. And the question is raised: do I take my existence into my own hands, or do I let fate or God or whatever’s in control do the work? I’ve begged the answer of the God I consistently refer to with all of my problems and questions, and I think He says to wait, then do it. Pause and think, then take action.

I might be wrong, or projecting, or effusing wishful thinking.

Or I could be right. I feel sure that I’m not meant to sit here impassive. It would be as wasteful as me with my phone battery if I was.

Strawberry Summer
3 May 2010, 7:43 pm
Filed under: Essays/School, Poetry, Writing

Drip from the ice cream cone
       sliding down her face
       The dimpled smiling little
       girl who’s at her grampa’s place.
Trills from the tulip tree out
        front whose leaves are green
       Lawn drenched in emerald gleams
       in one just-pure-happy scene.
Blaze from the summer sun
       shines white as her blonde hair
       The wrinkled grease-marked hand in 
       hers squeezes kindly ’cause she shares.
Slurp from small licking tongue
       saves rivulets from falling
       Strawberry sweet, and sprinkles too 
       melt pink, but grama’s calling.
Chirping from the blossomed trees 
       chimes light, such cheerful sounds
       Face washed in pink
       she stops to think
       And in a blink
       It’s now.


*Another poem I needed for English. Complete with Fun Facts about the author (not including birth or death).

Author: Me
01.) My first memory is of my mother rocking me and singing Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard’s “Pancho and Lefty.”
02.) I am not a coffee addict: I can stop at any time.
03.) Nickolas saved Michelle and I from a hammerhead shark in Mexico. I saw it first, but he beat it up.
*Real 03.) I am terrified of toads.

Ingredients: Chocolate syrup, strawberry (or vanilla) ice cream, more chocolate syrup, many *many sprinkles. Potentially butterscotch (the BEST EVER) and/or caramel if it suits one’s tastes.

Prep: First, there’s no point in homemade ice cream cones unless there is a surprise at the bottom. So take your favorite syrup (mine is chocolate) and pour some in the bottom of your cone. Then forget you did so (then it’s more like a surprise when you get there), and take an ice cream scooper, dig into a gallon of ice cream, and plop it into a cone. Next, syrup it into oblivion. It’s the only way to eat ice cream like a little kid. Finally, sprinkle it until you can’t even see the syrup. Then enjoy and think of summertime.

To the girl with failing confidence
29 April 2010, 5:51 am
Filed under: My Day, My Explanations, Ranting, Writing

To the girl with the spine,

Where the hell’d you go? You used to stand proud and tall with anyone. Now you shrink at every shadow and cower in corners. Corners because you can have your back protected and still peer timidly out at what’s happening around you. A passive participant, lurking while life passes by. But your excuse, your excuse is you want to keep living! You want to have life. You want to lead a fulfilled one, and that means Not Dying. Not Dying is best carried out huddled, safe. Alone.

Well there are people who love you, Girl With No Spine, and they want you to come away from that safe shelter and join the panoply. So do I. I’m sick of sitting here with you, bored and restless and downright heartwrenchingly sad because we don’t do anything. We don’t do anything because we’re too scared.

Excuse me, but everything’s always going to be scary. But you have to move past that shaky-kneed, cold rush of terror and stumble out to where it’s bright and alive. The spiderwebs in your hair can be brushed out. The sunspots in your eyes will fade.

Change will make you quiver in fear, but look, see? It’s better that way. Fear takes a backseat to joy, to adrenaline and happiness. To, to pheromones, or whatever.

But you’ve got to do it. You’ve got to. For me, if you can’t do it for yourself, Girl With No Spine; I can’t stand hiding. I can’t stand taking every verbal abuse personally, every rude remark like a slap in the face.

There is a difference between love and acceptance and spinelessness. We need to love people, but not take their shit. We know we’ve accomplished things, we don’t need to be alarmed when others take the spotlight, because we fear we won’t be remembered. We don’t need to cry at the slightest hint of “egotistical,” because we know it’s not true. We even dug around our hearts and knew it to be true, because we were that worried that it was. We need to stop letting stupid thoughts and stupid people hurt us. Without a drop of conceit here, it’s our time now. We’ll never be seventeen again. We’ve already done so much.

Live and be happy. Hold your head up, because you’re worth it. You have value, you have contributed to the causes and places and people you love. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, because you know it in your own self’s heart.

Regrow that spine, girl. You kick ass.

the Thinker

You know that statue of a guy in a slouch, with his head on his hand in a thinking pose? That’s me.

Except I’m not a guy, and I’m not marble or whatever. And I’m not naked, and I’m pretty sure that statue is (or maybe he’s wearing a toga).

Regardless, he’s me. Pretty much. I think all the time. About everything. I can be playing a game made to make me mindless and stop, but the gears are  still whirring, click-click-clicking along inside my head.

About what? Everything. But mostly about what I read. I swear to God, if I was illiterate, I would be a box of rocks. I wouldn’t even function. I might not even eat. What’s the point of snacktime without something to read?

I finished the seventh Harry Potter book today. Then I read the novel Rainbow Boys, which is about exactly what you think. Three gay kids in a public high school. I don’t know what made me check that book out of the library. I read the blush on Mrs. Ciminesi’s face as she scanned it for me.

I’m not questioning my sexuality (I like boys, of all varieties), but I had seen it on the shelf once or twice before and something in the back of my mind poked at me, like wiggling a tooth. Check it out, it said.

Well, I did, finally, yesterday. I finished it in three or so hours. It wasn’t emotionally moving, although I did burst out laughing a few times. From an ex-homophobe’s perspective, the narration was quite comfortable. I wasn’t uneasy, and generally I get a little jumpy, considering homosexuality isn’t something I’ve been exposed to a great deal. But this book was almost pleasant, in that I wasn’t uncomfortable at all.

But so, yeah. That’s what I’ve been thinking about. And that ties into Harry Potter because Dumbledore was gay (possibly with Grindelwald). Possibly one of the top three greatest wizards of all time, and a queer.

And so what. Before JK Rowling had said anything about it, no one gave a crap. After, there was all this talk about corruption and the rumors sprouted about Snape being a vampire, and…

Well, whatever, I’m digressing. But the fact remains that I’m thinking. About the parallels that Harry Potter reflects relating to the Holocaust, and persecution (Muggles=Jews). About how that kind of narrow-minded pursuit of those different leads to incredibly violent controversy.

And, finally, the deep wrench that comes with admitting you are who you are. On a personal level, I feel like I should be thinking and dwelling on that, in particular. That there’s something I need to admit to myself.

I don’t know what it is, yet, but I’ve done some soul searching throughout the past few hours and have found a number of possibilities. Probably all of them combined would have  the same bombshell effect on my family, were I to admit them to my family, as coming out.

Not that I will ever be coming out, since (ironically) that is the one massive life-altering announcement I will never have to make. Boys are by far my favorite gender.

But that’s going to have to be all for tonight. I’m exhausted, and I’m sure I’ll be up mulling over more as the hours drag on before I fall asleep. That’s one of the stupidest parts of being sick (or having serious allergies, as my recent symptoms suggest): I lay there fretting about how I feel like crap and thinking, rather than getting the excellent eight hours.

And that’s enough rambling for one night. Yepo.

So, about those posts with the Spanish

I just updated all of my writing from Mexico; I’d dragged a notebook down there with me and penned away during free time or down time. The one entry I never finished, ha.

Here’s a silly tidbit that I’d scribbled in a margin, from day two or three. I was probably laying in the fishnet-woven hammock on the verandah at the time:

“She wouldn’t give up her seat on the Underground Railroad” — talking about Rosa Parks. Some drunk gay guy

Cute, huh? I know I cracked up. And he said it in such an obviously queer tone of voice, it was hysterical. Nothing against gays or anything: it was just a quirky little detail to an outrageously inebriated comment.

Well, that’s all for tonight. 

There’s more I could write, about cousins, and lives and fear and confessions. But I won’t, because. Just because I don’t know if I’m ready to. But there we are, all of my thoughts from Cancun, just read below. Have a great night/evening/day/whatever time it is that whoever reads this, reads this.

19 April 2010

The Hammock on the Verandah Thing
I don’t know what time it is; past 8 or 9, PM
Gran Caribe Real Hotel
Cancun, Mexico

It’s too nice out to stay inside. Even without the sun, it’s comfortably warm and not so humid that it’s unpleasant. It’s quiet right now, although Michelle plans to try and get us all drunk later. She and my parents, and the Burrs (minus Nickolas) are up at the VIP Lounge. Despite the fact that the computers are all in Spanish, they’re going to try and figure out the score of the Sabres’ game.

I would write more about the pretty weather or the cranky Mexicans who hate their jobs, or the tan I’m actually beginning to obtain (with the help of El Sol and SPF 90). But honestly, I’m a terrible Travel Journal-Keeper and have more on my mind than heat or relaxing in Cancun.

Fun Fact/Side Note: Soundtrack of the Momemt? Roar/slap/sigh of beautiful, powerful waves. Aaaand the drunken catcalls of tourists: “Sexaay ladaay!” in a Mexican accent. So cute. Tierna.

But. Back to, I have a lot on my mind.

I don’t feel like Myself. I haven;t really, since (and I am aware this sounds like whining) this school year began and played out so much differently than I’d expected it to.

This summer, I became someone I liked, someone I enjoyed being. And since senior year started, there have been huge gaping chunks of time where I haven’t been that person at all.

Like now, for instance. For the past few weeks I’ve been strangely detached and incapable of socializing similarly to my usual standard. And before that time, I’d been flat-out miserable.

Now that spring is coming (here in the North and here it’s like late summer), I’ve been wanted Myself back more and more. But there are minds making impressions of me. There are expectations to live up to.

Syracuse or Eastman, Syracuse or Eastman? What to say, what to do?

Who the hell am I?

I’m not as solid as Nick is, in terms of possessing and really owning up to one’s own identity. But we shared a conversation as the fire-opal waves swelled and broke on the beach. This is the second night in a row we’ve just sat out there in the dark. He looks out at the waves, at the sky, down the beach. I absorb the sensations of sea breeze and sand between my toes. We mostly just be. Sit, and talk, and be.

Last night it was John Jarzynski. Tonight it was parasailing, Dan Ratel, school, teaching, and our futures.

Tonight I told the first person my official college plans (as of right now, there are some things I am waiting on).

Tonight, Nick and I discussed and concluded. It’s always good to listen, to drink in opinions. To have an “open ear,” as he said. But (and these are my words), make your own goddamn choices. Sorry, but hell. I love my friends, family, mentors, but shit. I answer to Myself (whoever that is) and God. I might now be an independent adult, but I’m not a hermit, not a recluse.

It’s time to grow up. And it’s going to be hard, but only as hard as I make it.

Speaking for Myself, I’m ready to.

19 April 2010 Early… like 5 AM
28 April 2010, 3:59 pm
Filed under: Writing

The porch/verandah/thing
The Chair on the Right

My first taste this morning was of pineapple pastry. My dad shoved it in my mouth just a minute ago.

We’re up to watch the sunrise. Dad & Michelle just went to get Nick up. I would say “good luck with that” but generally I’m hard to wake up, too, and I sat up after one call this morning.

I had a dream last night, one that I want to think about & get out of my system before the day officially starts.

I was playing soccer. But I was also shopping for a necklace with Lacey. There were weird pink candy things, too. I’d bought

26 March 2010, 10:31 am
Filed under: Writing

I have figured out how to blog from my phone! I am currently on the bus to all county with Emily and Kevin! Now I’m done because I don’t know how much data I’m using,

Let’s hope not
22 March 2010, 5:59 am
Filed under: Writing

I just have a feeling. I have a feeling I won’t ever be the same. Or I won’t come back.

I don’t know where this feeling’s coming from, but if for some God-knows reason something happens, at least I tried. I gave it everything I have.

That’s all that matters, I guess.

And here’s where I’m finally honest

I cannot stand it.

I am having an “I just can’t stand it anymore!” moment.

I can’t stand being here while the TV blares sports and my house is solid and warm and I am clean and educated while tiny children who are malnourished and diseased with no family or guidance are dying somewhere with no one to teach them or love them.

I can’t stand that I can’t tell anyone my Read In plan because I’m scared it’s a bad idea.

I can’t stand that after a week and a half of sunning myself in God’s love, I can feel it’s glow start to fade. It’s because I’m not doing anything.

I know, cerebrally, that duh, he’s still there, and still cares. Still loves me, and everyone else. But I can’t feel it, and I can’t stand that.

I also can’t stand that, in addition to malnourished kids, my love-starved cousin is living like a typical American teenager (aka wildly) because she’s under the mistaken impression that everyone understands. That she should live, and not care, because everyone’s chill with it.

I’m not chill with it.

I can’t stand that she does reckless things without a thought for anyone else. Selfishly, I can’t stand that she would put herself in situations where she could die and I’d never see her again. She could destroy her own future. Her own brothers already did a really excellent job of that for themselves. What the hell. What great examples. And her poor mother. And grandma. And Michelle, who looks up to her. Where would they be? Broken, grieving.

Personally, I know it would shatter me to know that if I got myself killed doing something stupid, my family and friends would be hurt because of it. I wouldn’t want to cause them pain, so I wouldn’t do anything dumb. I have trouble even thinking about doing impulsive things: that’s why I’m no fun. I don’t want to jeopardize my future or nudge my family’s expectations for me into a rampant tumble.

Then again, we’re very different people, my cousin and I. She actually lives. I sit at home or work at school and think or write about living. My mind clouds dreamily with that faraway prospect of one day having fun, one day doing something exciting and worthwhile.

That’s why I’m always scared. That’s why I don’t do anything spur-of-the-moment.

That may be why my actions on behalf of the Read In plan are so hesitant, because I’m not used to things– namely, my ideas– being so spontaneously ready to go. It feels like there should be more to it, but inwardly I know there’s not. It’s all there, and ready to be presented to someone (Dr. Bob, possibly/probably) who can give me the proper permission and authority to drive it to completion and fruition.

I just hope that this fear will burn off as determination blazes in. It is not right for me to sit here, with assistance easily a fingertip’s reach away, and not do anything.

I can’t stand that I’m so weak and pathetic. I can’t stand that I’m not taking action.

I can’t stand that I’m letting my own personal faults and fears keep me from giving something to this broken, bruised little world.

18 March 2010, 1:06 pm
Filed under: Writing

I don’t really feel like writing right now. I’m in the library (surprise, surprise) and there’s nothing I’d like to do more than go home and snuggle up and finish reading about Clary and Jace.

Instead I’m stuck sitting here, skipping my make-up band lesson (I had to call Lippa and tell her, otherwise I would’ve felt so bad), because yearbook yet again is tying me in knots.

It doesn’t help that I think a great deal faster than the technology I’m dealing with.

I wish this printer didn’t take so long to process .pdfs. I wish my hands and feet weren’t all torn up and hurting. I wish I had my own personal mac laptop so I could do this crap without mega-suckage occurring.

But it’s stupid complaining, because there’s so much I should be thankful for. Especially the technology that is available to me and the possession of all limbs.

And I can’t stop thinking about my Read-in Fundraising Plan. I need to do a powerpoint, so I can present it to Dr. Bob.

It’s silly that there’s so much I could do to help people and I’m not doing it just because I’m lazy. But the book Brendan loaned me talked about finding your spark of frustration and running with it.

The trouble is, I haven’t had an “I can’t stand it anymore!” moment regarding the education of South African underpriviledged kids. I simply think that, what the frick, there are so many hundreds of ways to make money for such a simple, basic need we’re all taking for granted: education.

There’s no way for many of these children to afford it. Or uniforms, books, decent facilities. And we have so much here. Twenty students here could donate five dollars each and provide five kids with education for a year.

I want to do something about it. It’s clogging my heart, my mind, my throat. I can’t really speak well today, and I think it’s because I’m constantly thinking of the read-in. Using education to further education.

And I haven’t done anything besides think on it yet. I need to.

And and here I am

It’s lately seeming that, the more I work and plan, the more I want to work and plan. The more I actually attempt to work and plan.

The more I work and plan, the more I feel the need to read, to escape the incessant working and planning. But the more I read, the more I crave words, and knowledge. The more I want to write.

It’s nice being driven like this. I’m thirsty.

I found this pretty quote in Frankenstein and decided it fit my mood. That’s why I came upstairs to blog, anyway. I wanted to post this quote:

“…I feel my heart glow with an enthusiasm which elevates me to heaven, for nothing contributes so much to tranquillize the mind as a steady purpose– a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye” (Shelley 2).

See, it’s pretty and fitting (and pretty fitting), if I do say so myself.

Through eyes
12 March 2010, 5:12 pm
Filed under: Writing

Here I am again, sitting in the cushy red wood-framed chair in the library (again). I love this place. A new haven, found to shelter me from the rush of school. Just in time for spring, too. It’s a quiet place where spring can say quiet, too. Calm, wonderful. Perfect.

I don’t want to spoil it by calling it perfect, though. It’s not perfect.

No, I keep thinking of others’ opinions, and my obligations. Stuff I should be doing because I “have to,” not because it’s working toward a meaningful goal or because I want to.

Oh well, though. I will go home and go outside and write, maybe, or sleep on the deck. Who cares? I’m planning to forget to dwell on what anyone else thinks. At this point in my life– and probably it should apply to any other point, as well– it only matters what I think, and what God does.

I read this quote today, and I can’t remember who said it, but it went something like: “In life, I have to answer to [insert whatever his name was]. In whatever comes after, I have to answer to God.” It makes sense. I only wish I could remember the whole thing.

27 February 2010, 7:58 am
Filed under: Writing

There’s a lot I could write about today.
I’ll make a list, but I’m not discussing anything because I don’t feel like it and have to leave in seven minutes.

01. My Fredonia audition was switched to today. That’s why I’m leaving shortly.

02. I’m a bitch. Yeah, yeah. And why would anyone try and negate that to their faces, because they’ll just rant anyway, right?
If they’d been talking about my friends, I would have slapped them.

03. I had a dream last night, and Kenny was telling me he loved Maddy Snyder and couldn’t be with me.
a. I’m not with Kenny.
b. I don’t know if he knows Maddy that well?
c. I think it was my subconscious rejecting me. Awesome.

04. Now it’s time to go, so wish me luck. Mason Hall, here I come. Last audition for college. Yes.

17 February 2010, 11:28 am
Filed under: Writing

So my grandmother has me shopping online for a new pair of boots. Never mind that my old pair might be kind of pathetic, but still usable. Nope, she asked me a “favor” this morning, as soon as I woke up. Duh, I agreed, and then she springs it on me. Get new boots.

What self-respecting girl doesn’t want a new pair of shoes? I’m no different there: I have been known to (once or twice) blow my money on freaking amazing heels that I rarely wear (but when I do, shit they’re awesome).

But come on, my boots are fine, hopefully winter doesn’t last much longer, and I don’t want to spend her money. I don’t like doing that. I’m not comfortable with spontaneous gifts, unless I’m the one giving them.

So I’m working on beating down my girly excitement so I can make a rational decision on a normal, warm/dry pair of boots without getting all giddy or delighted (in shoe stores, I’m pretty pathetic, yeah). And that’s my day so far.

Oh, and a side note: I slept in an actual bed for the first time in almost three months last night. Yes, I did sleep for twelve hours exactly, and it was wonderful. I dreamed about hunting bloodthirsty monsters. No surprise there, but I did get the heebie-jeebies. When I woke up at three from said dream, yepo, I wrote it all down.

This writing thing, it’s throwing me off. I really only write for fun. Like, I’m bored, so I’ll work on my story. Now it’s almost obnoxious because everything I see, hear, do– that’s merging with the story that wants to be written. It’s a constant hum in the back of my mind. I know it’s there, I just have to put it down. Which is just super, because it’s another commitment I’ll have to dedicate myself to. Great timing, just days before the most important audition of my pre-college career.

But hey, I guess I’m getting new boots, so I should cheer up and order them. And then write.

A foggy day (not in London town)
16 February 2010, 12:05 pm
Filed under: My Day, Writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I’m getting there. Almost, almost in that world of cloudy daydreams and crystalline plots. The deep swirl of fantasy is intoxicating: it won’t be long before I’m completely gone, wrapped in a world of my own devising.

Sorcery, blood, ancient prophecies and a universe that parallels this but is so, so different. Romanticism and idealists, cravings to take life and to live life. And, naturally, a huge amount of violence and snappy dialogue… maybe. Assuming I can successfully start into that world and resurface in a few hours.

The problem is starting. Where should it start? With the protagonist dying? With her sister being murdered? Or perhaps with a prophecy.

I don’t know yet, but soon. Soon I’ll just do it, just write it, and see if it’ll turn out. And if it doesn’t, well, I know what won’t work.


Unmasking my villain
14 February 2010, 3:15 pm
Filed under: Random Thoughts, Writing

I need to create a Villain.

That’s right, I capitalized: The Villain needs to be a serious evil guy. Or girl. I don’t know. They need to be able to go toe-to-toe with my Protagonist, who’s legit kick ass.

It’s going to be tough.

I already have one bad guy. A traitor, who pretends all along he wants to help out the good guys. Then he screws ’em over and kills two of my favorites.

Yes, the Protagonist does demolish him pretty efficiently post-favorite-killing.

But I need a Villain, one who is evenly matched with my Hero, who can twine through the story as largely, as powerfully, and add as much darkness to pit against the blazing gold of Enna Rose.

How to create one? Uhg.

We could go typical Bad Dude and pop a tall, dark, angry man in.

Or try Voldemort/Dolores and make a negative combo. Maybe reverse roles: I already have kind of a male Dolores/minor villain in Clayton. For You-Know-Who I could mold a malicious, middle-aged? maybe older, female who’d like to destroy everything paranormal.

Maybe, maybe. This was just a thinking-while-writing blog anyway. Hmmm.

Instead, now
11 February 2010, 7:18 pm
Filed under: Writing

Instead of spinning, my head is pounding. Or it’s starting to. My family is oblivious and absorbed in the hockey game– which we will probably lose. That’d make, what? Eleven, twelve in a row?

It’s not my fault if I fell asleep from four until six thirty. It’s not my fault.

I had to eat. It wasn’t healthy. But I needed, wanted food. I asked for spinach salad for dinner, though. Iron for the blood drive tomorrow.

My hands are freezing, freezing cold. My muscles ache and I’m clueless as to why. I’m just drained, drawn. I still have English and economics to do.

Oh well. Oh well and in four hours it’ll be midnight. Seven hours ’til three. A few more after that and another day’s already here.

The worst part is, I thought about it: thought about getting my lazy ass up from the couch/my bed and making coffee, fighting myself awake so I could get my work done. If I hadn’t wasted all that time zoning on Sims 3 between two-fifteen and four, things would have been different. I wouldn’t be so cold, so tired. Or would I?

It hurts to keep my arms up. I just want to go to bed, forget about it all. I want the Sabres to win and this stupid house to warm up and my dumb Fredonia application to be already completed and sent out. I know it’s still there, but I want that happy back. Where I can see it, touch it. Feel that golden warmth on my face like summer.

Instead of staying, my joy is evaporating like August dew and I’m left shivering and alone.

This & who I used to be, don’t matter much at all to me

Sometimes I think in pictures. Sometimes it’s words, sometimes in half-jumbled sentences with excited images tumbling one over another through my mind.

It’s been the words, the past few days. I’ve just been in a writing mood lately. The colors are there, too: vivid, bold, and frenzied. Happy.

That’s weird. By all rights, I should be stressed and angsty.

But I’m happy. I’m happy that I don’t have to worry about school: even though I still have to catch up on my piles of English and economics. Plus there’s that yearbook thing. I’m happy that I don’t have to fret over boys: the only one I’d seriously considered for a while has found a skinny skanky girl.
That should irritate me. And it doesn’t.

I think spring is coming. That’s the only possible solution. It really just doesn’t make sense for me to be so thrilled with life, and want to write all the time.

And this is without coffee.

So I’m confused, but I’m overjoyed about it. Go figure. It’s crazy, and I love it. Thanks, God.

Thank God for the Avett Brothers
10 February 2010, 4:51 pm
Filed under: Writing

(Originally written: 09 February 2010, 11:14 PM. From the couch, whilst pretending to sleep. Revised: 10 February 2010, 4:49 PM.)

“The Greatest Sum”‘s
humming in my ears and
through my heart

Still I think
How would it be
If I were just to fall apart

Shaking, trip, whoops
   There I go
And where I land
   Well, who would know?

The notes fly by
   like life I see
No one cares what
   eyes catch me

I hear them call, a net below
Sing your song
I’m yours, you know

I would be sad, again, but I’ll
Forget self pity
And hear my friends

Blog from a pretty concert hall

Kulas Hall, Cleveland Institute of Music
02/09/10 8:37 AM

I almost feel like I should put my shoes on. My spiffy shiny black $20 Payless heels would polish me right up; I have a niggling little feeling that the vivid aquamarine music note socks under plain grey flat-soled boots aren’t really doing the trick.

Oh dear. My mother’s next to me, seat on my left. Periodically she chuckles quietly to herself. Why? She’s “trying to pick out the gay ones.” Oh sweet dear Jesus God.

I’m not as nervous as I was for Syracuse, I’ve found. The quaking trembles I’d endured pre-arrival at SU aren’t poking at me here. But I am rigid. I can feel that much. Lack of hydration, lack of solid breakfast, and just the appropriate dash of nerves churn with the presence of propriety. my stomach’s sour from wrongfully mingling with all this gleaming high society. These are the serious kids. I can pretend I’m supposed to be here, and deep down I know that the education is right. I’d love the fine sheen of purpose that money and experience gives these prospective students.

I could act it. I’m a fine enough actress.

But my deepy-seated country roots are urging me, don’t. Stay you. For Gowanda.

Emma never auditioned here. She settled, after considering Ithaca. She settled for Fredonia, because it was what she wanted.

But if I settle, I want to settle because I’ve seen, experienced, felt the higher-up, the top notch, and chosen another route.

I don’t want to go to school here if it means no one’s friendly, or down to earth. Granted my mind with travel off in a tizzy over a beautiful French selection. I’ll drool over La Boheme, and swoon at the thought of learning from some of the best.

But I need to stay true to my home. I didn’t realize that was so crucial to me until I got here, and they weren’t even as marginally cheerful as they’d been at Syracuse. Forget that Sam the Accompanist said that I should be aiming higher. I’d rather be somewhere I’ll be happy than somewhere I’ll waste my best years learning, miserably.

So forget it. My boots are warm, fairly ugly and salt-stained. My socks are bright and wild.

They’re staying on, and so’s my personality. I’d like to be accepted here, maybe to entice a bidding war (as Karen would say, and also let me add a “yeah, right,” but I can hope). But if I’m not, I won’t cry. I felt immediately at ease at Syracuse. Everyone was pleasant from the get-go.

And maybe it’s my mood of the moment, but right now I’d rather make music with a bunch of incompetents than with a bunch of expensive stiffs.

So they say
3 February 2010, 4:43 pm
Filed under: Writing

They say if you want something, go and get it. They say if you want to live, you have to just do it, and enjoy every second.

So if I want a hug, I should go get one. If I want someone, just to have there and talk to and, God forbid, touch, I should find one. Shouldn’t I?

I see patterns, in everything. In the type of girls the boys I usually cast my eye on prefer. In the boy himself.

I especially see one now, when, wowwhatasurprise, the one boy I did have my eye mostly focused toward decides that he does indeed like the stick-thin and easy.

Not that I mind. I don’t mind in the least. I won’t shed a tear, it’s not that important. What’s important is that I learn from that rapid hot punch of shock. Eli’s seeing Cayla? (Or will be seeing her in no time, there’s no doubt, ha ha ha.)

What happened to me? Am I too fat again? Fuck that, I’ve lost weight. I might be too busy. Or too ugly. Or whatever, because it doesn’t matter. I’m leaving at the end of this year and it doesn’t mean a thing. I have to leave now, actually, since I’m going to Buffalo for a lesson.

They say that practice makes perfect, and as soon as I get over being pissed off because I’m (yet again) not good enough, I’ll remain busy and cold and aloof.

It doesn’t matter.

Need for Eastman Audition
2 February 2010, 7:32 pm
Filed under: Writing

Click to access auditions.pdf

1 February 2010, 9:54 am
Filed under: Writing

That’s what number photo I just uploaded. I will hit number four-twenty-two next, once two batches of twenty are done.

In ten minutes, I will leave the empty band room and the decent mac computer and meet up with Marya in the lunch room. We’ll take five minutes to eat, then use the pass Mr. Bett wrote for us to raid the costume room for entertaining and appropriate props.

Speaking of Propps, I cannot believe she submitted a page Friday.

Okay, I guess it’s on me, again. I didn’t go into school. Sorry for taking one day off. Doesn’t matter that it was the day of the play’s premiere, or that I had an audition Saturday. I even received a text at nine AM, “Are you coming in to school to work on yearbook?”

No. No, I’m freaking not. I’m going to sit on the couch and eat junk food and finish reading my book. After that, I’m going to practice German until my tongue falls off from rolling all of those Heidenroslein r’s.

And so I did. And guess what happened? A page was mysteriously submitted at 2:04 PM Friday, January 29th.

It was a punch in the gut, knocked the breath right out of me, when I realized page 16 was forever out of my editing hands.

We never, never submit without at least three different people proofing. There are, minimum, three separate sets of eyes (not including mine) scrutinizing each double page spread.

So, was it some kind of a joke? Who could have– would have– done such a thing? It’s a senior portrait page, for God’s sake, really? I’m the only one who really ever touches them until it’s time for proofing. After that, let’s give it to Katie, Marya, even Judd. Maybe Post or David, they’ve proofed pages in a crisis. See any flaws, errors? Spelling mistakes, misalignments?

I just cannot believe it. I don’t think I’m being overdramatic, either. I’m not as worked up as I could be, that’s for sure.

Besides, I’ve decided that, to combat the senioritis I feel lurking at the edge of my subconscious, I need to just relax. Be chill about everything. It’s crucial to me that I don’t ruin these last few months at Gowanda by being a colossal bitch.

For example, I got to band today after announcements. Hailey is apparently our new percussionist. No one told me about it. But I’m expected to figure out parts for her and (I’m assuming) assimilate her into our little family group. Our tightly-knit percussion Vortex.

I didn’t get worked up about it, I didn’t complain. I smiled and handed her “Danny Boy” and a pair of soft mallets. I got yelled at for talking, but hey, she’s our new kid. Make her feel welcome.

Another side of me was telling me, “Be a bitch, be a Bitch!” But I didn’t. I wasn’t.

I won’t be for this yearbook crap, either. I’m going to be responsible and polite, and check up on a page that was submitted without proofing and without my approval. It might sound haughty, but we’ve gone through this before, when Propp and Theresa submitted freshman candids. There were errors on the page that the two of them– and only two– hadn’t caught, that Marya and I saw immediately. There are just issues that everyone specializes in catching. It’s a damn shame that this page wasn’t given the chance to be critiqued– I sure hope there’s nothing wrong with it.

… And another thing. I haven’t worked myself almost into the ground on this damn book to have it all submitted half-assed. I might be tiptoeing into control freak territory, but I really, truly hate to see anything I’ve helped create not glow its brightest.

That irritating tickle
31 January 2010, 6:25 pm
Filed under: Writing

It’s been nagging me for a week now. That little crooked itch that beckons me, invites me, whispers, Write me, write me.

But it sucks, because right now that tickle is being erased (even though I want it to stay) by the infuriating noise of the television. The thump of my sister’s feet as she’s wii boxing, the rampant on-off of my dad at the light switch– even the music I’d turned on that was supposed to be pleasant is making the latent scream I’ve suppressed for months upon months rise higher in my throat.

God, just silence. Or even just music. Just leave me alone, I want words and words and creativity. Vivid, troubled characters and a setting of vibrant, morphable world at my fingertips.

Come back. Tempt my mind. Little tickle, nudge me to think!

Choking on futility

How to Control Myself so I Don’t Respond to Infuriating Situations Like a Complete Teenager
A Guide to Stupid Thoughts, by Kim

Mr. J’s disagreement lessons don’t really come into consideration when it’s an argument in Real Life. Obviously.

It’s hard enough to keep the bile from my throat, let alone really ponder the reasoning behind the raucous shouting.

Strangely enough, my head is clearing as the headache gathers. The sour ache at my temples and in my chest congeals as rational thought stomps through and fury pumps as if from a bellows through my veins.

Really, I’m ungrateful? I suppose I am. Sincerely and honestly, I take for granted everything I possess and the love I receive. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t trample over the world as if I owned it.

And so she asks, “What do you take the world for? What do you take me for?”

I take the world for a heartless and cruel universe in which life could end at the drop of a hat. I take her for an angry woman whose temper makes me want to vomit. I still might.

But what is life if I don’t live it like it’s mine? I take my existence for a precious thing, and shit, I wouldn’t work so hard all the time if it meant nothing to me. It means so much that I can’t help but try to live.

So, you know. Naturally I didn’t argue back. I did ask, politely, I thought, if she would like me to. If she’d agreed I might have obliged, I don’t know. I’m not some child she can push around anymore.

Not that she was ever physically violent. But if there are any speculations about my own temper, and why I never really lose it, that’s why. I know it’s kin to hers, and it’s oh so very ugly.

I’m sorry for being ungrateful. I’m sorry for asking for more than she was willing to pay. It’s about a new phone, by the way. Mine won’t charge. At two years old (never having been replaced) I’m genuinely surprised it’s still alive. The Droid Eris seemed perfect, and we almost upgraded, until the “Internet and Data Use” option appeared. Thirty extra dollars (per month… expensive, I understand), and there goes the lid. Flipped.

Oops. I realize I don’t get annuity, thanks. Why didn’t you just say you were broke? I wasn’t aware that I was sharing such a dirty look, sorry. And hell, I’ll keep my eyes down and veiled now and refuse to open my mouth, I suppose.

I did tell her that I wouldn’t work so hard and give so much if I didn’t want to match all that she gives me. It’s so stupid, and I guess I’m not strong enough, because yeah. My voice was thick and pathetic with emotion and I wished I didn’t care so much. I hate conflict. It makes me sick.

I don’t think it’s a false happy
14 January 2010, 2:52 pm
Filed under: Writing

(2:13 PM. The bus.)

For some reason, people are making me happy today. The little ones; and they normally really piss me off. It must be the false spring– ha. I saw green grass today. GREEN GRASS. And it’s almost not cold outside.

The roads are bare. Maybe I’ll be able to drive down to practice tonight.
The little boys are cracking me up. The typical make gene is very evident… it’s so pronounced and today I find it endearing. Beats me why.

There’s chitchat over football: apparently the Cowboys are going to destroy. Or the Vikings will. And the Jets really suck.
“Then, there was this fight today! Did you see the fight? There was a fight, dude! Two nerds! They didn’t even fight they were like slapping each other like this–”
And so on.

I am just so amused right now.
Then I see older boys whipping snowballs from my seat by the bus window and I think, this is life. Boys talking about sports, throwing things. Growing up.
Then it struck me that I’m a grown up, to them.

They don’t really talk to me anymore, and they used to, even if it was just to harrass me (I’d pick on them in return something fierce).

Okay, so I guess I’m a grown-up today then. But I’m still happy.