Kick Drum Heart

Purple and yellow are complimentary, maybe

So, I got on the bus today. Right at two oh eight. And upon sitting down in a seat, I realized that there was absolutely nothing I could get done at home. I’d be lazing around the house for four hours, accomplishing nothing. And eating.

So, I stood back up and walked off the bus. And back into school.

So, here I am, seated at Mrs. Propp’s computer, blogging and yearbooking and thinking about food.

I really want an Olympia salad. That would be fantastic.

Anyway. There’s a basketball game tonight, at home. I really want to go, but I have play rehearsal.

Come on, it’s not like I do anything at play, anyway. Until I know all of my (twelve) lines, there’s not really much I can do but observe where I move. And how to jump when my leg gets shot. Ha.

I’d need blue clothes, anyway. Maybe my mother will come to the game and bring me some. And some of Olympia’s salad.

On another note, I got a hug today. I passed this kid that I think I like walking in the hallway during twelfth. He said, “Hey, you,” and I honestly almost turned around to see who he was talking to. But it was me, ha ha. So I gave him a hug and he mumbled at me politely and then we went our separate ways.

I think I make him nervous. I know I make him awkward.

Whatever, though. I’d like a guy I can talk to about anything, who argues with me, and who knows when and what I’m feeling. I’d like a guy who doesn’t expect me to be experienced in everything sexual. I’d like a guy who can text me and have more to talk to me about than sex.

But for now, well. I guess I’ll settle with the one I have in mind now. The one with silly shoelaces and flippy hair who I never see to talk to. The one everyone says is so sweet. The one that doesn’t make any sense for me to be crushing on.

Yep, I think I’ll stick with him, regardless of the senselessness. As Katie is fond of quoting, “It’s not the years in your life, but the life in your years.” And my years have been pathetically lacking in life lately.

“This is so trippy”

…that’s what Katie’s saying about Sonic the Hedgehog right now, anyhow.

What a day it’s been. My head is still working, grinding out new thoughts and ideas that I can’t really keep straight. Katie’s done a lot to help me with them, though. If you ever need someone to talk to (not that I’m advertising her to creep-asses) she’s your girl.

She’s going to start blogging again, too. I showed her how I revamped mine (I was so proud, haha) and now she’s excited. I am, too. Her brilliance should be make public for sure.

It’s magnificence can be located here. Anyone who’s reading this is highly advised to check it out :)

After Trank leaves today, I’m going to go have some fun. A form of stress relief, if you will. Today’s been filled with many pressing issues and I’m just sick to death of having my mind whirring away at me. So, I’m going out (but eventually into a house) and I’m going to enjoy an evening without reservations and without regrets. Therapeutic pizza-baking can only take one so far, you know.

At least, that’s how I hope the evening is going to play out. I’m just so bogged down with new and controversial ideas. I need to shake it off. It’s not that I mind thinking: I certainly don’t. But when it’s constant and unrelenting and heavy, that’s when I start to think I need a distraction.

Here’s to getting my mind off of things. Cheers.


I’m really busy.

As if I’ve never realized it before.

I’m working on my resume for keyboarding, and it’s reminding me that I really am involved in so many different activities– and I want to do track?! When am I going to find the time?  I need to train something fierce; I ran fifteen minutes straight in gym today and I was winded. Maybe I should drop my study hall for conditioning, but then Mrs. Propp would murder me, because I use that time for yearbook.

Yep. I’m pretty damn busy. So busy that I’m not going to bother writing any more because Act II for play tomorrow is off book and tonight I had none of my lines memorized. That was sucky. So, toodles. I got shit to do.


I just got done with a pretty gay myspace survey; but it started out talking about 2008. I got a little sentimental thinking back on the year, which encompassed everything from the shitty times last winter with issues and miscommunication to the shitty times this spring and summer with some more issues and my inability to communicate altogether. But it also covered the kickass summer with Caitlin, Michelle, and bonfires and the blanket game to this school year, my best yet– with friends and Aida and mudslides and hot tubs and sledding and friends and photo shoots.

I want 2009 to be a continuation of the time from July  to December.

I want fun with friends and family. I want the bond with my sister to strengthen and expand. I want another mudslide ;) I want to be able to play some ferocious xylophone and bust out the Puccini like nobody’s business. I want to have so much excitement and happiness that I feel like I’m going to start glowing with optimism. I want to work my butt off and be motivated and feel like a success as a person.

I want 2009 to be the best year of my life so far.

I’m going to remember 2008: there were a lot of hard-learned lessons that I need to keep with me. But I want to be able to put the crap that accompanied those lessons behind me and move forward as my own independent person. And I will, despite it all. Shboom shboom, son.

Pillow be mine… later

I was so tired today. And less-than-energetic. And Little Richter wouldn’t shut up in keyboarding and it drove me insane. Plus, I have resumes and National Honor Society crap to do… not that it’s crap. It’s just stressful and time-consuming, when I have such little time to begin with.

It’s amazing I find time for this writing. I’m going to continue to find the time, though, because I’m sure this is good for me.

I really want to sleep right now. It’s too early, and I have things to do, but I really wouldn’t mind just drifting back into pillows and drowsing. It sounds so lovely, and peaceful.

I’m excited for tonight, though, I suppose. Play rehearsal, and then a basketball game to work (concessions). I hope play is productive. Sometimes we really don’t get anything done, and today, I’m honestly not feeling so peppy and friendly. I worry that I might get frustrated and cranky and bitchy. I hate it when I’m like that, despite how ruthless and powerful unchecked rantings make me feel (ruthless and powerful). It’s the after-bitching phase that sucks: the looks your friends give you and the muttering, and the sinking, awful feeling that maybe, shit, I just did something wrong.

Society disapproves of my bad mood. Oh no.

Stress, stress, stress

Want to see my to-do list? It’s longer than Santa’s right now. I’m working on completing National Honor Society forms as waell as trying to finish up presents, while balancing yearbook and singing and band and percussion ensemble and jazz and play and class officer stuff. (I am now officially the Unofficial Secretary of the Treasury, by the by.)

God, and that doesn’t even cover the God-related stuff I should be doing… such as practicing my basic piano for my Sunday Sschool Finale/sendoff on the twenty-eighth.

It makes my heart hurt to think of it. My last day of teaching Sunday school. I must really be tired, I think I might cry.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that the God aspect of it is important to me. God is important to me. So is faith. With the Christmas– not “holiday– with the Christmas season very, very near it seems important to be up front about that. No, I’m never going to force my religion on you .I am not, as Taylor is fond of accusing, a “zealot.” I’m honestly not even very sure about my own faith, except that I do believe in God– the God– and if I didn’t, I’d be a little less steady than I already am. Aything that gives me a foundation and a balance is a positive factor in my life.

The problem with Sunday School was, I didn’t have enough time to devote to teaching, the kids are all reaching the age where they dislike attending, and I don’t think I know enough, personally, to do a good enough job. I can’t do as good a job as they deserve.

And also, I don’t like to deal with the drama. Old ladies are a bore. I’m sick of it.

But I wonder if I should make one last-gasp attempt to get all of my kids back. Whenever I think “Sunday school” I think of either a metal chair being whipped across the single room, and shouting, or I think of the gilded days filled with sunshine where I’d walk into the church and within six minutes I would have ten kids there and ready to learn. Those were the best days, and I miss them. Maybe I wasn’t nearly as mature then, but they were there, and sometimes they stayed for church. When I had hope that some of my lessons were reaching them, it felt good… would you ever believe that at one point in past summers I daydreamed of entering the ministry?

But now, I can teach them more effectively about breathing techniques and drumming rhythms than I can about the Lord. So, there  you have it. I give up.

And I feel like shit about it.

Living is easy with eyes closed

I honestly believe that ignorance is bliss. Take a look at Oedipus in Sophocles’ Greek tragedy, Oedipus Rex. If he had just ignored the oracles and seers that tended to pop up all over the damn place he could have continued living happily. He could have cheeerily gone and gotten some hanky panky on with his wife, Jocasta, without feeling extremely disgusting because he’d just done the dirty with his momma. But no, he listened to rumor, he listened to the Oracle at Delphi, and he simply couldn’t even be bothered to try and quench the burning curiosity he felt when it came to the circumstances surrounding his birth. If he’d lived in ignorance, he wouldn’t have lived such a cursed life.

Because I do not believe that Fate lays out our destinies before us. Yes, there might be obstacles set up along the way by some higher power. Okay, cool. But we choose– we decide– what we do with those obstacles. You can’t tell me that the starving is the “fate” of the millions of emaciated children in third world countries. You cannot convince me that my fate is to end up where some fantastical god moves me.

I am not a pawn. I am not a queen, either. But on the chessboard of life, I consider myself a rook or a bishop (preferably a bishop, I like diagonals more than I like straight lines)– I have restrictions, like any human being. But I can do as much with the game as I want to, even if that means being taken out of the playing because of my own stupidity.

On the other end of the metaphorical spectrum, however, I could also end up checkmating the other guy, as a bishop.

Hmm. It must be late, for me to be making comparisons to chess about life. Time for me to get diagonally to bed.


I love the xylophone.

I hate wasted potential. And wasted time. 

I was talking to Kenny today, after a shitty “lesson”– where we just practiced our solos. That wouldn’t have been so awful, except Fried decided that Paul, Kenny, and I should all practice in the aud; we can’t socialize, can’t help one another on our solos. Just straight practice.

And again, that wouldn’t have been so bad. But she was bitching at Kenny for being at the grand piano, and then demanded to know if we were messing around– I had just gotten into the aud, and he was just sitting there. She also yelled at Paul (which I’m fine with), but she was downright cranky. She was in band this morning, too.

That bothers me– that she doesn’t bother to attempt to understand what her students are feeling. She doesn’t try to make band an enjoyable experience. Some days it is, others it isn’t. I hate that. Making music should be a learning experience, a team exercise, and an individual pleasure, at least in my book.

A difficult teacher with mood swings isn’t the best conduit for useful knowledge. : (  It makes me sad.

I was grumpy today, too, because Paul doesn’t give a shit. He has the potential to be very good, very talented, but he just shrugs and says either “This is gay” or “Whatever.”

I guess I’ve just been in a snappish mood today. I was cranky and angry in English, and in my lesson. It’s unlike me. I don’t know if I’m turning over some unusual leaf or just venting frustration.

Who knows.

Well, until later, then. I need to shower, then it’s off to play rehearsal, where I can do the chem homework I have due tomorrow, work on my AP essay, and maybe knit a little bit. Knitting is calming, right?