Kick Drum Heart

And another one bites the dust

Here’s to life.

Here’s to a year of magic, a year of change. A year of growth, of growing pains, of pain in general and pain felt for others.

Here’s to half a junior year that was wild and crazy and fun. To resolutions, to prom, and to new, existence-altering thoughts. Here’s to alcohol and the lessons that inevitably accompany.

Here’s to friends who care and friends who enjoy the moment. Here’s to company that will never be forgotten, even if we do lose touch. To people and faces and the spark of youth that sets everything it touches to fire.

Here’s to summer. Here’s to driving, to breathing and to hillbillies who wash their hands in puddles. Here’s to light hearts.

Here’s to Gowanda. Here’s to a community that can draw together and generate strength for one another, unselfishly, in the most unexpected and trying of circumstances. To the power and the passion of people who want to make a difference.

Here’s to music. Here’s to the Avett Brothers, for supplying my heart with affection, amusement, and love. Here’s to Conference All State. To musicians of all ages, ethnicities, orientation, and talent levels that just want to breathe their passion into the world.

Here’s to graduation. Here’s to an uncertain future but a solid start. To senior year and the stress and ambition that bullet toward achievement.

Here’s to life.

Here’s to you, 2009.

I’ll drink to that.

As my foot falls asleep,

I don’t know what I want to write about. I don’t know what I want to do right now. I don’t know what I want to do with my life.

Well crap, talking to Brendan always makes me think about the big things. God and life, love, materialism and all of those… big things. Deep thinking. Like floodwater deep (and that’s pretty deep, kids).

Oh man, does my head hurt. It’s just beginning to start to pound. My sister has a friend over, so it’s not like I can go in my room and sing to music. Or even practice and try to talk myself out of the headache. Nope, I have to be a docile little girl and not scare the shit out of Tara with melodic lines warbling through the troposphere.

I think I might grab some cappuccino (we went to Wal-Mart today) and head downstairs anyway, turn on some Avett Brothers or Anna Netrebko or maybe Bob Marley. I don’t care about what my sister’s friend thinks about me, that’s not why I’m not going to practice. I do care that my vocal techniques might make Tara’s somewhat critical and clique-y attitude whip toward my sister. They already call me the Opera Freak… therefore I won’t make Michelle pull more excuses out of the air about me. I think she already has enough of a hard time, because so many people that know me end up meeting her. She came home from Drama Camp one day and told me I was the Devil’s spawn. Ripley called her Kim. Emma called her Kim. Everyone else called her Kim’s little sister, except for like, Colleen. I think it gets a little old after a while.

So I won’t put any more stress on her. I’ll lay low and put together my bag for school (eight days!). I might cobble together a “first day” outfit. Drink some caffeinated beverage, and organize some old story snippets.

Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. It’ll be a cozy, hopefully relaxing end to the day. Maybe.

What if what-ifs get too overwhelming, too early?

I woke up this morning wanting to make lists, wanting to start school, and wanting to get things done. It then occurred to me that I will be completely counterproductive if I have all these grand plans to make things happen but no notion or direction toward how to actually accomplish them.

So today I guess I’ll be sifting through the papers downstairs. I am going to try and finish my reading cards– although I’m not sure how happy I’ll be re-submerging myself in the hazy medical green fog of lobotomies and Big-boobed Nurse. I might try making lists: what I need for school, what I have for school, what I need to do in order to be ready for school, what I should be doing so I don’t suck when I go back to school.

I’m a smidgeon excited.

Here’s the downside, the only one that I can see.

I had a dream last night that life flew by.
I woke up and discovered what the hell, that’s not a dream, really.
In my dream, I texted Caitlin in September, and the next thing I knew, it was her birthday in November. And I hadn’t talked to her in all the time in between. Dumb.
Not going to happen, either.

It reminded me of “Marley & Me.” The dream did: where at the beginning John and Jenny are twenty-ish and by the end they’re in their forties. All that time vanished in the span of two hours. Not even.

What if that happens to me? Life rocketing by so fast that all I catch of it is a blur? What if I waste it? What if I mess it up? What if I can’t fix my mistakes, or leave a friend when they need me, or end up giving up something I love without knowing it?

What if I don’t live life, and never even know the difference?

Blog at a bank (8:03 AM)

So tired.

The idea of writing right now was so lucrative, so tempting. My willpower is practically nonexistant. So here I am.

With everything going on, I can’t pretend to feel one way when I really believe an entirely different thing.

I wish I could talk to someone about it, thought. Someone I could fully trust.
Who’d understand. I might try God, except I’m not sure I’m up for the ways He might decide to reply.

He knows it all, anyway. He knows everything, right?

My thoughts here and in my mind just aren’t connected at all. (As one might be able to tell.)

There are so many things racing through my head.

The flood. School and the changes that will occur. Drama Camp. A friend. Singing. Helping out. A boy. Walking. Feeling like shit. Worse situations than mine. Smoking drugs drinking and how I thought long and hard about it and crossed them all off as bad decisions for me right now. Controversy. Grandma. Stress, sickness. The grief rushing as thick and fast through this community as the Cattaraugus did. My current dizzy queasiness.

And so much more. Like how I want to trust everyone but I can’t.

It’s no wonder my head is spinning.

It’s almost time for me to start walking to the school for the last day of Drama Camp with Mrs. Ripley. It’s maybe the last time I’ll see Emma, Hannah, and Kiener before they go to college.
I don’t know how I feel about that, either. I just want to go to bed. And I just caught myself thinking “maybe I need a lobotomy.”

Yep, I must be nuts.

Why, that’s absurd (Blogging at 5:00 AM on a Sunday from a shitty, borrowed laptop)

I don’t know if there’s a better reason for being up this early other than I can’t fall back to sleep, but I didn’t want to take the chance that there was. It sounds stupid, but I don’t want to miss a thing… I’m reading The Irresistible Revolution right now and Brendan was right, it does change you. Already I am searching hard at my life, looking for ways that God can use me. I have the inkling I’m looking a little too closely, but I’d rather try and look too hard than not at all. Although, isn’t God the one who will find service and drop it in my lap? See, I don’t know. So I’m confused and starting to get eye and soul strain, here.

Oh, and I think I was trying to text in my sleep again. Cait wasn’t here last night to check on me, but I woke up and my phone was next to me instead of shoved back way under my pillow, so I was moving around pretty forcefully, at least.

I love sleep. I don’t want to give up sleeping because I act like a moron and can’t stop from growling out names and trying to contact people in the dead of the night. How absurd.

The word “absurd” makes me think of “Titanic,” and Rose. “Why that’s absurd!”

I wish I had a Jack (preferably one that wouldn’t sink). I think he’d be a lot of fun, and he’d think I was fun too so there would be no issue. He wouldn’t be too hesistant or too much of a whore. He would want to talk to me or screw me in a car, depending on the moment. We’d have a lot of good times. He wouldn’t expect commitment or a solemn vow of dedication and devotion– he would adore me in the moment, just as I would him. He would understand that there was only one life to live and enjoy, and he’d want to spend a few short moments of his with me.

That, to me, is the perfect balance in a guy. Not too flighty, so I think I’m cheap, but not that willing to settle down, either. I don’t want to feel trapped. I don’t want to have to spend every waking moment thinking about one person and how they feel and what they think and how best to please them. I want, for once, for someone to want to please me but not want to commit to anything serious. I thought boys liked to be considerate sluts?

I’m not saying I want someone for a fuck-and-run. I don’t want to spend time with a guy I can’t respect or have a decent conversation with. But there should be some kind of happy medium, an easy chemistry that doesn’t require too much input from either of us. I want a friend who likes to kiss me, I guess. Haha.

Whatever, I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m probably not posting this. At least not until eight o’ clock, anyway. I might go back to sleep. God will find me, I hope. Or else I’ll keep searching, just not when I’m on six hours of sleep on a Sunday morning. Good night.

Not so swell

My first thought upon logging onto wordpress was, yes! I have spam!

It really doesn’t matter to me about receiving views and comments and whatever. I mean, this is for me to write and ramble on, and if someone happens to stumble across it and like it (or not like it) then great.

But I’d forgotten how cheering it is to know that someone actually saw the page. Someone’s checking in, someone cares. It makes me smile.

On a different hand, I’ve had a constant headache today. I don’t know if it’s the shift in energy– with Caitlin here everything seems more exaggerated, more energized, and I’m not used to that kind of hyperactivity. I’m usually a laid-back kind of girl, unless something needs to get done. Then I’m driven, but not (usually) to the point of frenzy. The house has been a whirlwind of frenzy lately.

So, I’m ready for some downtime. I’ll admit it. I’m just tired and achy and a little pissed. Why pissed? one might wonder.

Well, I guess I’m not really angry, per se. Just a little peeved. But when you suggest making plans with someone and then never get back to them, it’s irksome to the one you don’t get back to. Translation: goddammit, if I said I’d text you back about the plans we were going to have, I fricken would. No question. I don’t leave a friend hanging.

And I guess I was left hanging.

It doesn’t matter, and I’m not cranky because oh no, he might not “like” me. I’m cranky because it’s simple common courtesy to say if the plans won’t work out. And I’m not bitching about bad manners, necessarily, but I’d do it for my friends. I’d tell them when something was going to fall through.

Oh, yeah, and I have bug bites effing everywhere and I’m itching like the dickens. It’s too warm and I feel disgusting and did I mention I have a headache?

I’m going to bed. And hopefully just go right to sleep instead of brooding over issues I have no control over and will only constantly think on if I don’t.

Living of love (say for me “love”)
22 July 2009, 4:16 pm
Filed under: My Day, My Explanations, Random Thoughts, Writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

It’s too late in the day for me to do anything but wait around for the guy to come trim the horses’ hooves. Michelle and Dad are going to run errands and visit the library, and I could go there. I wanted to go for a walk in the woods with the laptop and write, but I don’t know if I can now. I just don’t know.

I’m having thinking problems. Ha, what’s new? But there’s so much running through my mind. It’s like having that talk with Brendan and then reading some disturbing things have gotten the gears and cogs churning, and now they won’t stop. I cleaned stalls today, and all I could think of as I shoveled and wheelbarrowed away giant loads of horse shit was my own judgemental tendencies. Well, I guess I shouldn’t say “my own.” I thought of everyone else’s judgmental tendencies as well.

Brendan says that so many concepts of God and faith and Christians are distorted nowadays, and I can say from firsthand experience that it’s true. For me, church has rarely (if ever) been fun. My faith in God was a singular, lonesome thing. Powerful, strong… yes, okay. But I guess (or I’ve learned) that you need fellowship, a bond with others, to have a really motivating faith and strength in the Lord.

I’m not sure I’m ready for that. I’m shaking somewhere between real worship and hesitating. Wanting to touch that fire but afraid that if I do it will burn me.

I remember riding down the road last summer thinking, why do I like God? Why do I need Him?

It wasn’t some angry outburst or denouncement of faith, I was simply and innocently wondering. I’d believed in Him and tried to serve him since before I could remember, and in what I’d thought of then as one of my greatest hours of service, He craps out on me and I’m left with a church that politely is confused and disapproves and a child with a bitchy family and a temper tantrum.

So I rode down the road in my mother’s SUV and wondered to myself why I needed God. I closed Him off. I told Him that I was really sorry but our relationship wasn’t working out and I needed a little time to see how I could function on my own.

In that time, I’ve learned innumerable lessons. Rejuvinating lessons that brought me to the peak of pride and also humbling ones, that cut me low and forced me to see other perspectives and learn. Really learn.

I realized that, in this sabbatical, this vacation from God, that He really never left me alone at all. I just blocked Him out.

Okay, and this wasn’t intended to be a personal narrative of my hazy and far-between travels with God. But now I’ve been reading this book Brendan gave me, and I have another one to read, which is why I didn’t go to the library (I want to read this book instead of being sidetracked like I inevitably would be). It’s really opened my eyes to a great many different views. And, strange as this might sound to some, so has Brendan.

Yesterday we gave out free hot dogs in front of Jesse’s Toy Box. So many of the people who took one just stared at us and asked, “Why? What are you doing this for?”

Answers ranged from “Just because,” and “We wanted to,” to “It was Brendan’s idea.” But the fact remains that a single act of spontaneous kindness shocked the hell out of the bits and pieces of Gowanda that floated through.

I’ve gathered, from reading these books and watching Brendan actively demonstrate unconditional love for his neighbors, that it doesn’t matter who does what or who does who or who cares and who doesn’t.

It doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things if you swear or drink or smoke or hate it all. (As long as you’re not driving drunk or stoned; that is Bad.) But liberals and gays and partiers and prudes (and mystics and Republicans and hobos, and so on) make up the world. It doesn’t do any good, for me at least, to get angry or judge those who do differently than I do personally.

For example, my cousin– who I’ve referred to as my sister hundreds of thousands of times– is a pothead and a partier. That was hard for me to accept.

But because I love her, because she’s my family and because I trust her to continue to grow into a wonderful and beautiful person regardless of the things she gets into as a teenager, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not my job to judge her. I might not smoke, and I might only drink recreationally and rarely, but it’s her decision to do it. She’s a smart girl. She’ll do what she wants, and as long as she doesn’t get hurt or hurt someone else, it’s not up to me to interfere. It is my job to care about her and (if not necessarily support her) be there for her.

On the other side of the spectrum sits one of my friends. Yeah, okay, I doubt she’s reading this anymore (ha) but she recently posted a blog about parties and drinking that was highly brutal. It made me frown and laugh in the same measure. Firstly, jell-o shots have vodka in them and not beer, so that was funny and kind-of cute. But then, I didn’t like so much being referred to as an “old friend”– no longer worthy to associate with because I’ve indulged in a few drinks maybe three times this year. Details don’t matter, though.

The facts were there. Some people do get so wasted that they don’t remember what they did the night before. Hell, some people are still drunk the next morning.

Even though I told myself not to get angry or feel insulted, and that she really didn’t hate her thrown-away alky friends as much as it implied, I had to comment. My fingers were itching. I felt rejected and stupid, since her blog is one of the websites I frequent most, and although I hadn’t talked to her in a while I wasn’t aware that I fell so short. Apparently she doesn’t care, but that’s neither here nor there and I can say without bitterness or temper that people are people.

I was judging, too, by critiquing her thoughts when I should have just left them there and quiet. Now they’ve knocked what seems to be a hornets’ nest, and I can’t keep my thoughts from swarming noisily. I’m afraid I’m going to get stung.

I had thought immediately of the offense I could take from that scathing post as soon as I read it. What can I say, I fumed, to make her rethink this? She hates me for my choices!

And so I was stupid and commented and replied and now I sure as hell am going to leave that alone. But again, yet again, here’s a lesson for me.

It’s not up to me to kick aimlessly at opinions that are obviously unkickable. I could be a bitch and a hypocrite and blast her for intolerance– she’s pro-gay and fairly liberal, but hates teenaged drunks? How silly– but that would only cause more controversy. And as fun as controversy can be sometimes, it’s definitely not the goal. The same stands true for my cousin, as well. I don’t smoke, so I could rail at her endlessly about how horrible it is and how she’s putting holes in her lungs and doesn’t she know that grandma knows? But it wouldn’t do any good, and would just hurt her, and me. And poor grandma.

And there’s where it ties into God. I’m not preaching here, either.

Everyone lives differently. We are all raised differently, see things through different eyes. Who am I to tell my cousin she has to stop killing her freaking brain cells, idiot, or to tell my friend that she’s too big for her britches and since she’s never experienced drinking or being drunk, how the hell would she know?

I could just as easily be told similar things.

From my cousin: Look, dumbass, you’ve never done it. Don’t bitch at me because you don’t like it, you really have no idea. You’re not my fucking mother.

From my friend: You’re wasting your time talking to me, you’ve already made your decision to drink. And because you did, you’ll contaminate me by association. You screwed yourself over by doing the stupid thing.

And they’re both right. I’m right, too.

This is why my head hurts.

I’m pretty sure what I’ve been driving at circles back to God. I have to get this straight. It doesn’t matter what people think or believe or do. What matters is having love (the pure and true kind) blaze for people. The good and the bad and the ugly, all of them. Regardless of habits or opinions or bitterness. I’m not giving a shout-out for Christianity everywhere, either, because the church has made so many mistakes and intrinsically is rotting. (That’s my opinion, anyway.) But if nothing else, that’s what God stands for. That’s the point. To love others and keep that love from fading out to nothing.

So, I’ll feel love for the oddballs. And the normal ones. Straight-laced or tipsy, obnoxious or appealing. I’ve been thinking all day and all yesterday on this, and finally, finally… I’ve reached the conclusion that I will try to spread unconditional love.

For Aida and Amneris
29 January 2009, 7:54 pm
Filed under: Dreams, music, My Day, Random Thoughts | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

I was just listening to “Written in the Stars,” from “AIDA.”

I got chills and felt like crying. The music. The characters. The loss of the part I thought I was perfect for, the discovery of my true talents, plus actually performing the show. All of these made it a life-changing experience for me.

It’s funny that it all hits me now, months and months afterward.

I originally received a copy of the Broadway cast recording in February 2008. I was just recovering from my first “real” breakup from a “serious” relationship, and the music helped me regain some sense of power, control, individuality and self-possession. It also allowed me to regain my dignity.

Later that year, I “hung out” with the same guy, and when he acted like a dickhead, I put up with it, then went home and listened to Heather Headley pour Aida’s soul into my ears, and into my heart. The character is so powerful– a strong woman, a queen. Very headstrong and opinionated, but she fell in love. As star-crossed as they were, they found happiness together.

It really sucks being a headstrong, opinionated, hopeless romantic. Despite the bullshit I had waded thigh-high into in my actual life, I could listen to “Elaborate Lives” and feel Radames’ and Aida’s love wash over me. Sometimes those songs made me think that my own relationships could be so sweet. Ha, at that point in time, I was really, really naive. But that’s not the point.

When auditions rolled around, I was dead-set on getting Aida. I felt like I KNEW her, I wanted to be her. I knew I could convey the passion I felt for her situation on stage. In my mind I saw Observer headlines, envisioned Heather Headley and Elton John sojourning to Gowanda. I vividly pictured a stage decked out in Egyptian finery, with myself in the center, belting out the injustice of slavery and the guilt I felt for endangering my people.

One of my best friends got the part.

I was shunted (in my mind) to the role of Amneris, the Egyptian princess head-over-heels for fashion and for her fiance Radames. Amneris is really shunted in the musical– Radames would rather be with Aida. Amneris undergoes a one-eighty degree turnaround from light-hearted and air-headed diva to heartbroken, powerful ruler.

I fell in love with Amneris’ character, too. It was unexpected, and it was a smaller role. But I had a million and one costume changes, some phenomenal singing and acting coaching…

And when I sang, when I stood in the middle of the stage with tears wet on my face and sang about love and loss, worthlessness, waste and a shattered heart, I felt Amneris. Her story became a part of me, as much as my eyes or my fingernails. It’s generally observed that Aida was the strong one. And she was strong.

But Amneris was strong, too. Immeasurably so. She withstood her pain, overcame it, survived. And made her life a success. Maybe she knew love later, maybe she never did. But she made her country a better place and she held a life lesson in her heart for the rest of her life.

“Aida,” and the life lessons that accompanied the show (from February to November to now) will stay with me for the rest of my life. When I’m eighteen or eighty with my own lover or sixteen cats, I will remember “Aida” as the most moving show I have ever performed in high school; I will remember it for its powerful and inspirational leads. I will remember it because Aida and Amneris represent both sides of love, and of life. And since I intend to love, and live, they represent me.


Today was a success. Xylophone audition did not go as well as I wanted it to, but I got a 100 on my singing, and Heather and Mr. Fleischman were there, and it was nice seeing them.

Oh, uhg. Forget it, this is not what is honestly on my mind right now.

I want to know why I can’t be happy around a guy? I can spend time with him, and laugh, and that’s cheerful. But when it comes to doing something that’s not just talking, I get awkward, worried. I’m nervous. I’m not confident. I am scared.

And I think to myself, come on now, honestly. It’s not like you’ve never done anything before, and it’s not like you’re doing the dirty with him right now, you just chilled out with him for a while. No pressure.

But, take this as an example. Hypothetically, let’s pretend I go to sit on his lap. For lack of a chair, naturally. And let’s pretend that when I sat on his lap I worried about breaking his leg… is my butt too bony? Can he tell how much fat I have on my legs?

And then he (hypotheticall) remarks, “It seems like you’re uncomfortable, though…”

Get a grip, Kim. Or get a seat. A decent one.

I deserve a little happiness and carefree fun with a boy. I normally feel unusual admitting that I should get something, it is my right to have it.

But I do deserve to have a little fun. Without worrying about obligations or what he or anyone else thinks of me. I’ve had enough trouble in the guy department for too long to believe anything different. My only real relationship was spoiled and sullied. Any crushing I do is done in secret because I don’t want to ruin friendships or make conversation awkward.

But if I have a chance to make something of a friendship turned attraction, than shouldn’t I take it? I’m always ranting and raving about taking the initiative… where are my balls?

I don’t have any, but hypothetically let’s pretend I really should grow some and take that chance.  

It might be completely worthless and I might be bullshitting myself into thinking that something could come of this. But free, unrestricted fun would be so welcome, so warranted. I’m busy and stressed and a strong and confident person. I’m not the sort most guys are attracted to. Come on, I might be blonde, but I’m not a stick and aside from being a good laugher, a good listener, and an okay joke-maker I have nothing appealing going for me. I have an ex-boyfriend that everyone knows about and disliked, and I made a fool (publicly) out of myself for him for the majority of last year. I’m not a slut but I can be kind of a smartass sometimes, which puts me at the bottom of any list of interesting prospects, naturally. I don’t do drugs or party (yet, I guess), so my reputation on that front is clean. To boys, I’d be boring. Maybe a little bit pretty, because my hair’s kind of cool, but generally uninteresting and unintriguing.

Therefore, if I have an opportunity to change that… shouldn’t I?

I don’t want him to take up a huge part of my life, because my life revolves around my family, friends, and school. And success. I’m ambitious. But I’m worried that if I take a step out onto this particular limb, I’ll fall straight off the tree, and fall hard. I don’t want to be falling for anyone. It’s a crush, an interest, and that’s all it is. Nothing serious, but it’s got possibility. What if I make it serious, though? It’s so habitual to just gravitate toward the intense, serious, straight-faced attitude.

Why? Have I been brainwashed into thinking that serious is good? I want a lighthearted relationship that feels nothing like a relationship! A friendship, with benefits.

But then again, do I really? Didn’t I like the bonding, the adoration?

Ehh. I could live without it right now. It’s too reminiscient of last year’s catastrophes. A carefree series of rendezvous would be just fine with me.

The end.


I just got done with a pretty gay myspace survey; but it started out talking about 2008. I got a little sentimental thinking back on the year, which encompassed everything from the shitty times last winter with issues and miscommunication to the shitty times this spring and summer with some more issues and my inability to communicate altogether. But it also covered the kickass summer with Caitlin, Michelle, and bonfires and the blanket game to this school year, my best yet– with friends and Aida and mudslides and hot tubs and sledding and friends and photo shoots.

I want 2009 to be a continuation of the time from July  to December.

I want fun with friends and family. I want the bond with my sister to strengthen and expand. I want another mudslide ;) I want to be able to play some ferocious xylophone and bust out the Puccini like nobody’s business. I want to have so much excitement and happiness that I feel like I’m going to start glowing with optimism. I want to work my butt off and be motivated and feel like a success as a person.

I want 2009 to be the best year of my life so far.

I’m going to remember 2008: there were a lot of hard-learned lessons that I need to keep with me. But I want to be able to put the crap that accompanied those lessons behind me and move forward as my own independent person. And I will, despite it all. Shboom shboom, son.

Another snow day

I feel a little like writing. Maybe not just the blog today; mayve I’ll pick up a pen or a story outline and set to. Who knows?

Anything’s possible today, though… we have a snow day.

Ha, don’t think I haven’t noticed my own change in attitude toward the days off. Friday was shitty; today is marvelous.

It’s exceptionally marvelous because I mayormaynothave lost my National Honor Society folder and binder, and my voice lesson materials… they are definitely floating around here somewhere, but in all of my hectic cleaning haze, I must have misplaced them.

You know what’s excellent? I have all day to find them. I looked for them last night amidst a cloud of panic, then finally resorted to sleeping and hoping their location would come to me in a dream or hallucination or something. As it is, I did have a restless night, which is why I was up so early today, but I still have no freakin’ clue where my missing materials might be. I am cheerfully planning to conduct a large-scale search for them…. later.

I think it was the addition to something fun to my schedule that put me in a good mood. All last week it was “go, go, go”– and I honestly felt like I was the hamster in the little wheel: trying to go but simply turning round and round in the same exact place. I didn’t think I was trying hard enough, but the more I tried to push myself to get things done, the more frustrated and exhausted and befuddled I became.

But then I cleaned the house, and spent some time chilling (literally) with friends, and voila. Good mood is back again. Maybe that’s key– the friends and fun thing. If it is, though, then why am I constantly being reminded, no fun until the work is done?

Oh, well. I’m happy this morning, and once I find my runaway papers, I’ll be happy tomorrow morning, too. So bring on the snow days, I’m ready for anything.