Kick Drum Heart

This little light of mine ?
12 January 2010, 9:58 pm
Filed under: Writing

I just finished a letter to Michael. Finally. My first one completed since mid-July.

I know I’m pathetic.

But at least I really do try to be a friend, you know? I’ve realized lately that the more I try to be genuinely friendly and caring toward other people who I might not normally make the effort toward, the better I feel.

For example, talking to Taylor Nielson seriously, instead of brushing off his crazy remarks. Really trying to listen to him and attempting to have him listen to himself, haha.

Or, I don’t know. Just, interacting with people so far this week has made me happy. Even little comments that might make someone feel a smidgeon better about themselves seem to pop out of my mouth more than normal. Encouraging things, or teasing things. Just small notions that, if reciprocated, would make me feel loved.

I don’t care if they are reciprocated. Just the thought that I might be improving someone else’s day has brightened mine lately.

I hope this stays. I know it probably reads mad corny, but I like to make other people feel good. It’s been a while since I’ve felt like I could be a positive person. I want it to stick.

But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue” (I.ii.1591).
7 January 2010, 6:53 am
Filed under: Writing

It’s almost time for school again. This week has flown by in a haze of grey and brown and puce. Just dark and unpleasant, filled with combinations of resentment, frustration, fury.

I rarely really get angry. But this week, I’ve come close. And at school, no less. I normally try to refrain from losing my temper and my composure in public places.

I’m not saying that me, being pissed off, is some big scene. But no one is really accustomed to me having a full-blown mad on, so I’m sure I’d turn a few heads (and not in a good way).

It’s just, I’m so frustrated. I’m working so hard, why can’t everyone else? That’s not supposed to sound egocentric or braggy, it’s the truth! If the team put in seventy-five percent of what I did on a daily basis, we’d have a finished book by now.

Not to be an asshole. That’s just the way it is. And I’m not dissing our previous efforts, either. I’m just saying, we need to work harder, and I’m beating myself up over it. No one else seems to give a damn.

Well, I committed to this responsibility. I guess, if no one else wants to, then I’ll find a new staff. Since apparently it’s my fault I trained them all. And they’re not bright enough to understand it, am observing that statement correctly? It’s not like they’re stupid. It’s just a complaint. “Wah, wah, I can’t do it, you told me this, you’d said that before.” Well I’m telling you differently now, dammit, there’s not really enough available time to sit here coddling you. Just get your page done, how about that.

I’m sure that reads really coldly. And bitchily. But that’s how I feel right now. Cold and bitchy. I don’t want to hate doing something that I once really enjoyed. It might be the depression of this crappy season, it might be the weight of my commitments catching up with me. Or, it could be the long-lost strictness and taskmaster vein finally strengthening and imposed itself on those I’m supposed to act as taskmaster to.

Hmm. Either way, I feel bad, but the objective is to finish things, and have the end result phenomenal.

It’s not my book. If it was, I wouldn’t care so damn much.

Underneath that pretty face

It seems to me that I want too many things.

I was just wishing I was four feet tall, brunette, with big tits and a tiny, compact body. Oh, and don’t forget the expensive, perfect clothing that all comes from brand name stores.

I thought about it some more and decided that it was a silly impulse, but it bears more weight than that. It leaves it’s consequence in my idle musings, because it is that sort of thought that makes me question who I am.

Would more boys like me, if I looked like that?

Would I still be me, in another’s form?

Would I still be as capable, as intimidating and efficient, as expressive?

Or would I be confined to the limits of that (I’m assuming) shallow and superficial girl?

I could be stereotyping, but a girl who cares more about getting her nails done than she does her future, or her family, or her own private and personal ambitions might be considered shallow.

It just produces thinking. Sure, my head hurts now, but it forces me to explore the depths of my own superficiality.

My story holds some of that flashy, appearance-driven appeal. I’ve been working and thinking about that quite a bit lately, so naturally my thoughts now are twining around it.

My story involves some beautiful, unique creatures. Their very existence is jaded and corrupt, though, even if their outward glamor is flawless.

Maybe that’s the irony of it, I’m discovering. Okay, so humanity is flawed physically, mentally, emotionally and essentially. And these creatures only have a type of eating disorder (yes, fine, they suck blood for a living, don’t judge me) and some deep moral decision-making to do. But perhaps that’s the intriguing part of it: with so much going for them, what’s to lose?

That’s right, their souls. They’re assumed to be already lost.

So what’s more valuable? A life of love and value, flawed and mortal and unattractive, but well-lived? Or one without finality, an endless stretch, where the appearance is gilded and gorgeous but the inner sanctums of which are dripping with secrets, lies, and desperation?

You tell me.


Thank God for my persistent mother who’s making me leave school now.

Thank God for my good friend David who stayed with me in Propp’s room.

Thank God for my hero K.T. who insists that boys should like me.

Thank God for my new buddy Colton who keeps cracking me up even though I feel so, so stupid.

Thank God for silly rubber chickens for being so hysterical when all I want to do is drop my head down on this desk.

Thanks for keeping my head from drifting off into romanticism. Thanks for the headache that says, get Christmas presents finished. Thanks for the weight in my heart that makes me reevaluate why I want a boy so badly.

It’s so dumb. But it’s so justifiable.

I want to live. I look at a photo with a red bandana, and I think live. I think, be. I think, hold close and tight everything that has value, and never stop searching for more.

So thank God.

Thank God for my cousin Daniel, because if he’d never impacted my life, I’d be living and it wouldn’t even count.

20 December 2009, 7:38 am
Filed under: My Explanations, Ranting, Writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

* I’ll say right now I’m not in the mood to use language fit for polite company. See post title.

That said:

What the fuck. That wasn’t the way I wanted to wake up this morning. Let’s just get online for a few moments’ distraction, I told myself, and maybe there will be something interesting to read. Or whatever.

Well, there sure was.

And now I’m pissed. Livid. Counting my words so I don’t spew half-churned rage onto the webpage.

Breath knocked from my lungs in one swift kick. It’s like being thrown into a tree, all over again.

Except I’m only sitting here, not lying on dusty ground. And instead of pain, there’s fury.

How dare. Stay the fuck away from me.

The end.

18 December 2009, 3:21 pm
Filed under: Writing

I’m going to write without barriers. These are my thoughts right now, and it might be a little risque, but either suck it up and deal with it or don’t read.

I’m desperate. Desperate for someone to hold, someone to touch. Someone to whisper to, someone to kiss.

I’m pathetic, too. Pathetic for craving someone else. Almost anyone else.

Stupid silly shoelaces.

Two stanzas of nonsense
18 December 2009, 3:06 pm
Filed under: Writing

This seems to be the writing time
Not too late, but past the prime
The perfect moment in which to rhyme
This tiny window of my time.

A flow of ink against blank white
A red line dribbled, a proofing sight
A blue quick loop and then it’s night
Away from here into snow bright white.

Purple and yellow are complimentary, maybe

So, I got on the bus today. Right at two oh eight. And upon sitting down in a seat, I realized that there was absolutely nothing I could get done at home. I’d be lazing around the house for four hours, accomplishing nothing. And eating.

So, I stood back up and walked off the bus. And back into school.

So, here I am, seated at Mrs. Propp’s computer, blogging and yearbooking and thinking about food.

I really want an Olympia salad. That would be fantastic.

Anyway. There’s a basketball game tonight, at home. I really want to go, but I have play rehearsal.

Come on, it’s not like I do anything at play, anyway. Until I know all of my (twelve) lines, there’s not really much I can do but observe where I move. And how to jump when my leg gets shot. Ha.

I’d need blue clothes, anyway. Maybe my mother will come to the game and bring me some. And some of Olympia’s salad.

On another note, I got a hug today. I passed this kid that I think I like walking in the hallway during twelfth. He said, “Hey, you,” and I honestly almost turned around to see who he was talking to. But it was me, ha ha. So I gave him a hug and he mumbled at me politely and then we went our separate ways.

I think I make him nervous. I know I make him awkward.

Whatever, though. I’d like a guy I can talk to about anything, who argues with me, and who knows when and what I’m feeling. I’d like a guy who doesn’t expect me to be experienced in everything sexual. I’d like a guy who can text me and have more to talk to me about than sex.

But for now, well. I guess I’ll settle with the one I have in mind now. The one with silly shoelaces and flippy hair who I never see to talk to. The one everyone says is so sweet. The one that doesn’t make any sense for me to be crushing on.

Yep, I think I’ll stick with him, regardless of the senselessness. As Katie is fond of quoting, “It’s not the years in your life, but the life in your years.” And my years have been pathetically lacking in life lately.

This may not be the moment, to tell you face-to-face
14 December 2009, 10:25 pm
Filed under: Writing

I know, I know. I’ve been blogging up a storm lately. It’s just because there’s a lot on my mind that I can’t preoccupy myself thinking about, so I have to schedule a time to get it all out of there.

I want to go to school tomorrow and have something cute happen to me.

And from that one statement, I just realized that I’m being completely superficial and retarded and I feel like I’m not thinking about anyone else at all, except in regard to how they relate to me.

This needs to stop. Right now.

I know I haven’t liked a boy in a long time so it’s weird for me to think about someone so much. But I’m not thinking about how I can be wonderful to him, I’m thinking about how much fun I could derive from hanging out with him.

So I’m being selfish.

And like I said, this needs to stop.

Okay, so I made Robby a hat. Big deal. I felt bad for his cold bald head. But that was one kind act in a cesspool of self-absorbed ones. I need to get a grip and get it together.

And this was so not where I planned on having this blog go, hah. I wanted to rant and rave about my problems and think about that boy some more. (Not Robby, the other one. Although Robby is damn cute and so so funny! :])

I’m waiting on his answer and I don’t really have anything else to do but sit here and think about myself, so what do you expect?

I need to stop being such a– I don’t know, such a self-obsessed idiot. I need to tug my head back from the clouds of dreamy dazed romanticism and try to be nicer. And less egocentric.

Conference (of voices)

This weekend was a blast. I can’t believe it’s over; I can’t believe three days and two nights are just, done. In a heartbeat.

No. In a downbeat.

It’s made me sure of one thing, if anything.

I want to be a musician. I already am, really. But I want it to be my life. Not just a hobby, not just a thing to practice, to get better at.

No, the drive that’s gotten me this far is going to have to propel me into the future.

This weekend was a great teaser for college. Being in a grand scale setting with hundreds of people my own age, that I don’t really know, who all love to make music, was phenomenal.

Some people are dumb, obviously. But others are great. Others are so splendid and fabulous that you never want to leave. You want to stay and talk and hang out and sing or play or whatever, forever.

It was nice to be away from home, too, I decided. To have the freedom to do what I want was (hello) liberating. I could breathe. It was exhilarating.

I met a twelve-year-old boy who was there for a young artists’ convention. He was a pianist. He was a composer. He was a master of improv and I might even go so far to say that he was equal to (dare I hazard a “better than”?) Emma.

To be honest, this kid was insane. His name is Scott and he goes to piano school, takes lessons three times a week. He lives on Long Island (no surprise there, so do half the kids who were at Conference), but what really impressed me was the complete and total whole of himself, poured into his playing. He was very aware of the crowd of girls from our choir gathered around the grand, but just by looking at him you could tell that he was simply drowned in it. He looked up every so often as he played, and a few times he met my eyes: it was bizarre, it was intriguing. It was like he was hardly there, and it was all music, all his heart, just dripping like rain onto piano keys and into our ears.

Simply beautiful.

He inspired me, and so now I’m going to work harder. It wasn’t just him, either. It was the energy, the ambition, the talent that was jam-packed into the Radisson this weekend. It was the vivacity and passion of our conductor, Dr. Levine. (She was fab, as she would say, by the way.) It was the combination of independent, individual, brilliant, able, and strong women that made up my choir.

And it was the actual music-making: the long hours of rehearsing, the sweat, blood and tears drenching the memorization of “O Yo-yo” and the focus and energy throughout our program. It was the music that reminded me where I want to go, and where I want to be.

The truth is, I want to be at Eastman.

If I can’t, then I can’t. I’m square with that now. And Syracuse would be an alright alternative, sure.

But if Eastman likes my prescreening, then by God I am going to work my ass off and really soar with my audition rep.

I’m going to make some music for them.

1 December 2009, 6:00 pm
Filed under: Writing

So my roundtable essay’s done, and awaiting critique by Mrs. Propp. This essay also counts as my position paper for english, and will be the foundation for my persuasive speech in speech.

I’m happy it’s done. I’m so relieved I don’t have to work on it.

Now my mom and sister are discussing differences between Lerew and Stoffel. Hoo, boy.

I still have a lot to do. I completely, accidentally blew off Theory II twelfth period with Fried. I feel bad. I didn’t even tell her; I’d completely forgotten. Uhggg. So tomorrow first thing I have to find her and apologize and obtain a long black skirt.

Then it’s yearbook time afterschool. Ick, ick, ick. I have to yell at everyone (or explain things nicely that they should have known since September). I will probably end up being a colossal bitch. It makes me sick to my stomach.

But I’m done with my paper and I don’t have any other homework and I just need to pack for Conference and pick out some dress clothes.

I can go to bed early tonight, or write, or watch TV or practice if I want to. I’ve accomplished something.

The Wiz: in three parts

I emailed Mrs. Ripley each night of my senior show, because she was in China. I’m posting the three emails here because I feel like I should have documented my last musical at Gowanda somehow. So here they are.


We had fun tonight. Well, this afternoon. We did the energy circle thing (Taylor and I didn’t really explain it that well, though– we will tomorrow, since we instigated it). Bobby and Kris didn’t participate, but they’re losers. (Not really, but they’re lame boys and I’m sure that with the proper friendly persuasion they’ll do it tomorrow…ha).

The whole thing went pretty smoothly: there were a few instances where mics cut out; Glenn wasn’t there, either. I don’t know why.

I, um, may have gotten my only laughs from the crowd as soon as I walked on. Phoebe didn’t walk in a straight line and I had to try to scoot her out on stage twice-ish before she actually went, and even then it was kind of in a circle. So I picked her up and bopped across the stage, scrambling for the appropriate lines (obviously I couldn’t say “Come back here, Toto” if I was holding her) and I may have rammed into the house on accident with my shoulder.

Yes, I have a bruise.

Yes, the house off-kiltered a foot or so.

But it was funny, and even though I cracked up when I got off stage it ran nicely.

The makeup all looked really good; Zach and Kruszka and Taylor all got a lot of laughs; Chelsea and Dakota did too. Obviously my character isn’t funny, so they didn’t cheer so much for me, but that’s ok. I got home to Kansas and remembered to click my heels and it was all good.

I saw Kiener and Emma and Hannah, and that was pretty weird considering that in a year it’ll be me coming back to watch my friends. I don’t know if I’m okay with that yet. Stephen told me, “Well, this is it, this is your last show.”

And I could only smirk at him and reply that no, I had two more.

I just can’t think about this being “My Last.” It doesn’t sit well with me at all, so I think if I just don’t spend any time dwelling on it, it won’t affect me as much. I don’t want to get all watery and miserable on Tuesday.

But! All in all it was a good show and so far that’s what I’ve been hearing in reviews. “Great job,” “Good show,” “GREAT show,” keep being repeated. Some kids came back to us after and we (leads) talked to them and even got a picture or two with them (at parents’ insistence). The Lion, mostly, and (surprisingly) me were approached individually and greeted by toddlers and their parents, so that was cute. Mrs. Propp’s nine-year-old daughter Morgan had us all sign her program.

I think that tomorrow and Tuesday I’ll have more energy. I was thinking, by “Y’all Got It,” that I just wanted it to be done with so I could go home. I know that’s awful, but I was so so tired. The “easing on down the road” part of my job is straight up exhausting. I can’t dance anyway, so put singing and dancing together and I’m almost out by the time the Kalidahs get us.

Oh! And “Be a Lion” was good. Pretty darn good (the best time we’ve done it). I talked to Ms. Fried at intermission and she was really happy with it. Ms. Stoffel and her mom were really excited at the end, and so was Mrs. Hales. I think Mr. Wesley disappeared– we didn’t have notes and I didn’t see him at all after the production.

…and that’s all I know. It went really well. Tomorrow and Tuesday will be good also, I hope.


The show tonight was fabulous. Standing ovation (again), whoo hoooo! I left my makeup and contact case at school though, and that’s not so cool. Oh well. It’ll still be there in the morning (I hope).
Soo: there were so many outtakes tonight it was ridiculous. Hilarious.
And Aaron and Gabby were sick: Mr. Bett filled in for Aaron with a massively stuffed stomach and these outrageous overalls.
Then Chelsea starts it all off with: “Now I’m all axe… I mean, tin. I’m all… tin.” I just about died.
Then, during the funky monkey scene, Bethany played Aaron’s monkey so it was all a little off. It didn’t really help that the Friends had been sitting backstage making dirty jokes before we went on. (Haha.) So we were a little giggly. And whilst Bobby was chasing me, I screamed, aaaand– my shoe flew off.
I grabbed it and raced back to Zach/My Lion and quivered with laughter there while clutching my shoe. Then I had to hobble off one-footed and rush backstage to reshoe myself before entering on again.
Oh! And “Be a Lion” simply soared. It took off and zoomed around the aud amazingly and for the first time I really, really felt like I nailed it. I got offstage and started jumping around with glee because hey, my senior show won’t completely fall flat on its face there! I’ll get it tomorrow, too, I hope.
Also, Zachary gave Bobby a bloody nose during the Kalidahs (on accident). But I gave him drugs (Tylonol) so it was all good.
What else happened? Hmm. Well, there was a schizofrenic curtain at the end; it closed halfway, the light turned blue and then it opened partly– and then closed again. By then we were all cracking up and feeling really good. I hope it seriously rocks tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it soooo so much. Mr. Wesley talked to us last night about a “second show slump”– after Be a Lion, Chelsea, Dakota and I were walking to the side door and Chelsea goes, “Second show slump? What is that?” and from there it simply lifted and showered the audience with clarity and a good story. Zig/Christian kicked butt, too. And Kruszka really took charge with guiding the monkeys about Aaron’s absence. He came back and was talking to us too about the timing of the monkey scene and how we could fix it so it wasn’t awkward. That was cool.
Oh, and during “Y’all Got It” my skirt flew up. Like, way up. Soooo, the audience pretty much knows that I had the little polka-dotted bloomers on. Hahahah.
So, it was great. We really missed you, and were thinking of you the whole time. It was a great show, though.
I’ll send you another email tomorrow! After the last finale!



The Wiz has spoken, and it’s over.
Man oh man. An evening of emotional upheaval, that’s for sure. I was told that I gave my best performance of the three nights (by none other than our own Kevin Brown) but I’m not so sure. The audience was all small children, running inandout inandout the whole time; but by the second act they had settled down and we were rolling again.
The outtakes were slightly more hysterical tonight. Chelsea said, “An old witch put a spell on my axe!”
Me: “Your AXE?!”
Chels: “Nooo, a SPELL?”
Me: “A SPELL!”    
And then she “chopped” her other leg off and in the excitement Dakota’s hat flew off.
Later: the Lion and I greeted each other at Evillene’s. Zachary reached out to pat my back. His glove, ah, got stuck on the back of my dress. So we adlibbed for a while until he managed to get his glove off. Apparently it sounded like I asked him, “So what’s that old b*tch got you doin’?” instead of witch because Zach and I were a smidgeon preoccupied.
And then while Taylor was yelling her spiel at us I managed to reach behind me and rip the glove off of my dress. But when I tried to throw the water the glitter didn’t quite shake out right. So I chucked the bucket at her. In retaliation, my best friend Taylor whips the chair in my direction. Fun times all around!
Hmm, what else?
The ending song was almost unbearable. On the last note (“home”) I could feel the mixed emotions of the cast just whipping and swirling around me: especially Taylor’s, Chelsea’s and Tara’s. We’ve been singing and performing together since we were little kids– what will we do now? I guess we still have the play, but it’s not the same.
It’s over. I’m just about to head over to Taylor’s right now for a cast slumber party with pizza– I just can’t wrap my head around the idea that it’s finished. There are so many more things to look forward to, especially musically, for me– but nothing will ever replace the endless hours and effort poured into that group: you know the one I’m talking about. It’s molded and mingled through the years but essentially, like you’ve said all along, it’s made us all conjoined at the hip. Now that the conjoination (is that a word?) is splitting, it feels like we’re all splitting too, inside. I imagine tonight at Taylor’s it will be an emotional wreck. A fun emotional wreck, but a wreck nonetheless.
Oh well. We’ll all just have to come to terms with it. And I suppose we will get over it and remember the fun we’ve all had. We missed you tonight, that’s for sure. We were all thinking about you and wishing you were there, but in the same breath glad that you were having fun, too. It’s been an awesome time.

6 November 2009, 2:11 pm
Filed under: Writing

I’ve been having some unusual dreams lately.

It’s really not unlike me to encounter some weird ones. I’ve chilled with a werewolf who was actually my cousin’s buddy, broken Caitlin out of a whorehouse and waltzed with Nick Jonas.

And I have to say, I’ve had some really bad dreams. I’ve fought off a cannibal banshee who used my bathtub as her fortress (the bleeding strips of entrails dripping from the curtain rod didn’t really entice me into showering the next morning, let me tell you). I have catapulted off of a cliff with a girl I hated.

I have seen my dead dog, alive, and pleaded with her not to burn alive. I’ve raced into similar fiery infernos to save my sister (who ended up a blackened, crispy husk). I’ve been pregnant and alone in a Chinese stable, for God’s sake.

But the past two nights I’ve been haunted.

The night before last, my mom was sick. I watched her seize and convulse viciously until the pain in her head killed her. I kept telling myself, as she became unrecognizable (similar to an orange rind, oddly), that she wasn’t dead, she wasn’t dead. She was fine, she would get better. A little Mexican man kept trying to tell me that, too. Then he told me my dad had cut himself. I raced to the back porch and expected to see his wrists slashed.

No. He slumped against the pool with his throat slit in two places.

For some reason I was talking to him about Doc and Grandma, though. Reassuring him that she never meant to destroy the illusion he’d held of his mother and father and fidelity. I discovered then he’d been cutting himself for years because of them.

Then last night, I dreamed for the second time in my life that I died.

The first time was two or three years ago. Jaws’ sister bit me in half. It was a sweet death, calming and walm and dark and peaceful. I didn’t feel a thing but a pleasant crushing sensation and waiting, warm blue.

Last night, I dreamed that a boy I know– a boy I know that has liked me and been a creeper so I ignore him– brought a gun to school. A small pistol. The light was bright and crayon yellow, crayola orange. Desks were smooth and gray and he simply swung the pistol around the room. Angry at us. Angry at existence. My heart hammered as a glint off the muzzle– silvery, spark– shone as he pulled the gun in a swift arc until it faced me.

All along I’d been terrified, immobile with horror, thinking that my friends were going to die. Thinking that this abhorrent tragedy had really arrived at Gowanda and landing with both murky, mucky feet.

But no. The words that came out of his mouth were, “I was going to kill them all. But I won’t. Instead I’ll kill you.” And the last thing I saw was the hate blaze in his eyes. Any hurt remaining was seared away by the anger.

The last thing I felt was the crack-crack! of my ribs and the puncture of my lung as the blast of two shots ripped through my chest.

This death wasn’t a peaceful one. Not in the least. I remained a ghost, transparent and lonely, listening to the aftermath.

I was the only one who’d been murdered. Just me.

And I heard the wrenching sorrow that flooded my mother’s heart. The abandonment of my sister’s. The confused and regretful pulse of my dad’s. I experienced the hurt that me, leaving, would wreck upon my family. I watched, helpless, as acquaintances of my family told my parents at my wake about what a talent, what a potential I had had. What they had hoped for me.

Then I think my mom wailed, and I woke up, crying. My mom never wails.

God, I wish I was an insomniac.

Pretty much all I am

I love my new wordpress layout :)

I liked the kickdrumheart one, too, don’t get me wrong. But this? It’s black and red, which I normally cringe at together. The white gives it a lacing of class, and the fogginess of it all illustrates the lack of clarity that envelopes my life most of the time.

The coolest part is, naturally, the Avett Brothers lyrics in the banner and side images.

They’re from the song “Gimmeakiss”– which is cute to begin with– but also seems to coalesce with my current agenda. Ironic, isn’t it, that when I need to focus on important things I start wanting to flirt with boys.

I’m silly, I know. I just won’t think about that, and hope it goes away.

But my all-time favorite lyric from the Avetts right now is in the image header:

“You hear my voice right now, well that’s pretty much all I am”

… that pretty much sums up my life.

Or how I want my life to be, anyway. That’s in the plan: my plan. My plan for success, for life.

To sing.

That’s all I want right now.

Xylophone, musical, choir, writing, yearbook…

As much as I love them all, they can fade into silence. My family and friends speak to me, and I’ll sing for them as well as myself.

My road leads me toward music. I want to hear it, breathe it. Feelitsingitliveit. I want that to be my life.

My voice? It’s pretty much all I am.

Oh hot damn

My jam was on during homecoming, and after. I can barely remember it all; the evening flew by in a hazy blur of neon and glowsticks and thumping heavy bass.

The afterparty at my house was fun, albeit extremely dirty, conversation-wise, and a little tense. Everyone was so hyped up.

For all it was an unusual crew, the chemistry really caught, though. There are instances in a social situation where the atmosphere sometimes lags or starts charging with unpleasantry or awkwardness. That didn’t happen. I halfway expected it to, but I guess the friends who came were just so mentally flexible and comfortable that it didn’t have to. Bobby, Colyn, Grubbs, and Dave don’t always hang out with me; Chelsea and Tara and Sam are used to Post, Trank, and Taylor and vice versa; Jimmy, Jill, Aaron, Sarah, Cayleigh and Samuelson are all underclassmen. Harley doesn’t even go to Gowanda. Still, I was prepared to ask everyone to play nice. But aside from eating the entirety of the ninety dollars worth of food and forgetting to put the toilet seat back down, it was a blast and ran really smoothly.

For a last homecoming, I was satisfied. And it really enlightened me, that I soooo need to relax. It was fun to have the time to hang out with friends. Being busy every waking second haunts me. I can’t do it. I think of Caitlin, who was confused when I told her about everything I’ve been up to– she sits at home all the time. She’s used to peace, and doing what she wants. Okay, I know I could never just do nothing, but she honestly didn’t understand when I referred to being so busy. That shocked me.

It’s also nagging at me that Emily has so much free time. I’m not jealous or cranky about her: I’m peeved that this seems so much like a “sign.” She gave up something, and now she doesn’t miss it. She can relax or do something equally productive; that time got filled up and well-used. Seeing her cute little laptop was very like a cosmic sign (if I believed in them), just like Caitlin’s confusion.

So. When Heather ordered me last week to delete something from my schedule, I elbowed past my original doubtful thoughts and made my choice. Damn it, signs.

And see ya around, creative writing. If I have to go talk to Dr. Bob in person to get this solidified, I will. I’m fully prepared to give him the same spiel I gave Mr. Shannon: I’m too effing busy. Something’s gotta give, and I’ll be damned if it’s the musical or my college auditions and applications. So sorry, Ms. Giancola. I’m out.

I know I can write. I enjoyed the classwork, the brain poking. It kept my mind running. But this year I’m truthfully so busy that it pokes at itself all the time on its own. Story ideas can come when I get some free time. And it’s true, I’d love to write a novel. But that doesn’t change the fact that writing is my backup plan and singing will be my career.

So there you have it: in all likelihood I will have freed up forty minutes every other day to do what I need or want. Voila, yippie skippie. Hopefully it will make a difference, but if it doesn’t… band is next on my list. XD

Creative writing gives me headaches
15 October 2009, 8:54 pm
Filed under: Writing | Tags: , , ,

The grass was cool and green and the air smelled like city. The sheer variety of people astounded me. An enormous black man waked up to Katie and I and shook our hands. We talked for a few minutes about how we were pleased to meet each other until he left to go shake someone else’s hand.

A ratty-looking man dripping with hemp necklaces wove through the gathering crowd as well. He passed a group of hippies spinning in circles and my attention was diverted by a massive woman wearing vivid red and orange; her four foot long brown dreadlocks swung out as she twirled.

People-watching became an entertainment for the two hours we waited, eager for the show to start.

It was my first time at Thursday in the Square. It was the Avett Brothers’ first time, too. I don’t think they expected to have such an enormous fan base– honestly, “Thursday in the Square” sounds like a farmer’s market.

There were the usual components of a concert present: spilled beer, empty cups thrown onto the ground. The faint scent of pot drifted over the audience.

After an endless wait, another band performed a long and dull set. KT and I moved up to stand with Marya, Damen and tia about eight feet back from the stage. The Avett Brothers finally, finally came onstage, though, and their music-making began. The crowd went wild.

The Avetts were crazy. Absolutely crazy. Bob and the Asian cello player whose name I don’t know were great, too. The lights glwamed pink and tangerine and the energy pumped off the stage in palpable waves. Watching Seth and Scott Avett play and sing– it was obvious they were pushing every last drop of energy into the crowd and into the music.

Some members of the crowd were blockheads, though. We were close to the stage, and of course there had to be idiots ahead of us. A couple directly before us was only hanging around for the party atmosphere. They didn’t care about the chords floating from the amps. There was a man planted directly in front of me and there was no elbow room to speak of. His girlfriend stood sipping her beverage with a self-righteous hip cocked, daring us to edge forward. They everntually left: Marya and I made friends with the little man behind us and we ever-so-politely mobbed the couple by cheering– loudly– very closely, until they ducked out.

Later two girls made their jello-esque presences known: they blobbed their way in front of Damen and Tia, “looking for their friend.” Yeah, right. That’s why they stayed there for twenty minutes. The five Gowanda fans (myself included) had been standing there waiting for hours to hear the Avetts and now these girls were taking up at least five square feet in front of us. Katie and I stood just to the right of Damen and Tia, so when Tia started dancing and jabbing at the girls with her elbows, we just watched and laughed and hoped it worked. It halfway did: one girl turned and began to yell at Tia; the older gentleman beside Damen called them “real classy” and proceeded to scold them. They waddled off shortly thereafter, but not before the pudgier girl gave Tia a quick shove. It was too crowded and too noisy to respond angrily, so we didn’t. I allowed myself a few seconds of fuming before returning my attention to the concert. The speakers quaked with the hum of Bob’s stand-up bass; sweet strains of the mellow cello tangled elegantly with riotous acoustic guitar and bluegrass-riddled banjo. Occasionally keyboard or drum set would switch in, changing the mood but steadily upping the intensity.

The intensity remained afterward as KT and I grabbed a late bite at Denny’s and enjoyed the energy the Avetts had left us with. It had been an evening of music, and wild vibrancy.

For those we will never know


“Carnage, a
“Don’t know why”
mass shooting”
“Could not escape”
Headlines say

This is
For those who will
never know
The dead:
The students
The teachers.
The loved

had an open smile and
zany personality.

had, since
donated half of what she had
to people
in need
she was
a gift to all who
knew her.

is remember for love of God,
family, friends, the
Detroit Tigers, and
Virginia Tech.

‘here’s a man who was going to make his
children laugh
here is a man who deserves the title
here is a man who
makes you a
better person’

constantly ventured
to learn new things
curious about everything
around him

won her high school’s talent show
by belly dancing
and embraced her Lebanese
heritage every day

viewed everyone
as uniquely valuable
invested herself in
she met

techno guru, gifted photographer
art vibrantly captures
died at the age of thirty-five
learning about and understanding

had deep faith
in every aspect of
her life

loved nature
loved French
embraced her heritage
a vivacious
swirl of

could accomplish
anything he
put his
mind to

childlike enthusiasm and

a blend of warmth and
by a sound
moral compass

loved music
played the timbales
and was married to

passionate- first and foremost about his
Linda, and their children
Alex, and

simplest and nicest
guy, from
left behind his wife of three years
and his

had a way of making
others feels as if they
were her
best friend

a cadet with

wanted to know
as they really were
not as they

master of sports statistics and
wanted to protect the environmnet
and improve life

was always in
pursuit of a
better world, and a
better self
and was also
a certified
wild-land firefighter

fiercely independent, and could
often be found in pajamas and
bunny slippers
doing chemical engineering
while watching

incredibly wise and
called by many
“best professor
I ever had”

spent two weeks of every
summer for the
past eight years, working with
mentally impaired

her personal goal?
to glorify

a skilled horsewoman
animal lover
would have been
a veterinarian

stalwart determination
survived the Holocaust
blocked the classroom door
so his students could escape
brave Romanian
was one of the world’s most
respected engineers

had recently returned from visiting
his host family
planned to live in Dublin,
after graduation

had been helping his
sister Jennifer train
for the Boston

brilliant mind, tall, red hair
a compassionate heart, and an
iron will
not only wanted to help others
she did

calm, talented
died a
spend final moments
sacrificing himself to
save the life of

had been full of spirit

These are the
Thirty-two lives
The world will
never know.

(Works Cited)

In Memoriam. Virginia Tech Magazine. May 2007. 2 Oct. 2009. .

Virginia Tech Shooting Leaves 33 Dead. The New York Times. April 2007. 2 Oct. 2009. .

The kickass Asian cello player’s not related (surprise)
28 September 2009, 9:39 pm
Filed under: Writing

The Avett Brothers’ new CD comes out tomorrow. I wish I was going to the NYC celebration concert.

I and Love and You, Avetts.

The words
13 September 2009, 8:36 am
Filed under: Random Thoughts, Writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

I can feel the words, hovering nervously at my fingertips. Mind humming in overdrive, heating and waiting for me to just let them out. Get out, words. I don’t want you anymore.

They’re a story. I can’t explain it, but they’re a story to be told, all of those words. All of those words pushing at me for an exit, screaming for me to release them into the world.

They’re mine, a slinking, selfish part of me whispers. They’re mine, and what if the world doesn’t like them? I can’t protect them then. They need to stay here.

You’re being a baby, my other half tells me. Scaredy-cat. Knock it off and grow some balls and write.

I’m going to have to, at some point, or so I hope. I’m trying to refuse the other alternative: ignoring them. What good will shutting them out do? I’ll just block off another part of myself that makes me who I am. No, thanks.

The words don’t want me to block them off, either. They won’t let me freeze them out. They’re itching, fizzing, reminding me that yes, they’re there, and they want out.
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“Talk on Indolence”

(lyrics by The Avett Brothers)

Well I’ve been lockin’ myself up in my house for sometime now

I wish I could.

Reading and writing and reading and thinking
and searching for reasons and missing the seasons:

I feel like all I ever do is work and think and read and write.

The autumn, the spring, the summer, the snow

Yeah, they’re all passing by without passing me a thought.

The record will stop or the record will go.

And I can’t do a damn thing about it.

Latch is latched, the window’s down,
the dog coming in and the dog going out.
Up with caffeine and down with a shot.

I’ve done and am doing all I can to prepare myself for life, but all I can do at this point is drink some coffee and take a shot of vodka so I don’t worry myself to death…

Constantly worried about what I’ve got.

…even though I might just do that anyway.

Distracting my work but I can’t make it stop
and my confidence on and my confidence off.

Some days I have it, and can kick ass at everything. Socially, academically, physically… and then other days I suck at life.

And I sink to the bottom and rise to the top
and I think to myself that I do this a lot.

It’s a cycle of success I go through all the time: I’ll be doing really well and then a downward spiral takes me through a fog of humility and shitosity. Then I’ll go back up again and with any luck I’ll be at the top of this spiral until I get into the college I want.

World outside just goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes…

While I’m preparing and learning and trying, the world’s flying by and I’m in school.

And witness it all from the blinds of my window (three, four)

I can’t decide if that’s good or bad.

I’m a, little, nervous, ’bout what you’ll think
When you, see me, in my, swimming trunks

Unless I’m too tired to care (re: right now), what people will think of me always crosses my mind. Now, everyone who knows me knows I’m confident. Opinions do matter to me, though, sometimes.

And last night! New York, I got… raging drunk

But opinions don’t matter enough for me to not live life. I’m referring to anything. Leaving lunch early, doing as I please for once in my life, a night of drinking with friends, hanging out with a boy. Singing, painting, xylophoning. Drum circles and conversations at four in the morning that don’t make any sense, but then again are perfectly sensible.

Remember, one time, I got… raging drunk with you

It’s the love and happiness we take and make from life that shapes us and gives us memories for when we’re old and decrepit. I’m not going to gyp my eighty year old self out of any recollections.

Now, I can recall a time when we made the city
Streets our playground, kissing in the fountains

I really do want to remember the times I’ve had this year…

Filled with cigarettes and bottles
Sped through Italian city streets of cobblestone

So the alcohol will probably not be an enormous factor in my life. I don’t want to forget things, and I don’t want to rush growing up. But if an opportunity’s there and I’m safe around people I trust, what the hell. You only do live once.

Because we had to

I know that personally I have to live. Live like it was my last day.

Because I loved you

It might be strange but I have a fondness for almost everyone I come across, and every “last” day that I live will hopefully be an attempt at expressing that fondness. Friendliness itself is strange these days.

Because the damned alcohol

Since the song mentions it, and I’m too tired right now to care that this is disconnected, who cares about drinking? And pot, and cigarettes? They’re personal choices. I’m not judging. I might worry for the health of my friends who smoke, but that’s it, son. Do what you want.

Because what ever at all

Because in the end I figure, God won’t care who drank (Jesus did), who smoked, or who had sex with who. He’s going to care whether or not we showed love, not just to our own inner circle of friends. If we loved our enemies, too. If we treated everyone with respect, if we tried to help.

Now I’ve grown too aware of my mortality
To let go and forget about dying

Everyone’s going to die, and I think that sucks. If we could live forever, this would be a much safer world.

Long enough to drop the hammer down
And let the indolence go wild and flying through

I think that this year is going to be a year (for me) of freer speech, of saying what I think. Of shaping my beliefs and expressing them, living them. My own indolence gone wild and flying is less of a reckless rebellion. It’s more of what Brendan calls a love riot. Love for people, love for life.

Because we had to

What else would I do with myself?

As my foot falls asleep,

I don’t know what I want to write about. I don’t know what I want to do right now. I don’t know what I want to do with my life.

Well crap, talking to Brendan always makes me think about the big things. God and life, love, materialism and all of those… big things. Deep thinking. Like floodwater deep (and that’s pretty deep, kids).

Oh man, does my head hurt. It’s just beginning to start to pound. My sister has a friend over, so it’s not like I can go in my room and sing to music. Or even practice and try to talk myself out of the headache. Nope, I have to be a docile little girl and not scare the shit out of Tara with melodic lines warbling through the troposphere.

I think I might grab some cappuccino (we went to Wal-Mart today) and head downstairs anyway, turn on some Avett Brothers or Anna Netrebko or maybe Bob Marley. I don’t care about what my sister’s friend thinks about me, that’s not why I’m not going to practice. I do care that my vocal techniques might make Tara’s somewhat critical and clique-y attitude whip toward my sister. They already call me the Opera Freak… therefore I won’t make Michelle pull more excuses out of the air about me. I think she already has enough of a hard time, because so many people that know me end up meeting her. She came home from Drama Camp one day and told me I was the Devil’s spawn. Ripley called her Kim. Emma called her Kim. Everyone else called her Kim’s little sister, except for like, Colleen. I think it gets a little old after a while.

So I won’t put any more stress on her. I’ll lay low and put together my bag for school (eight days!). I might cobble together a “first day” outfit. Drink some caffeinated beverage, and organize some old story snippets.

Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. It’ll be a cozy, hopefully relaxing end to the day. Maybe.

I just want to walk home, unaccompanied
20 August 2009, 5:02 pm
Filed under: Writing

7:50 AM

This is what I come to. Writing out Myspace surveys in Sharpie pen on notebook paper at not even eight in the morning. Sitting at a platform desk in HSBC bank waiting for ten-thirty to roll around.

I’m sipping lukewarm milk-coffee-chocolate mixture with an Avett Brothers’ tune skimming through my thoughts, wondering if this limbo of time and action will give me energy or weary me more.

I guess it’s no use wallowing in it.

I’ll listen to the ATM’s cheerful beeping and my mother’s aggravated typing and write out this dumb survey in an attempt to sepdn minutes. I may even use capitalization and full sentences on this one. Then again, maybe not.

Here we go.

Promise you wont lie?
I have all the time in the world to make up fanciful answers (not saying I’ll do that, but), I suppose I can tell the truth.

If you married the last person who texted you what would your last name be?
Cornelius-Steever, haha.

What would you do if the person you liked suddenly said they loved you?
I’d probably tell him to sober up.

Do you still talk to the person you were dating 4 months ago?
I was single four months ago :)

Do you know how it feels to be cheated on?
Even though apparently it wasn’t officially “cheating,” yeah, I do.

Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?
Since I haven’t “fallen” for anyone yet, I couldn’t say.

Are you nice to everyone?
I try to be, I guess.

What is the last non-alcoholic drink you had?
Coffee-milk-chocolate mixture beverage.

Who is the first person you would call if you REALLY needed help?
I would call my mother, of course.

Do you get high a lot?
No, I don’t.

Who did you last hang out with?
Brendan, Skylar, Marya, Aaron, Josh and Katiestang, downtown yesterday… even though most of the “hanging out” we did consisted of walking and cleaning.

What do you currently hear right now?
I hear the ARM, keys, Kathleen and my mother opening the Vault and putting the bank in motion.

What are/were you doing at twelve this afternoon?
I hope I’ll be working somewhere, doing something useful.

How many times have you dyed your hair?
I have never dyed my hair.

Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing?
I hate winter and the cold; but honestly I’m very against rain right now. Rain makes mud, and although I know I don’t have to live in it and am very, very lucky, I’m really sick of mud.

Did you have a good day yesterday?
I’ve had better days.

If you have to get a piercing, what do you get?
I kind of want my cartilage pierced in my ear.

Was the first person you talked to today male or female?
I was babbling incoherent nonsense to my female mother early this morning.

Are you in a good mood right now?
I’m not really in any kind of mood. I’m tired.
My sunburned nose hurts, though. I guess I’m not in a good mood.

Have you accidentally sent a text to the wrong person?
Well I don’t know why anyone would do it on purpose.

Are you the type of person who has a new boyfriend/ girlfriend every week?
Absolutely not. I’m the kidn of person who never had a girlfriend/boyfriend. I’d rather not have to deal with the extra stress.

What will you do later?
Hopefully I’ll be working, clearing flood bullshit up.

What are you doing right now?
Whiling away the hours.

Where was the last place you layed down other than your own bed?
The living room couch.

Would you ever get a tattoo?
I don’t know. I might.

Have you ever kissed the last person you texted?
Ha, no! He would probably freak out.

What’s the worst abuse your phone has gone through?
The flood cleanup… It’s been coated in mud/sewage, washed off in pool water, stuck in my sweaty, dirty shirt, thrown in a mud-laden bad… and so on.

Is there somebody in your life that you could not survive without?
Yes, there is.

Are you wearing jeans, shorts, sweatpants, or pajama pants?
I’m wearing sweats with Soffee shorts under them. I wore these sweatpants for pajama pants last night, too. What can I say? I’m a bum sometimes.

Did you go to sleep smiling last night?
I highly doubt it. There’s just too much going on.

Do you want to start over with anyone?
I guess I could. It would make things interesting, maybe a little easier. Simpler.

What’s the one thing that always gets you through the day?
A little bit of coffee and a lot of music always help. Drinking water makes me feel better, too, I guess.

When was the last time you gave your number to someone?
Yesterday I made sure Josh had it.

How many hours did you sleep last night?
I slept form ten-thirty to six-thirty, but not much in between. I’ll say I slept six.

What were you doing at 3am this morning?
Tossing and turning.

How did you feel when you woke up today?
Like I’d been pounded with the sledgehammer.

Where would I find you this Friday?
MY mother is telling me to take a day off. Maybe you’d find me at home :/

Does it make you uncomfortable when you receive a compliment?
Sometimes it does, especially when it’s something that’s completely out of the blue.

Do you think that smoking weed changes people?
Yes. It changes their priorities, and what they care about.

Do you believe you go ‘somewhere’ after death?
I think it’s very likely, but no one can know for sure.

What are three things you did today?:
01.) Discovered my sunburn is peeling.
02.) Drank approximately 3 cups of coffee-milk-chocolate mixture beverage.
03.) Had to pee because of it. A lot.

What are your plans for this weekend?
I don’t know. Jill and Sam are having parties, Caitlin’s leaving. I mostly just want to sleep, sing, write, and relax. Without stressing or stupid shit.

Ever liked someone that had a tattoo?
Yeah, but I don’t know why. The guy’s a regular fuckhead. Pardon my French.

Have you taken a shower in the last 24 hours?
Yes indeed.

Ever licked someone’s cheek or forehead?
Of course!

Is there someone you want to see right now?
Yeah. I’d like this someone to help me relax in a very excellent way.

Do you know anyone who’s in the hospital?
Not personally, but I know of them.

Are you taller than 5 foot 7 inches?

Are you one of those people who just don’t care?
I can be, sometimes. But there will always be people and issues I care about. Situations themselves matter less to me than people in them.

Where did you get your last bruise from?
Carrying buckets brimming with creek sludge.

What is something you disliked about your day?
So far, I hate it that I’m so tired. And I might have to walk to the Moose, alone.

Do you find piercings and tattoos attractive?
Not anymore attractive than not having them.

Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to?
I’m afraid of what I’ll do without her someday.

Is anything bothering you?
Yes. Lots.

What was your last thought before you went to bed last night?
I wished, for once, that I wasn’t alone.

Is anyone else in the room with you?
No one else is in this little cubicle, but there are plenty of employees here in the bank.

Who was the last person you had a conversation with on the phone?
My dad.

Does anyone call you babe?
Not really.

What were you doing at 7:30 am?
I was on my way here in the car.

Do you know anyone who has been arrested?

Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed?
Mom. She was telling me to go to bed, funnily enough.

Are you happy with the choices you’ve made?
I’m happy with most of them. The rest, well, I’ll live with them.

What was the reason for you throwing up last time?
The food wasn’t going to stay in my stomach. I wasn’t well.

If you were offered to smoke some weed right now, would you accept?
Fuck no. I have too much to do right now, to make a choice that might mess that up.

Are you planning to go see a movie anytime soon?
I hope we’ll all get to see “Hello, Dolly!” eventually.

Have you jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
Yeah. After staining I was pretty disgusting.

Do you have to sleep with a television on?
No; I probably couldn’t, anyway.

Do you own a digital camera?
Nope. I’m asking for one for my birthday. Since I’m broke.

Do you love where you live?
Yes. I really, really do.

Last person you were on the phone with that wasn’t family, when?
I talked to Brendan yesterday morning.

Are you a mean person?
No. I can be mean, but I’m not intrinsically nasty, haha.

Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other?
Of course.

Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
No way.

What do you hear?
Isn’t this a repeat? The sounds haven’t changed.

Have you ever broken someones heart?
No I have not. What a joke.

Has anyone broken yours?
My heart’s as sturdy and whole as it’s always been.

What does your hair look like right now?
It’s up, and clean, and blonde.

Do you like Mexican food?
It’s not my favorite.

Did you go out with anyone this past Valentine’s day?
No. KT and I were going to go to dinner at Ruby Tuesday’s… but that didn’t happen. :(

What is the last thing you did before bed last night?
I had dived into my sketchbook. Trippy tribal designs are my current motif, haha.

Do you own an iPod?
Yes. It’s sunbright yellow :)

Is there any emotion you’re trying to avoid right now?
I guess so. I’d just rather not be feeling angry and at fault with. So I don’t think about it.

Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle?

Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2010?
It’s very likely. It already has, anyway.

Can money buy love?
No, it can’t. It can buy happiness and amuse4ment to some degree, but possession can’t love you back. Unless you consider a god a possession. I don’t.

Will your next kiss be a mistake?
I don’t think so.

Have you ever found yourself somewhere and not remembering how you got there?
Yes. Deep sleep does that to me. I’ll wake up and want to know where  I am.

Anyone you’re giving up on?
I’m not giving up– I’m just not giving a shit anymore. “Youcan smack someone in the face with a haddock and they’ll still see a mouse if a mouse is what the want to see” (Pierce I-don’t-know-the-page).

Who is the last person you messaged on myspace?
I think it may have been Chunk.

Are you wearing any clothes that don’t belong to you?
I stole these socks from my mother, and my sister claimed these sneakers. Otherwise, no.

Honestly, what’s on your mind?
Everything, and nothing. I’m trying not to think. If I really buckled down and listed everything I’m thinking about, you’d think I was nuts. Really.

Is it hard for you to get over someone?
I guess so? I don’t really seriously like someone very often, so when I do, it’s harder to get them out of my head.

Are you wearing a ring, if so who gave it to you?
No, I’m ringless. No jewelry today.

What were you doing at 8 this morning?
I was writing the questions to this stupid survey that’s taken forever.

What woke you up this morning?
My mother, informing me that if I didn’t wake up I wasn’t going anywhere.

Are you a jealous person?
I know I can be. At the moment, though, it would be hard work to think up an example.

Are you jealous of your best friend?
Maybe I’m jealous of some of the freedoms they are allowed.

What sweatshirt did you wear last?
I don’t remember. It’s been a while since I’ve needed one.

Have you ever walked on the beach at night?
No. I wish I coiuld, it seems like it would be very peaceful. Pretty.

Is there anyone over protective over you?
Except for my mom, not really, haha. I’m the one who gets overprotective over everyone else.

Do you love anyone?
Of course.

Would you run down the street if it meant earning $150?
Duh. I don’t have any money.

Have you ever kissed someone with the first initial K?
Yes, I have.

If there was a large spider in the room, would you stay?
Sure. I’d try to save it and get it out, though.

Have you ever slapped someone across the face?
Jokingly. Not for real.

Do you lead people on?
I try not to.

Dark hair or light hair in the opposite sex?
Either/or… right now I’m in the middle, haha.

Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?

Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with an O, J or B?
B for Bari! That was truth or dare, though :)

Do you have feelings for anyone?
Not romantic ones. (More like lustful. Haha.)

When was the last time you had a late night phone conversation?
A long, long time ago. Maybe prom.
Okay, not so long ago. But it feels that way.

Would you get back together with an ex down the road?
My only ex is one of the most arrogant, conceited, stupid sons of bitches you’ll ever meet. So, no. Thanks anyway.

Think back to May, who were you in a relationship with?
No one :)

What are some things you do when you’re mad?
Lately, I’ve been venting, but only because there hasn’t been much alone time to blast the music and belt out some songs with poor vocal health.

Are you happier now or three months ago?
I don’t know. Right now, I’m good with where I’m at, but I’m too tired to be “happy.” Three months ago, I was happy, but I don’t want to look back, really. So I don’t know.

When was the last time you smiled and actually meant it?
Yesterday, probably.

Do you trust all your friends?
Not all of them. I love ’em all, however.
Now that I’ve finished that stupid survey that will take me twelve hours to type, I’ve decided something. I want to go home. I’m tired. I don’t feel good. Speaking of which, it’s a good thing I brought Tylonol. I’m going to take some. I just want to surl up with a blanket and pillow and sink back down into sleep.

Then again, I want to work. There’s still things I could be doing, homes that can be helped. I’m capable, I’m willing, and dammit, I’m already in Gowanda, so I hope we find something useful to do today.

I wish this table wasn’t digging into my ribs, I might be able to fall asleep otherwise.

Well, it’s another day

Today was a day of thinking. I got a postcard from Michael! So I went to the woods and sat and wrote him a six-page letter that took me an hour and a half and three minutes. While writing, my mind was whirring with possibilities. What can I tell Michael?

Lots, it turns out :)

As I wrote, I also thought about the little, stressful details twining around my days lately. Just small things that grate away at my good mood until I can’t do anything but dwell on them. I told Michael some of my problems, and I internalized the others. I’ll get rid of them by singing, either opera or belting it out improperly.

It’s just irksome to know that after such a decent stretch of time feeling peaceful and happy, I find myself stressing over insignificant things.

And then come the what-ifs that flutter in to join the other stuff.

But the way I figure, I can spend my whole life thinking, “What if it’s this? What if it’s that?”

Well what if I never find out? That would be worse, I would think.

So hopefully over the next few days I’ll stop thinking so much again. I’ll stop fretting. Hopefully.

One flew east

“…one flew west. One flew over the cuckoo’s nest” (Kesey 239).

Ken Kesey’s riveting novel definitely opens one’s eyes to a time and place that normal society almost never thinks back to. The sixties, a sanitarium, and men fighting– to the death, sometimes– in a battle for their own dignity.

I recently finished writing and revising my essay for JCC English, and in doing that and from reading the book I have opened my mind to so many strange facets of society that I hadn’t before. Lobotomy– permanently damaging (NOT helping) someone’s brain– was popular then. So was electro-shock therapy, which is essentially electrocution for the “insane.”

In One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, the ward nurse Miss Ratched runs the place with a brutal, iron, ice-cold fist. “…I see her sit in the center of this web of wires like a watchful robot, tend her network with mechanical insect skill, know every second which wire runs where and just what current to send up to get the results she wants” (Kesey 30). Then in comes the indomitable Randle Patrick McMurphy, a sane man who thought the ward was safer and less rigorous than the work farm he’d previously been on. The epic (at least to my mind) struggle of a man fighting for his fellow man against the cruel power of the institution makes for not only good reading, but a stimulation of the mind… a kind of minor electro-shock that sets off other little-shock-thought-processes.

What was McMurphy fighting for? What was he fighting against, really? A bitch with huge boobs and strange orange lipstick? Or a gargantuan power determined to kick the defenseless?

Although the result of McMurphy’s battle for change is unexpected and alarming, and certainly disheartening, I found myself bizarrely reassured by the end. The casualties encountered on the way to the final product that was the ward had not really been in vain, after all. One flew east, one flew west… Madness overtook the patients and they could fight it or give up. They either committed suicide, or were killed, or were discharged or left. But in the end, the point was, they all flew.

Living of love (say for me “love”)
22 July 2009, 4:16 pm
Filed under: My Day, My Explanations, Random Thoughts, Writing | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

It’s too late in the day for me to do anything but wait around for the guy to come trim the horses’ hooves. Michelle and Dad are going to run errands and visit the library, and I could go there. I wanted to go for a walk in the woods with the laptop and write, but I don’t know if I can now. I just don’t know.

I’m having thinking problems. Ha, what’s new? But there’s so much running through my mind. It’s like having that talk with Brendan and then reading some disturbing things have gotten the gears and cogs churning, and now they won’t stop. I cleaned stalls today, and all I could think of as I shoveled and wheelbarrowed away giant loads of horse shit was my own judgemental tendencies. Well, I guess I shouldn’t say “my own.” I thought of everyone else’s judgmental tendencies as well.

Brendan says that so many concepts of God and faith and Christians are distorted nowadays, and I can say from firsthand experience that it’s true. For me, church has rarely (if ever) been fun. My faith in God was a singular, lonesome thing. Powerful, strong… yes, okay. But I guess (or I’ve learned) that you need fellowship, a bond with others, to have a really motivating faith and strength in the Lord.

I’m not sure I’m ready for that. I’m shaking somewhere between real worship and hesitating. Wanting to touch that fire but afraid that if I do it will burn me.

I remember riding down the road last summer thinking, why do I like God? Why do I need Him?

It wasn’t some angry outburst or denouncement of faith, I was simply and innocently wondering. I’d believed in Him and tried to serve him since before I could remember, and in what I’d thought of then as one of my greatest hours of service, He craps out on me and I’m left with a church that politely is confused and disapproves and a child with a bitchy family and a temper tantrum.

So I rode down the road in my mother’s SUV and wondered to myself why I needed God. I closed Him off. I told Him that I was really sorry but our relationship wasn’t working out and I needed a little time to see how I could function on my own.

In that time, I’ve learned innumerable lessons. Rejuvinating lessons that brought me to the peak of pride and also humbling ones, that cut me low and forced me to see other perspectives and learn. Really learn.

I realized that, in this sabbatical, this vacation from God, that He really never left me alone at all. I just blocked Him out.

Okay, and this wasn’t intended to be a personal narrative of my hazy and far-between travels with God. But now I’ve been reading this book Brendan gave me, and I have another one to read, which is why I didn’t go to the library (I want to read this book instead of being sidetracked like I inevitably would be). It’s really opened my eyes to a great many different views. And, strange as this might sound to some, so has Brendan.

Yesterday we gave out free hot dogs in front of Jesse’s Toy Box. So many of the people who took one just stared at us and asked, “Why? What are you doing this for?”

Answers ranged from “Just because,” and “We wanted to,” to “It was Brendan’s idea.” But the fact remains that a single act of spontaneous kindness shocked the hell out of the bits and pieces of Gowanda that floated through.

I’ve gathered, from reading these books and watching Brendan actively demonstrate unconditional love for his neighbors, that it doesn’t matter who does what or who does who or who cares and who doesn’t.

It doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things if you swear or drink or smoke or hate it all. (As long as you’re not driving drunk or stoned; that is Bad.) But liberals and gays and partiers and prudes (and mystics and Republicans and hobos, and so on) make up the world. It doesn’t do any good, for me at least, to get angry or judge those who do differently than I do personally.

For example, my cousin– who I’ve referred to as my sister hundreds of thousands of times– is a pothead and a partier. That was hard for me to accept.

But because I love her, because she’s my family and because I trust her to continue to grow into a wonderful and beautiful person regardless of the things she gets into as a teenager, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not my job to judge her. I might not smoke, and I might only drink recreationally and rarely, but it’s her decision to do it. She’s a smart girl. She’ll do what she wants, and as long as she doesn’t get hurt or hurt someone else, it’s not up to me to interfere. It is my job to care about her and (if not necessarily support her) be there for her.

On the other side of the spectrum sits one of my friends. Yeah, okay, I doubt she’s reading this anymore (ha) but she recently posted a blog about parties and drinking that was highly brutal. It made me frown and laugh in the same measure. Firstly, jell-o shots have vodka in them and not beer, so that was funny and kind-of cute. But then, I didn’t like so much being referred to as an “old friend”– no longer worthy to associate with because I’ve indulged in a few drinks maybe three times this year. Details don’t matter, though.

The facts were there. Some people do get so wasted that they don’t remember what they did the night before. Hell, some people are still drunk the next morning.

Even though I told myself not to get angry or feel insulted, and that she really didn’t hate her thrown-away alky friends as much as it implied, I had to comment. My fingers were itching. I felt rejected and stupid, since her blog is one of the websites I frequent most, and although I hadn’t talked to her in a while I wasn’t aware that I fell so short. Apparently she doesn’t care, but that’s neither here nor there and I can say without bitterness or temper that people are people.

I was judging, too, by critiquing her thoughts when I should have just left them there and quiet. Now they’ve knocked what seems to be a hornets’ nest, and I can’t keep my thoughts from swarming noisily. I’m afraid I’m going to get stung.

I had thought immediately of the offense I could take from that scathing post as soon as I read it. What can I say, I fumed, to make her rethink this? She hates me for my choices!

And so I was stupid and commented and replied and now I sure as hell am going to leave that alone. But again, yet again, here’s a lesson for me.

It’s not up to me to kick aimlessly at opinions that are obviously unkickable. I could be a bitch and a hypocrite and blast her for intolerance– she’s pro-gay and fairly liberal, but hates teenaged drunks? How silly– but that would only cause more controversy. And as fun as controversy can be sometimes, it’s definitely not the goal. The same stands true for my cousin, as well. I don’t smoke, so I could rail at her endlessly about how horrible it is and how she’s putting holes in her lungs and doesn’t she know that grandma knows? But it wouldn’t do any good, and would just hurt her, and me. And poor grandma.

And there’s where it ties into God. I’m not preaching here, either.

Everyone lives differently. We are all raised differently, see things through different eyes. Who am I to tell my cousin she has to stop killing her freaking brain cells, idiot, or to tell my friend that she’s too big for her britches and since she’s never experienced drinking or being drunk, how the hell would she know?

I could just as easily be told similar things.

From my cousin: Look, dumbass, you’ve never done it. Don’t bitch at me because you don’t like it, you really have no idea. You’re not my fucking mother.

From my friend: You’re wasting your time talking to me, you’ve already made your decision to drink. And because you did, you’ll contaminate me by association. You screwed yourself over by doing the stupid thing.

And they’re both right. I’m right, too.

This is why my head hurts.

I’m pretty sure what I’ve been driving at circles back to God. I have to get this straight. It doesn’t matter what people think or believe or do. What matters is having love (the pure and true kind) blaze for people. The good and the bad and the ugly, all of them. Regardless of habits or opinions or bitterness. I’m not giving a shout-out for Christianity everywhere, either, because the church has made so many mistakes and intrinsically is rotting. (That’s my opinion, anyway.) But if nothing else, that’s what God stands for. That’s the point. To love others and keep that love from fading out to nothing.

So, I’ll feel love for the oddballs. And the normal ones. Straight-laced or tipsy, obnoxious or appealing. I’ve been thinking all day and all yesterday on this, and finally, finally… I’ve reached the conclusion that I will try to spread unconditional love.

A wall left blank, set for demolition

Sometimes when I see this blog form and it’s so empty, so white and unmarked, I am inspired. I can’t stop myself from jumping in with both feet and just letting my mind and my typing fingers run on.

Other times, I can’t stand the intimidating whiteness, hard and unwelcoming. A cement wall, refusing words. I can’t even graffiti black on white, type on screen. Nothing will come to my mind and I’ll turn away from this little blog, defeated.

Tonight, I felt the ominous presence of blank space looming at me in the shadowy light of falling evening. My mouse fluttered near the little red “X” in the upper right hand of my screen.

Then, somehow, I changed my mind. I didn’t leave, miserable with my own lack of voice. I just turned up the music and twisted the cement into something more pliable. Words, inspiration, whatever you want to call it.

This might be a completely pointless, rambling, metaphorical exercise, but chipping away at that forbidding white cement barricade gives me some satisfaction tonight.

I wrote for over an hour earlier, on my story. That might be entirely a waste of time, but it’s good for my mind and it keeps me writing. I can put down some of my imagination in a format where maybe, someday, someone else will derive enjoyment from it. If I could do that for the rest of my life, I might. There’s just so much I could do, I think.

It’s a lot to handle when I have to start looking at colleges. If I wasn’t such a lazy bum enjoying her summer (despite driver’s ed daily), I would get right on that, haha. Then again, I have dial-up here, still, so college research is awfully slow.

Nonetheless, I’ll be chipping away at that wall shortly. Obstacle by obstacle, I’m going to figure it out. Just like this blog, tonight. I guess the best way to gain satisfaction from something is to remove the mouse from that little red “X”, and break out the sledgehammer. Start knocking down what stands in the way of inspiration.


Now that I feel like Buddha, I’m going to share my wisdom. And elaborate.

I have encountered a number of life’s lessons this year (a tiny portion, I’m sure), and in doing so have discovered that not everything should be taken at face value. Not everything one comes across should be accepted as the truth.

That could be taken a number of different ways, depending on who is looking at it. If you’re a mellow fellow, you could just assume that I’m talking about the mysteries of life, and how they are just that– mysteries. And how we don’t really know anything.

To an opinionated soul, it might come across as vague, or it could be a direct reference to something. For example, I could be talking about religion or politics, and the facades and shrouds of half-truths that surround those shaky topics.

To the cynic, I’m probably wrong and misguided and what is the point of this blog again?

I’m agreeing with the three separate personas: I don’t really have a point in writing this, I’ve uncovered the wobbly fact that I think I’m agnostic and a conservative liberal, and I definitely agree that people don’t know anything. Myself included, most days.

Besides that, I’ve figured out that what the modern world takes for concrete fact, we should be questioning, and what people so eagerly attack should simply be accepted.

So… okay. I’m going to just jump right into it.

A concept I’ve observed is taken as fact: if you’re thin it’s okay to eat, but if you’re built differently, you’d be considered a plus size. Better stick to salad.

The actual truth: that’s just bull shit. Since when is it fashionable to look like you volunteered for a concentration camp? Get real, be real. Stick-thin only happens naturally to a handful of girls. So thanks but no thanks, I’ll eat my french fries, go for a swim, and enjoy the fact that I’ve got curves.

A completely unrelated concept: The government’s leading us to success and change.

Some food for thought: Why aren’t we criticizing Obama even half as much as America critiqued Bush? He can fuck us over as easily as Bush could.

And I could go on, but that’s enough opinion for me today. I’m going to go work on my book/story/whatever you want to call it. I’ve just been thinking lately, kind of deeply, that as a whole, society just sits back and accepts ideas that could really do us harm. Such as the projected images of skin-and-bones being “in” and adored, and the belief that just because we have a new president who can talk a good game, everything’s going to be peachy keen. I wish him luck, honestly, he’s got quite a lot to live up to if he wants to meet America’s expectations.

Society bashes a lot of age-old beliefs as well, when in the here and now there are people suffering, everywhere. Instead of harping on how outdated and wrong the Bible is, it might be a good idea to take a look at the main thoughts it preaches. To love everybody and help out your neighbot aren’t such bad actions, are they?

The most I can do, personally, is try to think of others before myself, and that’s tough for me. But when it works, when I do, it brings such a peaceful feeling. Satisfaction.

I really feel like Buddha now, ha. Enough with the deep thoughts. I’m going to go write some more and listen to the Avett Brothers and Scott and Seth’s kick drum hearts.

Golden summer
4 July 2009, 12:29 pm
Filed under: My Day, Random Thoughts, Writing

What a month June has been. I’m not going to reminisce over everything I’ve done this year… for me, June feels like the end, July the beginning. Then again when September rolls around, that feels like a beginning, too. Lots of new, exciting, and interesting life experiences are waiting for me in the next coming weeks, I can feel them. Tingling, humming, just anticipating the excitement of the hot orange summer sun, the sweet smell of July and steamy breath of August. Then the swift, sure change and finality September will bring.

For now, I’ll live in the moment and enjoy as many seconds as I can in the final two months of summer vacation. I’ll get a tan– already I kind-of have one. I’ll swim all the time: Michelle and I have been in the pool almost every day over the past two weeks.

I’ll enjoy myself, and damn the consequences. I’m only sixteen once.

So now I’ll go ask my mother the questions a friend needs to know in order for him to be able to come with us to this dumb fourth of July party where I will only know him and my family. I will brave the wrath of the mother figure in the pool facing her at volleyball. I’ll get my daily exercise and perhaps vent some of my own frustration and maybe kick mom’s ass for once. Haha.
And I can say, with sure certainty, that regardless of challenges or decisions or obstacles or reservations, this is going to be one hell of a summer.

So you think you can love me and leave me to die ?

As I sit here jamming to the piercing guitar riffs of Queen, I think on the possibilities the future has to offer. What’s new, right? I do that on a daily basis. Lately, though, it’s started to hit me… in a few short weeks I will be considered a senior, or at least in the transition to one. I will be preparing to enter my final year of high school.

I don’t want to! But in the same breath I do; I desperately, desperately do. I want to go out to experience what life has to offer, I want to leave my mark on the world. I want to be my own person, my own individual.

But I’ll miss not living with my family and seeing my friends daily when I’m away in college. I know I will make new friends, but what of the old ones? What will happen?

Anything can happen in that last year of school. Everything or nothing can change me, mold me into the person I will be when I leave for college.

I’m eager, and yet I’m terrified. What if I fail? Or, what if I succeed?

I know I’m not making much sense at the moment, but I didn’t start this blog with a set sense of what I wanted to write about in mind. It just kind of evolved with my stream of consciousness.

In any case, I want to make the most of what time I have left in Gowanda. “Youth is wasted on the young,” they say. Well, I’ll be damned if it’s wasted on me.


I wish I could do that right now. Just drift, float along the strains and percussive sweetness of Andy McKee’s fricken awesome song. But I can’t. Even though I feel stressed and out of it and tired, and like I’m just treading water until time passes, I can’t relax and let the tide sweep me away. I have to keep going, pushing myself and my muscles to move, to keep me from drowning.

I have sooo much shit to do. What’s new, right? But this time, it’s do or die. If I don’t bring my chem grade up, I am legitimately, for the first time in my life, going to fail a course. And I really want to get into Advanced Art. AND musical tryouts are coming up, and NYSSMA solofest is the weekend of the Hollywood Happening, and I am auditioning on level 6 All State solos for xylo and voice. And the kicker? I have an AP US History test this Wednesday, and hardly any time to study for it. Except right now. Ha ha. I have to go to a baseball game and take pictures shortly, also. Maybe I’ll beg off to stay home and study, but then mom would be confused and I’d have to explain the date and importance of that dumb AP test.

Oh, and did I mention boys? Always at the busiest times in my life I start to get exceptionally fond of them, and then I get even more strained. I think it’s the nice weather, everyone’s twitterpated. Ha, I love Bambi. :) But yeah. So, stress. Now I’m being compelled off of wordpress and toward my Advanced Art essay. Damn it, why can’t I just drift away?

Yet another day
21 April 2009, 9:29 pm
Filed under: Events, My Day, Random Thoughts, Ranting, Writing

I should be in bed trying to catch some z’s right now. Or any letters, really.
I felt like writing, though, and a few minutes of reeling off some thoughts can’t hurt.

Europe people got back last night. Some were back in school today, and we got to hear all about their trip. Some will be back tomorrow, and whether we want to or not, we will get to hear all about their trip.

Today was my first official track meet. It was at home, and I have a feeling we lost, but that honestly doesn’t matter to me. I mean, it’s important that we do well, but since I personally did my best, the rest fills in as a new experience. Whether we won or lost is uncontroversial. I have to say, I love the feeling of this kind of team. Before, I’ve been in a group of people where you have to depend on and work off of the other people in it (i.e. band, or musicals, or summer league softball), but I’m finding myself enjoying the comraderie of an actual, dedicated sports team. A school sport.

On another sports note, Sowa is pissing me off. Facebook is not the place to debate how ferociously the Capitols will vanquish the Rangers, however, so I’ll save it for tomorrow during AP.

I guess I just felt like writing or typing stuff out, but none of the important stuff that’s sifting through my mind feels like oozing into words, so no oozing for tonight. I’m signing off and attempting to get my eight hours of sleep. Even though by the time I get into bed it will be impossible, given when I’m forced into the world of the living. Mmpf, well. Good night.

“Kid’s got a lot of talent” [not referring to me, obviously]
9 April 2009, 7:30 pm
Filed under: Events, music, My Day, My Explanations, Random Thoughts, Writing

Gtown Showdown was today. It was okay. I was really excited in the morning but as the day wore on, my energy trickled away. By the time Taylor and I performed, I was mostly thinking, “I look like a skankasaurus rex” and “If those two end up talking during this I pretty much suck as a musician.” Because hey, Broadway isn’t the norm when you think of music, but I’m singing nonetheless and it’s important to me that the two people I’m intimidated by the most don’t have a low opinion of me.

Hah, and no, I have never admitted that before.

I know it’s really pathetic, don’t worry. But that was my frame of mind today, because I was exhausted and always, always afraid of saying something stupid. Stupider. Than normal, anyway.

And it’s probably a turn off to anyone reading this to think that I have such low self esteem. But really, I don’t want to end up as one of those people who is constantly talked about behind their backs: “She says the strangest shit… she didn’t use to be this way, I don’t know what happened.” I don’t want that “she” to be me. So I overthink: if I don’t want to be known for saying the wrong thing, I shouldn’t say much to begin with, and I guess that’s my strategy. But I really, really dislike it. I’m just too timid to do anything else.

And isn’t that ridiculous? Me, who’s always been confident and brave, and outspoken. Usually. And I’m afraid of two boys and what they think. Please.

I’m just tired, honestly. Tired and ready for a fun and relaxing spring break. And if we can just ignore that little part about me being intimidated by anyone or anything, I’ll be happy with today. Or as happy as I can be, given how I barely spoke unless it was to cheer or say, “More tape?”

God damn it! I hate being shy. My throat locks up and does weird things to my voice. I blush like a sunburned strawberry and am scared to speak my mind, in case it’s not what anyone wants to hear.

But, hey. Maybe I’ll improve. Get better with practice, or what have you. I’ll make unshying myself a new talent. Maybe I’ll show it off at the next Gtown. Hah.

I hate English essays

I hate English essays. Generally the books we have read in English this year have inspired deep thoughts about moral issues and personal feelings. When it comes to the book we have recently finished, especially, I find myself wanting to keep my private thoughts to myself, instead of spreading them around on paper or demeaning the book by having to bullshit some fake ideas in order to churn out a decent essay. I want to savor the thoughts and feelings the literature inspires, rather than mush the subject around until it’s no longer appealing or thought-provoking.

Therefore, I hate English essays.

Twenty below
9 March 2009, 4:38 pm
Filed under: Writing

I. Am. So. Cold.

I didn’t have time to grab my hoodie for track, and now I can’t seem to get warm. I’ll be hitting the hot shower in mere minutes, but God I am freezing.

I’m a little sick to my stomach too, but I ran over one and a half miles today. Whoo hoooo.

And for dinner we are having potatoes (baked in olive oil, mmm, if I make them), salad, and hamsteak. God, I’m hungry too. I say God a lot when I’m feeling like shit, I guess.

I can barely type, my hands are numb. And all day I’ve felt a little uninteresting and a lot boring because I can’t seem to capture someone’s attention long enough to have a conversation. Maybe he just has some sort of set image of me in his mind and can’t replace it with a better one. Whatever. I’m so exhausted (and it’s a good exhausted, so take note: I’m not complaining). But I’m just not in the mood to think and over-analyze and stress myself out over a guy who is normal around everyone else but me.

I probably shouldn’t talk, though, because I’m normal around everyone else but him. God damn it, but that does not mean we are in the same situation. I’ve taken the initiative so many times, without any kind of reaction except one dance. And that was probably on a dare or something.

Oh well. I’m boring. I’ll get over it.

I feel like I’m going to puke. But I am so hungry. I suppose I’ll get over that too. God.


So, I have not been blogging lately, but never fear. I have been writing up a storm.

It’s always been my dream to write a book. For as long as I can remember I’ve been making up stories left and right.

Now is the time where I get to feeling like my hypothetical biological clock is ticking. NOT for children… for a book.

There are already published authors who are my age or younger. I have a great deal to contribute to the literary world and am so eager to share it!

So for the past few weeks I’ve been carrying around a simple-but-perfect black composition notebook. It’s a lot like a journal, because the story is going to be narrated by me, for the most part. It’s easier telling a story that way; reading one written by someone else always makes me feel like I am in that character’s shoes at that particular place in time. What I write is always in story form, though; I have a setting and a cast of characters and I’m trying to go crazy with it every chance I get. I think it’s working :] As soon as I fill up the notebook, I’m typing and revising the little excerpts I have, then putting them in order. And then filling in the gaps with more story. Maybe I’ll even fill a second notebook, depending on how much material I feel like I’m lacking.

Ha, but anyway. There you have it, the reason why I have neglected my blog.