Kick Drum Heart

Little widgety calendar thing

Okay, I decided this last night as I was laying in bed attempting to sleep. Between tossing and turning I thought, if Brendan can give up the computer for a month, then I should have absolutely no problem writing for a month.

It doesn’t exactly correlate but in my sleepy-minded logic yestereve it totally made sense. So, beginning yesterday, I will be blogging at least once a day for the entire month of June. Even if they’re just little short blogs or poems, I will post something. Hopefully soon I’ll be able to come up with a sweet banner and theme I like, as well. It’s been like toenail polish lately: I can’t decide which one to do it in and am stuck with an in between that I’m not so fond of.

Anyway, that’s my plan. I usually end up trying to write, though, and ending up with double my normal output of words. Prose, haiku, what the hell ever, it usually just gets going when I try to be constant at it.

So it might end up, say, two or three posts a day. Not that it really matters.

I want to see that little widgety calendar full of links by July 1.

the Thinker

You know that statue of a guy in a slouch, with his head on his hand in a thinking pose? That’s me.

Except I’m not a guy, and I’m not marble or whatever. And I’m not naked, and I’m pretty sure that statue is (or maybe he’s wearing a toga).

Regardless, he’s me. Pretty much. I think all the time. About everything. I can be playing a game made to make me mindless and stop, but the gears are  still whirring, click-click-clicking along inside my head.

About what? Everything. But mostly about what I read. I swear to God, if I was illiterate, I would be a box of rocks. I wouldn’t even function. I might not even eat. What’s the point of snacktime without something to read?

I finished the seventh Harry Potter book today. Then I read the novel Rainbow Boys, which is about exactly what you think. Three gay kids in a public high school. I don’t know what made me check that book out of the library. I read the blush on Mrs. Ciminesi’s face as she scanned it for me.

I’m not questioning my sexuality (I like boys, of all varieties), but I had seen it on the shelf once or twice before and something in the back of my mind poked at me, like wiggling a tooth. Check it out, it said.

Well, I did, finally, yesterday. I finished it in three or so hours. It wasn’t emotionally moving, although I did burst out laughing a few times. From an ex-homophobe’s perspective, the narration was quite comfortable. I wasn’t uneasy, and generally I get a little jumpy, considering homosexuality isn’t something I’ve been exposed to a great deal. But this book was almost pleasant, in that I wasn’t uncomfortable at all.

But so, yeah. That’s what I’ve been thinking about. And that ties into Harry Potter because Dumbledore was gay (possibly with Grindelwald). Possibly one of the top three greatest wizards of all time, and a queer.

And so what. Before JK Rowling had said anything about it, no one gave a crap. After, there was all this talk about corruption and the rumors sprouted about Snape being a vampire, and…

Well, whatever, I’m digressing. But the fact remains that I’m thinking. About the parallels that Harry Potter reflects relating to the Holocaust, and persecution (Muggles=Jews). About how that kind of narrow-minded pursuit of those different leads to incredibly violent controversy.

And, finally, the deep wrench that comes with admitting you are who you are. On a personal level, I feel like I should be thinking and dwelling on that, in particular. That there’s something I need to admit to myself.

I don’t know what it is, yet, but I’ve done some soul searching throughout the past few hours and have found a number of possibilities. Probably all of them combined would have  the same bombshell effect on my family, were I to admit them to my family, as coming out.

Not that I will ever be coming out, since (ironically) that is the one massive life-altering announcement I will never have to make. Boys are by far my favorite gender.

But that’s going to have to be all for tonight. I’m exhausted, and I’m sure I’ll be up mulling over more as the hours drag on before I fall asleep. That’s one of the stupidest parts of being sick (or having serious allergies, as my recent symptoms suggest): I lay there fretting about how I feel like crap and thinking, rather than getting the excellent eight hours.

And that’s enough rambling for one night. Yepo.

Sugar low
23 December 2009, 7:11 pm
Filed under: My Day, Random Thoughts | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

So, I had quite a few nice discussions with Kevin today. We talked about some subjects that would have made most people uncomfortable, but we plowed on through ’em, ha ha.

It helped me sort a lot out, though. Like, fun does not equal sex. As if I hadn’t known that.

But it did force me to clarify my thoughts about this boy I keep focusing on (for God knows why, too).

I don’t want him for sex.

I think I want him for company, and for comfort. And of course, for me to selfishly reassure my female pride, since it will have proven I don’t suck at talking to guys.

So, as long as that’s cleared up.

And alright, this blog pretty much just bottomed out. I’m done writing, for now. Probably when I think of something else I’ll type it half-assed and post it. Like I did here.

Urghh. I really just want to sleep. I blame the insane amounts of sugar in school today.

Missing, my heart

I’ve decided I miss summer.

I miss the light-hearted freedom that accompanies every inhalation.

I miss the endless, constant green. I miss the breezes that seem to blow cool air straight from the beach (and not the part with dead fish sweating on the shoreline, either).

I miss the time when the Avett Brothers could make me happy with one light stroke of a pick across nickel wire.

I miss talking to people instead of hearing talk about them. I miss sleep. I miss “Hello, Dolly” and Emily and Kevin and I freaking miss Mr. Lerew.

I miss the changes I thought were going to happen that didn’t. I miss the opportunities I’ve wasted so far because I can’t function on so little sleep and am not focused.

I miss the comfort I once had, that placated the cynicism that keeps trying to corrode my mind. I miss the soothing calm of peace. I miss early mornings filled with sunrise and the laid-back mindset that accompanies not having to do anything.

I miss these things and people so damn much my heart hurts. Just feels like it’s aching and throbbing and is just going to jump out of my chest. It’s so miserable, it wants out.

I miss summer.

Also known as: “I guess I guess I guess”

Here I am again; crap.

I didn’t do anything I’d planned on doing. Instead I went down to find dad in the garage, and we “jammed” while Michelle and Tara were swimming. He’s so difficult to collaborate with sometimes, without John keeping him on track. “Can we take it from the beginning?” and he keeps playing. “Can we play a song I know?” and he keeps playing.

Whatever, though. I came back upstairs after the second attempt at “Pretty Woman” and jealously played Guitar Hero Aerosmith for a while.

And here I am now, fingers skittering anxiously across the black keys, hoping for some kind of relief or peace from the thoughts and energy and nerves that keep nagging me.

Tomorrow, I’m not going to care. I guess Mitt can make all the excuses she likes about me. I need some singing, some real singing. It’s not that “Helter Skelter” and “Heartbreaker” aren’t real, but opera is so much healthier. And, oddly enough, feels more powerful at times than the blasting-belting-breaktheglass I tend to do.

So, I guess I’m done here. I’m just restless, I guess. Itchy for something to happen. I want to be busy again. Practicing on my own and writing on my own and doing projects on my own are altogether separate from doing things because of a deadline. Because I need to. Quite obviously I still need to get them done, I just don’t have a present and looming driving force right now. (My willpower hardly counts as present, or looming.)

I suppose I’ll trundle off to bed here shortly.
It’s goodnight for now.

Unless I sleepwalk myself up here in the middle of the night. And you never know about those things, either. My subconcious makes me text and talk in my sleep, maybe sleep-blogging will be next.

See you tomorrow.

Blog from a green SUV

9:45 AM

You know when you wake up irritable and cranky, and aren’t fully aware why? That happened to me this morning. It took this long to remember why.

I dreamed last night I smoked my first cigarette.

The clammy inhalation of sweet, sweet smoke. The taste on my tongue. Of grey, of ash, tasting of warmth. My nerves welcomed it all as my head screamed NO.

I was only going to try one. In my dream, though, promises to myself and willpower meant nothing. Swept away by the breeze like so much smoke. I smoked the first cigarette, threw it away, then picked up another. Lit it like a pro.

My heart hurts today, thinking about it. Regardless of the fact that I’ve undoubtably inhaled the equivalent of dozens of cigarettes via secondhand, I’d vowed never to take one and smoke it myself. It was hell as a little kid, seeing both parents willingly inhale shit.

Now, my dad’s stained teeth and my mother’s loud, wracking cough are testimony to the suckage that accompanies what some fools endearingly term “ciggs.”

Well, thanks but no thanks. I’ve felt what these things can do to my own lungs. My sister was born premature and an asthmatic because of them. There’s emotional stress and health problems that tag right along with the pleasant buzz, or whatever the hell it is.

Smoking a cigg last night was just a dream. And it will stay that way, for me.

Why, that’s absurd (Blogging at 5:00 AM on a Sunday from a shitty, borrowed laptop)

I don’t know if there’s a better reason for being up this early other than I can’t fall back to sleep, but I didn’t want to take the chance that there was. It sounds stupid, but I don’t want to miss a thing… I’m reading The Irresistible Revolution right now and Brendan was right, it does change you. Already I am searching hard at my life, looking for ways that God can use me. I have the inkling I’m looking a little too closely, but I’d rather try and look too hard than not at all. Although, isn’t God the one who will find service and drop it in my lap? See, I don’t know. So I’m confused and starting to get eye and soul strain, here.

Oh, and I think I was trying to text in my sleep again. Cait wasn’t here last night to check on me, but I woke up and my phone was next to me instead of shoved back way under my pillow, so I was moving around pretty forcefully, at least.

I love sleep. I don’t want to give up sleeping because I act like a moron and can’t stop from growling out names and trying to contact people in the dead of the night. How absurd.

The word “absurd” makes me think of “Titanic,” and Rose. “Why that’s absurd!”

I wish I had a Jack (preferably one that wouldn’t sink). I think he’d be a lot of fun, and he’d think I was fun too so there would be no issue. He wouldn’t be too hesistant or too much of a whore. He would want to talk to me or screw me in a car, depending on the moment. We’d have a lot of good times. He wouldn’t expect commitment or a solemn vow of dedication and devotion– he would adore me in the moment, just as I would him. He would understand that there was only one life to live and enjoy, and he’d want to spend a few short moments of his with me.

That, to me, is the perfect balance in a guy. Not too flighty, so I think I’m cheap, but not that willing to settle down, either. I don’t want to feel trapped. I don’t want to have to spend every waking moment thinking about one person and how they feel and what they think and how best to please them. I want, for once, for someone to want to please me but not want to commit to anything serious. I thought boys liked to be considerate sluts?

I’m not saying I want someone for a fuck-and-run. I don’t want to spend time with a guy I can’t respect or have a decent conversation with. But there should be some kind of happy medium, an easy chemistry that doesn’t require too much input from either of us. I want a friend who likes to kiss me, I guess. Haha.

Whatever, I don’t know what I’m talking about. I’m probably not posting this. At least not until eight o’ clock, anyway. I might go back to sleep. God will find me, I hope. Or else I’ll keep searching, just not when I’m on six hours of sleep on a Sunday morning. Good night.

I told you not to keep me waiting

“And now the afternoon is fading on…”

How ridiculous. I am having dreams– and, according to Cait, speaking and trying to text– about things that I shouldn’t even be thinking of in the daytime. They’re not that important.

Boys suck. I need Trank’s “Wall” back; I don’t know what the hell happened to it. It had cement, and steel, barbed wire, and razor ribbon. And plus it was purple. I’m trying to get it back again.

We’d had an agreement, KT and I. She would give me her Wall for two weeks, and I would use it while she toddled around with her emotions unprotected. It worked really well for a while, and I kept it longer than two weeks. She fell in… would you call it love? Lowercase “l” love, anyway. I was fine, completely objective and unaffected.

Now things are starting to affect me, apparently, because although I still talk about issues to Caitlin and Trank with that unbiased and untouchable attitude (usually), I dream about the rest with personal affectation. Cait told me this morning that I was muttering boys’ names and trying to text them on my phone. I actually held a conversation with her about them. What the hell?!

She could be bullshitting me, but I highly doubt it. (We do sleep together after all, there’s a certain level of trust there, haha.)

I am extremely uncomfortable with the thought that I have no control over my subconscious. It was like that after prom, too, when I was passed out from exhaustion on the couch. Grandma Merrill came over and I had a conversation with her while still sleeping. Heather called and apparently I told her I was sleeping, and I have no recollection of ever saying so.

I don’t want to be affected by anything to do with boys– I won’t fall in love, that’s preposterous and I don’t want to– but I can fall in like and I can feel offended and pressured and stressed about them. And quite honestly, they’re not worth it. I have other things I need to be accomplishing and focusing on doing. Boys should be at the bottom of the list.

So here is where I will steady my weakening resolve. I’m bringing back the Wall. Through my own willpower, I am going to return to the distant and unreachable facade I’d held earlier in the summer. I won’t care. And if I do, I hope it will freaking stay in the dark recesses of the night.

Not so swell

My first thought upon logging onto wordpress was, yes! I have spam!

It really doesn’t matter to me about receiving views and comments and whatever. I mean, this is for me to write and ramble on, and if someone happens to stumble across it and like it (or not like it) then great.

But I’d forgotten how cheering it is to know that someone actually saw the page. Someone’s checking in, someone cares. It makes me smile.

On a different hand, I’ve had a constant headache today. I don’t know if it’s the shift in energy– with Caitlin here everything seems more exaggerated, more energized, and I’m not used to that kind of hyperactivity. I’m usually a laid-back kind of girl, unless something needs to get done. Then I’m driven, but not (usually) to the point of frenzy. The house has been a whirlwind of frenzy lately.

So, I’m ready for some downtime. I’ll admit it. I’m just tired and achy and a little pissed. Why pissed? one might wonder.

Well, I guess I’m not really angry, per se. Just a little peeved. But when you suggest making plans with someone and then never get back to them, it’s irksome to the one you don’t get back to. Translation: goddammit, if I said I’d text you back about the plans we were going to have, I fricken would. No question. I don’t leave a friend hanging.

And I guess I was left hanging.

It doesn’t matter, and I’m not cranky because oh no, he might not “like” me. I’m cranky because it’s simple common courtesy to say if the plans won’t work out. And I’m not bitching about bad manners, necessarily, but I’d do it for my friends. I’d tell them when something was going to fall through.

Oh, yeah, and I have bug bites effing everywhere and I’m itching like the dickens. It’s too warm and I feel disgusting and did I mention I have a headache?

I’m going to bed. And hopefully just go right to sleep instead of brooding over issues I have no control over and will only constantly think on if I don’t.

28 January 2009, 10:01 am
Filed under: Events, My Day, Random Thoughts | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Mauve, violet, lavender, amethyst. It goes by myriad monikers but it otherwise known as purple.

I am rocking the purple today. My lips are mauve, fingernails royal purple, and my scarf is laced with lavender and plum. I am ready to go into the english regents and come out victorious.

This morning, I have consumed an entire pot of coffee, so with all luck I won’t start drowsing in the middle of the final half of my english exam. Out of all the tests, I have a feeling that I’m going to get the best grade on this one (a good thing, because I’m sure my chemistry Regents are going to blow and I’ll need this grade for an average booster).

I’m feeling a little jittery, but I’m pretty sure that’s the coffee speaking through me, har har.

I got up at six thirty to the sound of my sister, breaking dishes. She dropped an entire stack of plates and they smashed. Thankfully, she wasn’t hurt, and they weren’t the new plates I just got my mother for Christmas. Phew.

I am so ready for this! I just want to go and get it over with. I have to wait for the bus to get here; even though we’re supposed to get there at 11:45, he said he’d be here around ten-thirty, so it’s like, ahhh. Hmmm. Okay, so I’ll be there an hour early. I guess I can go do yearbook.

It’s blizzarding out, too, and I’m not positive when exactly he will be getting here. I’m the only one who needs picking up, too. Uhg… Well, I guess I can make conversation, even though I’d rather continue getting pumped up via the music on my iPod.

I’ve been blasting the music all morning since my family left. I’ve visited Funkytown, jumped on it, done it in the road, felt untouched and turned the music up. It’s all been fairly helter skelter.

I just need to pee and brush my teeth and I will be completely ready. Hoo boy. I am going to kick this exam’s ass. Be ready, English Regents, you won’t have seen a score like mine.

Yea, tho’ I walk through the hallway of the crapload of Regents

1/27/09     7:10 AM    The Car

I am not feeling too hot right now. My stomach is still unsettled (although not NEARLY to the extent it was yesterday). I’m on my way to take the Math B Regents for the fourth time. I have never failed it– I just have yet to get the score I want on it, and it’s the one exam I don’t mind taking again.

I had a Kashi granola bar and a cup of coffee for breakfast. And now I really don’t feel so great. Oh, uhg. I thought it was better than eating nothing! which is what I wanted to do.

I just want to go home and head back to bed. I never don’t usually want this… but today it sounds perfect. Heavenly, in fact.

Alright, time to go. Here’s the school.

Oh; but my mom and sister are talking about the dentist, which reminds me– I had a dream last night that I was at school and there was a smiley poster for free dental care for one day only– the “Day of Smiles.” Strange!

Another snow day

I feel a little like writing. Maybe not just the blog today; mayve I’ll pick up a pen or a story outline and set to. Who knows?

Anything’s possible today, though… we have a snow day.

Ha, don’t think I haven’t noticed my own change in attitude toward the days off. Friday was shitty; today is marvelous.

It’s exceptionally marvelous because I mayormaynothave lost my National Honor Society folder and binder, and my voice lesson materials… they are definitely floating around here somewhere, but in all of my hectic cleaning haze, I must have misplaced them.

You know what’s excellent? I have all day to find them. I looked for them last night amidst a cloud of panic, then finally resorted to sleeping and hoping their location would come to me in a dream or hallucination or something. As it is, I did have a restless night, which is why I was up so early today, but I still have no freakin’ clue where my missing materials might be. I am cheerfully planning to conduct a large-scale search for them…. later.

I think it was the addition to something fun to my schedule that put me in a good mood. All last week it was “go, go, go”– and I honestly felt like I was the hamster in the little wheel: trying to go but simply turning round and round in the same exact place. I didn’t think I was trying hard enough, but the more I tried to push myself to get things done, the more frustrated and exhausted and befuddled I became.

But then I cleaned the house, and spent some time chilling (literally) with friends, and voila. Good mood is back again. Maybe that’s key– the friends and fun thing. If it is, though, then why am I constantly being reminded, no fun until the work is done?

Oh, well. I’m happy this morning, and once I find my runaway papers, I’ll be happy tomorrow morning, too. So bring on the snow days, I’m ready for anything.

Pillow be mine… later

I was so tired today. And less-than-energetic. And Little Richter wouldn’t shut up in keyboarding and it drove me insane. Plus, I have resumes and National Honor Society crap to do… not that it’s crap. It’s just stressful and time-consuming, when I have such little time to begin with.

It’s amazing I find time for this writing. I’m going to continue to find the time, though, because I’m sure this is good for me.

I really want to sleep right now. It’s too early, and I have things to do, but I really wouldn’t mind just drifting back into pillows and drowsing. It sounds so lovely, and peaceful.

I’m excited for tonight, though, I suppose. Play rehearsal, and then a basketball game to work (concessions). I hope play is productive. Sometimes we really don’t get anything done, and today, I’m honestly not feeling so peppy and friendly. I worry that I might get frustrated and cranky and bitchy. I hate it when I’m like that, despite how ruthless and powerful unchecked rantings make me feel (ruthless and powerful). It’s the after-bitching phase that sucks: the looks your friends give you and the muttering, and the sinking, awful feeling that maybe, shit, I just did something wrong.

Society disapproves of my bad mood. Oh no.

Twenty yawns per hour is my record

I am exhausted. My skin’s so dry it’s itchy and my eyes are searing with fatigue. I want to go to bed, but it’s not even close to bedtime.

Another yawn comes on again as I sit here thinking over my busy schedule. All county rehearsal tomorrow after school, then I go home to tutor a girl at four. At five I get to shower, then rush around and try to make sure Michelle and I are ready to go back down to the school for the chorus concert at six. Hours later, I’ll finally reach home and have time to myself… which I will put to use studying for the AP History test Thursday and finishing any English homework we might have.

Tomorrow will most surely be a “hump day”– where you have to keep going and going until you’re over the hypothetical hump and rolling into Thursday, which inevitably leads to Friday, which then leads to…

Saturday. Saturday is my shining red beacon in the midst of this hectic, tumultuous week.

My focus right now is to just get through tomorrow, though. Then maybe things will calm down a little.

…or maybe not.

Now I’m going to go help my sister understand trapezoids. Now I’m going to go help my sister understand trapezoids.

Shit, I seriously just typed that twice. Ahhh, I’m leaving that. I need some sleep.

I dreamed I fell of the edge of the earth.

I was flying, at first. The landscape below me was tinted a pale sepia. I saw thick forests race by, follows by plains and rivers. Thin streams spilled into a vast ocean where waves rippled noiselessly. One moment the sky held me, and I saw earth in its perfection– the next, air gave way to pale, lifeless nothing. The water dropped sharply away and I barreled downward, wings and limbs and long streaming hair tangling. My perspective changed, and I saw my own death as it happened, felt spinning, sickening, freefall adrenaline as it affected my body before my eyes.

The edge of the earth had rocks at the bottom.

I woke from darkness into darkness, pulling in deep breaths. Minutes passed before my racing heart slowed.  I wiped a thin sheen of cold sweat from the back of my neck with one hand while the other held up my mass of hair to cool the skin beneath it. I piled my hair atop my head haphazardly and leaned back into my pillows, puzzling. The dream I’d just had was not the only dream that showed me my death like a bad picture reel playing across my brain. It was just one of many, one of many frequent demises laid before my mind within the past month, every night, without fail. Last night, for example, I’d been burned alive. Incinerated. Needless to say, after almost four weeks of this, I was unnerved, befuddled, and not just a little fearful of the unknown doom that lurked before me every night. 

As for my daytime behavior, I’d be come strained, stretched to breaking point. Exhausted, I was snappish and irritable toward anyone and everyone.

I was also insanely curious. What do the dreams signify? I craved an answer.

I sighed in consternation and rolled to my side in bed, fumbling for the cell phone on my bedside table as I did so. I found it and checked the time: 5:49 AM. Damn, then, only eleven more minutes until my day was forced into bright lights and underfilled coffee mugs.

I tried to make the most of the situation by snuggling deeper into my cocoon of blankets and then lying perfectly still, curled up and eyes closed, hoping pointlessly for a deep and peaceful rest to find me.

With the peculiarity of sleep, it did.

I felt warm, cozy, and alive. Comfortable and comforted. I was myself, but wore a smart black dress– a strappy number that hit mid-thigh and left most of my back bare. My hair fell down my back in a cascade of shimmering, smooth gold and elegant black pumps increased the sophistication and appeal of the ensemble. Rather than feeling trashy in such a revealing gown, I felt classy. I strode along a city with narrow streets and shabby grey buildings but didn’t feel out of place in the least. I knew where I was going.

I reached a tall, ornately-carved oak door and knocked once, briskly, using the heavy brass knocker shaped like a rearing griffin with a sword through its heart. It took what felt like five minutes for someone to answer.

When the door finally did open, however, I felt a purely feminine jolt of approval at the sight of a tall young man who appeared to be about eighteen or nineteen. Deeply tanned skin, melted-chocolate eyes and exceptionally toned muscle were made mischievous and intriguing by the instant appearance of a quick and cocky grin. “Hey,” he intoned, a deep bass making my dream-heart pitter-patter. “Come on, Luk’s been waiting for you.”

He turned and led me up two flights of stairs, and proceeded to say, “You look great, by the way.”

As I watched him, I replied honestly, “Ditto.”

We reached a hallway, and then he paused before another oak door. He rapped out a brief “one, a-two-and” with his knuckles, then stepped aside to let me pass as the door was opened from the inside.

A large parlor, decorated in maroon, pale blue, and white with flecks of gold awaited. I was less than impressed with the color scheme, but recognized expensive furniture and accents. I observed a lack of televisions, stereos, and computers before I observed Luk.

In one of three large, comfortable-looking maroon armchairs sat a youth whose looks surpassed my guide’s. Tousled, dark blonde hair looked faintly windswept and a fair, finely-chiseled face turned in my direction. An open, welcoming smile was the last feature I noted before I was plunged into blue. His eyes were electric and I drowned in them. Waves of warmth fizzed pleasantly over my skin and before I was completely aware of it I was standing before him. I reached out my hand, and his grin broadened– he touched his palm to mine and my hand felt on fire–

Then I heard a noise, a buzzing. I was pushed roughly on the shoulder and jostled out of my other world. The sexy black dress was replaced with worn out pajama pants and a t-shirt, the heat in myt hand became an uncomfortable tingling– my head was resting on it and it had lost some circulation. The rough treatment I was receiving was courtesy of my sister, who demanded I get out of bed before she would leave.

“Get out,” I mumbled, turning my back to her.

“Get UP!”

“Leave!” I reiterated, thinking drowsily of Luk and blue eyes.

“Get UP!”

My eyes snapped open at the interruption of my reverie. Fury crept up on me. “Get OUT!” I said, louder. I tossed back my covers and sat up, frustrated with my sister and myself. She scampered out of my room, leaving me in darkness still, for which I was thankful. I heard her say “Mom, she’s cranky today,” as she stalked up the stairs in all of her ten-year-old intolerance for the tired.

I attempted to sink back into the soft mattress for one last time. I’d had a decent dream going, and I hadn’t even died–

I paused. I’d had a decent dream going. I hadn’t perished. The first dream I’d woken up alive in for over four weeks had just taken place. I felt a rush of gratitude for the nameless cute guy and this Luk, whoever he was; I hadn’t died when I was with them, and I’d gotten to wear cute shoes.

No Answer Yet

I had a sad dream this morning. I can’t remember or understand what made it so sad, but it made me angry, too, because I don’t think I should have to wake up and drown in melancholy. I have no control over my dreams when I’m in such a deep sleep, and I’ve been so busy lately that that’s the only kind of sleep I get. I hate being out of my own control: having my emotions manipulated while I’m not in an aware state of consciousness drives me nuts.

The “in control” train of thought dragged me to the question, “What would I like to do with the rest of my life?”

Early mornings do that to me: push me in front of difficult, almost out-of-the-blue questions that steamroll over me and leave me desperate for another cup of strong coffee. (Nine seemed early, I was exhausted and dad had just woken me up to say he was leaving and that I should go back to sleep… yeah, sure.) 

Well, I honestly don’t think I’d mind so much being a teacher. A high school English teacher, who directed the school musical. Ha, it’s realistic enough thinking, isn’t it?

Then I hear the crashing of my dreams as they fall to the ground, and the ominous clank of doors shutting all around me– opportunities wasted if I go into teaching instead of performing.

After Broadway, I tell myself. After I’m starring on Broadway, I can think about what to do with the rest of my life. How to make it a life I would treasure, how to make every minute sparkle with the joy of being alive.

That happens now, the sparkliness. After all that happened last year, I’ve figured out how to make everything glitter and gleam and glow with optimism (or if not optimism, at least a positive kind of enjoyment in my negativity– i.e., I’m glad I’m alive to be pessimistic, instead of dead and, well, dead). I’m pleased to say I’ve learned how to put a lighthearted twist on almost everything, instead of dwelling on an immense amount of ridiculous notions that I don’t have any control over.

But the rest of my life? My future? College and a job? I have control over that, I just have no idea as to how I should go about exercising that control. There are an infinite amount of colleges to choose from, and branching from there spiral limitless choices: what major, what minor, on- or off-campus? Good food or good professors? Instant fame in a tiny little school or be a small fish in a big pond?

How am I supposed to make these decisions?! They will affect me for the rest of my life!

Microphone and stage makeup or SmartBoard marker and Wal-Mart shoes!?